Author Topic: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...  (Read 127730 times)


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Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:28:30 AM »
* * *
Greetings... Welcome to the home of the Custom Level creations by those who take the time to add richness and quality to a brilliant game.

1- Click the name of the level you want to download, this will take you to the individual page where you can comment on and download the Author's creation.
2- If you like the level, please take the time to say thanks and any other details you'd like to share.

Every piece of feedback helps the designer's with their endevours to make Eufloria a truly magical game.

* If you have made a map please PM me, AWS, so that I can add it to this list. Thank you. *

 ... Enjoy  ;D alphabetical order, by author, then by newest level first...
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Author:    **Aino**

Map Name: The Broken Belt (10-May-2011)
Features: * Prepare, to meet the aliens yet again, but now they are more furious and angry than ever. They'll crush you and your foolish army within seconds, unless... you beat them.
                 * Hard and long map
                 * Non-linear
                 * Includes Alien AI V1.1
                 * Partially big map

Map Name: Tough Collisions A 'Mod' Game
Features: *This level has nothing to do with Eufloria at all, except for the use of the Eufloria Engine.
                * If you think the game is too short, write this in the console "SizeRatio = 0.1". That's the percent of size from the "eaten" dot that will affect the size of the dot that is eating!
                * And when you think of new levels, you just respawn at atom size when you die...
                * The 'bound' is to keep the action close too you, and it's like the eye view of the dot...

Map Name: Square (28-Apr-2011)
Features: * Ever wanted to just fight every AI that exist for Eufloria at this moment? Well, now you can!
                 * Currently all empires/factions start with 50 seedlings each

Map Name: Solar Conquest (23-Mar-2011)
Map Type: The map is huge, VERY VERY HUGE!
Difficulty: Hard
Features: * Fight to dominate solar sytems.
                 * A big map, very big. But varies because of;
                 * Randomly generated map, which includes:
                 * One BIG asteroid(star) and other small asteroids(planets).
                 * The map does not have any gravity, custom AI or parallax.

Map Name: Risks (15-Feb-2011)
Map Type: Short - a short played map with 45 asteroids.
Difficulty: Hard - as you will battle 4-6 enemies on 2 fronts (both sides)
Features: * 1: You can't grow trees.
                 * 2: You can only capture an asteroid if you are the only one having seedlings on it!
                 * 3: Seedling will automatically appear on every asteroid a player/enemy owns every 4th second!
Other: Does not have any of the usual engines(IAI, Gravity, Parallax(3D Starfield))
Map Design: You can face two different map designs, one with one ring and one with two rings crossing eachother.
The map is not linear either.

A new concept made in just a day, hope it will turn out well.

Map Name: Rings (2-Feb-2011)
Features: * Capture all the enemy asteroids while fighting on a 100 roid large map.
                * The asteroids shaped 4 rings with one big in the center, there is not much possibility to get to the center, but you may do it with one asteroid.
                * In the map you will also experience a thorough/ smart AI and random events.
                * Some more information is found in the console when you start up the map.
                * Tip: Don't expand to fast, the greys are here!

Author:    **annikk.exe**

Map Name: EverSwarm (13-Feb-2011)
Map Type: Randomised
Difficulty: Variable
Features: * Randomly generates a level every time you play.  Between 15 and 50 asteroids are positioned in a randomised, organic way.  All asteroids are ultimately reachable by others, all send distances and stats correspond to asteroid size.
                * Infected AI spawns between 2 and 8 enemy empires for you to fight against.  Be sure to play them off each other - you have no hope of taking all of them on by yourself!
                * 3D Starfield Engine gets its widely anticipated first outing.  Lots of different visual effects can occur.  The visuals differ between plays, so I would expect you to still run into surprises on your 5th or 6th play.

To win: Capture all enemy asteroids.
Loss occurs if: You lose all your asteroids.

Map Name: EXTREME PWN LAZ0RZ!!12 (17-Jan-2011)
Map Type:
Difficulty: Very Hard
Features: * To win: Help your Empire to conquer all asteroids. Defeat occurs if: Your empire loses all its asteroids.
                * 1.  You control a single laser mine.  You do not directly get to control any seedlings or asteroids.  Your job is to help your empire's seedlings colonise the galaxy and destroy the enemy.
                * 2.  Left click a location to move there.
                * 3.  To attack seedlings orbiting an asteroid, typically you must first left-click the asteroid and allow your mine to bump into it once.
                * 4.  Asteroids will flash to indicate they have a power up for you.  Bump into them with your mine to collect the power up.
                * 5.  Your health is displayed in the top left.  Bump into a friendly asteroid to heal.
                * 6.  Don't just send your mine to an asteroid and wait for it to kill stuff - your mine will probably die.  Instead, zoom right in and "dogfight" with the seedlings.  Avoid letting them shoot you too much.
                * 7.  Think you've won?  Victory seems like a formality?  Don't count on it.  :>
                * 8.  It's recommended to disable tooltips in the Options menu before playing this.

Map Name: Frontier (04-Jan-2011)
Map Type: Non-linear
Difficulty: Hard
Features:   * Gravity..  asteroids move!
                  * Collision Detection.  Asteroids bounce off each other.
                  * Screen Wrapping.  Asteroids disappearing off one edge of the level will reappear on the opposite edge.
                  * Infected AI v2.3 - first public release map to use the newly overhauled AI.
                  * Introducing the Parallax Engine - stars in the background give the illusion of depth.
                  * Lots of other hidden Easter Eggs and surprises!
                  * To win: Conquer all asteroids. Defeat: Occurs if you lose all your asteroids.

Map Name: Infinity (30-May-2010)
Map Type:   Very Large, Open
Difficulty:    Medium/Hard
Features:   * Gravity
                  * Infected AIv1
                  * Numerous level-specific mechanics, which I shall leave you to discover for yourself..
                  * To win, capture all asteroids. Defeat occurs if you lose all your habitable asteroids. Remember to send some scouts to the comet as it passes..
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)

Map Name: Fluffy's Comet (14-May-2010)
Map Type:   Small, semi-linear
Difficulty:    Medium
Features:   * First outing for new Gravity Engine - a Comet sweeps through the galaxy every 7 mins as it orbits the sun, bringing extreme terror!
                  * Infected AIv1
                  * The Sun's Core Energy rises and falls depending on the distance of the Comet.
                  * To win, capture all habitable asteroids - ie everything except the Sun and the Comet. Defeat occurs if you lose all your asteroids.

Map Name: Infected Empire (03-Apr-2010)
Map Type:   Open (non-linear), Custom AI
Difficulty:    Hard
Features:   * All-new 'Infected AI', completely seperate from the AI used by the original game
                  * Background flashes red when you are about to be attacked!
                  * Procedurally generated spiral galaxy
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)

Map Name: Infected Empire: Epic Edition (03-Apr-2010)
Difficulty:    Hard
Features:   * Ready for a challenge on a greater scale, and have several hours to spare?
                  * In this map there are 80 asteroids instead of 32

Map Name: Slightly Poorly Empire (03-Apr-2010)
Difficulty:   Medium
Features:   * AI starts with fewer seedlings, so it should be easier to win.
                  * Infection giving you trouble?  Why not try Slightly Poorly Empire - you should be able to win with nothing more than a day in bed and some ointment!
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)

Map Name: Day & Night (18-Feb-2010)
Map Type:  Open (non-linear), script-assisted
Difficulty:   Hard
Features:   * Unique procedurally-generated Spiral galaxy design
                  * Time-based day and night cycles, sunrise, sunset
                  * Highly aggressive supplemental AI for handling large scale swarming behaviour.

Map Name: Return to Fluffy Land (31-Jan-2010)
Difficulty:   Very Hard
Features:   * Battle through a collapsing asteroid belt, survive the zerg and surprise attacks, navigate past the pulsar and reclaim Fluffy Land as your own!
                  * You've all been asking for a hard level, well, you've got it.  It is possible to win - I have beaten it. But this one should keep you guys busy for a while.
                  * There's some pretty nice eyecandy if you get far enough though..

Map Name: Fluffyland (19-Jan-2010)
Features:   * Here is my first attempt at a level. It's pretty basic but should hopefully be fairly hard.
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Author:    **AWS**

Map Name: Montezuma's Revenge (11-Jan-2011)
Map Type: Infected AIv2.3 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:  Very Hard
Features:   * Likely to take well into the 2hr+ range. The second level to take advantage of annikk.exe's new Infected AIv2.3!
                  * Will require all your battle-hardened abilities to destroy the two rather effective enemies. Be prepared!
                  * For this I"ve tried to make mines a great deal more useful and powerful as a two-stage weapon-
                  * Increased number of 'petals', a vastly increased explosion radius upon death and increased detection range to help deal greater damage to those pesky hooligans!.            

Map Name: EVE & EVE100 (8-Aug-2010)
Map Type:  Infected AIv1 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:   Medium/ Hard
Features:   * The 100 version is the harder version- you start with 100 seedlingers.
                  * Eve is the unofficially titled '200' version. I had previously considered the 100 version to be practically impossible, so made 'Eve (200)', but Ytaker proved me wrong so a big thanks to you, sir.

Map Name: Aeon (7-Jul-2010)
Map Type:  Long, Infected AIv1 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:   Medium/ Hard
Features:   * Imposing, but not immediately so. This was a real attempt at making a long, epic map. Weighing in at the 2 hour mark, its challenging. An interesting feature is that at about the halfway mark the tempo swtiches into a more a serene, seemingly slower paced game. Seeds have to travel much greater distances as larger asteroids are discovered which gives a nice aesthetic of seedling flow. I'm pleased with this map because while making it in phases (you'll be able to tell when you can see the whole map later in the game if you look hard enough at the layout design) it has a nice completeness to it, with a dash of ridiculousness due to the vast distances of the late game compared with the start.

Map Name: Alpha (5-May-2010)
Map Type:  AIv1 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:   Easy
Features:   * First 'half' of the level is a good fight, from there it becomes a little easier.

Map Name: Binary Black (27-Apr-2010)
Map Type:  Infected AIv1 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:   Medium
Features:   * Named Binary Black mainly because the original, Binary, had lots of undulating colours, which I personally enjoyed, but was impratical for a general release. It is now toned down somewhat, to a more generally enjoyed dark mode arrangement.
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)

Map Name: Binary (27-Apr-2010)
Map Type:  AIv1 (annikk.exe)
Difficulty:   Medium
Features:   * For those who feel like their challenge wasn't quite enough, you can try it again but with this gratuitous, undulating colour scheme, which of course, has no effect on the difficulty of the level!
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Author:    **Axel**

Map Name: Field of Thorns (04-Apr-2010)   
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Author:    **cinemabaroque**

Map Name: Invasion Beta (07-Feb-2010)
Features:   * Some of you might have played the First Contact level that I made- this is similar but with more polish and no random crash bugs! Its a defense map where you have to hold onto your four home asteroids for twenty minutes.  
                  * Lose them all and its game over.

Map Name: Mid Point V1 (16-Nov-2009)
Features:   * Mid Point V1 is more plot driven (than Mid Point)and less of an outright slug fest.  Have fun!

Map Name: Nemesis V1 (16-Nov-2009)   
Difficulty: Hard
Features:   * You'll have to fall back from time to time as I've finally got the AI to occasionally attack in force. It also will outnumber you by quite a bit so don't be afraid to retreat, its better to save your forward fleet from destruction than try to hold onto a couple of asteroids.
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)
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Author:    **dragoonreas**

Map Name: Recursion (WIP) (03-Aug-2010)
Features:   * It's still a work in progress at the moment, but the current features of note are:
                  * A tree fractal algorithm to move asteroids in recursive orbits.
                  * Utility and feature functions for more modular code (not very neat at the moment).
                  * A debug mode for troubleshooting. This allows for things like the values of variables to be written out to a text file so you can check that they hold the expected value when the level is running.
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Author:    **jhchrist**

Map Name: Dwarf Planets (08-Feb-2010)
Features:   * Dwarf Planets is a map with large bodies, each surrounded with smaller ones. I've wanted to play a map like this for a while, but couldn't find anything on the forums. After looking at the .level and .lua files from the built-in maps, I see why. Generating this map is done mostly through scripting, since I can't figure out how to express what I want through the XML while still maintaining the random aspect to maps. For those who want to go digging, the .lua file is somewhat parameterized, so you can change the kind of map you get with just a few changes to the source.
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Author:    **Mihhaelo**

Map Name: The Swarm  (24-Jul-2011)
Features:   * 4 difficulty modes. Build up charge to enable the Nova Bomb!
                  * The Swarm will spawn for five minutes. You will win the map by surviving the five minutes and then killing the remaining attackers. You will lose if you lose one of your trees.
                  * To destroy seedlings, simply click on their nose (the very front of them). Some need more clicks than others. There are larger "boss" type seedlings, that require more clicks. These have hit boxes that you need to aim for.
                  * Every successful click adds to your power gauge (in the bottom right hand corner of the screen), every miss subtracts from your power gauge. When the gauge is full, you can press right click for special ability that hits seedlings in a large area (doesn't hit the bosses though!).
Map Name: Night Stalkers  (10-Apr-2010)
Features:   * Pretty much the same as the first map 'The Night Creepers', only this one has a random map and is a lot faster.
Map Name: Convergence (27-Oct-2010)
Features:   * Because I've removed the enforced colour settings, it's recommended that you enable the Accessible colours option before playing this map.

Map Name: The Dark Mirror (02-Jun-2010)
Features:   * Level lasts 5 minutes!

Map Name: The Night Creepers (07-Apr-2010)
Features:   * This is my first attempt at a map. Feedback, suggestions and comments are welcome.
                  * (Featured in Community Map Pack 1)
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Author:    **njursten**

Map Name: Ladder (24-Nov-2009)
Features:   * Inspired by cinemabaroque I tried to change the behavior of the AI using scripting. Generally I get it to concentrate most of its forces towards the frontier.
                  * The map layout is kind of uninteresting. Started out as a try at the tower defense idea someone mentioned here on the forum.
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Author:    **pastuh**

Map Name: Revenge V1 (10-Nov-2009)
Features:   * Added +2 asteroids to randomize. (now +4 random asteroids). And 100% invisible computer asteroid!
                  * Computer asteroid radius very important. Must be 300 or bigger. If you change to 200, asteroid will be visible.
                  * Computer asteroid shows up when you conquer asteroid with radius who reaches him and if you click on his (invisible) location/asteroid.
* * *

Mods / Tools
Below are mods and tools designed to be incorporated into your level desings... Have a play and make it your own!
NB: they are open-ended; ie, they may not have win conditions, etc. They are for enhancing your levels/ modding purposes only

Author:    **Aino**
Link to multiple functions;
GetMouse; DistanceSquared; HoveringOverRoid; DrawText; Minimap; RingDesigner - Map Editor;
Aino's Functions

Author:    **Annikk.exe**
Annikk's Mechanics;
Infected AI; Gravity; Parallax
Annikk's Mechanics


Author:    **Hitman271**
Rally System (v3):
Rally System

« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:15:47 AM by AWS »


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 10:20:00 PM »




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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2012, 02:06:23 AM »
I'm going to reorganise the forums this week (or as soon as I get the chance).

Note that modding new Eufloria HD is quite different to the old one, so I'll do a new forum for it. Also, we don't officially support modding on it yet - the reason being we want to make a load of modding related additions. That's one of the major reasons we haven't officially released it yet (Spring/Summer 2013).

However, feel free to mod away and post up requests for when we get on to modding stuff. In particular, we want to allow rendering modifications (perhaps even texture and shader replacements if we find a nice way to do it), completely customisable story modes, new user entities, and so on. It would perhaps work through Valve's Workshop system - I need to look into this as I don't know much about it, but we wanted to find some way to let users share levels easily.

It'll all be script based, no fancy editor, but we'll see what we can do :)

NO PROMISES!!! Just ideas, not looked into practicalities.


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 03:17:45 PM »
I just wonder why the game always shuts down,when I load those maps with  DIY functions..
OH...I've got it.. :-X
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 03:29:43 PM by Breakord »

Jazz Ad

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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 05:31:03 PM »
I reinstalled the game and finding all the custom levels was painful, so attached is an archive with all the maps sorted by author with comments from this thread.
Download, unzip to ...\Eufloria\Resources\Maps and play.


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2012, 08:53:21 PM »
Nice idea, Jazz Ad, thanks! Adding the decriptions from this thread is a great added value!

(Not that I needed them, though, since I’ve always d’loaded them when they appeared in the forum.)


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 03:10:33 AM »
I just wonder why the game always shuts down,when I load those maps with  DIY functions..
OH...I've got it.. :-X


Lost Seedling

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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 07:21:24 AM »
These are actually quite a few custom maps available in the Euflorium, both as regular-play maps and other games built using the Eufloria engine. There are also numerous utilities(mods and tools) for designing maps and other programs of an experimental nature.

Here is a list of custom maps (for pc) that I'm aware of with primarily classic Eufloria game mechanics. If I were to include utilities and other types of game-play, experiments, etc. the list would be much longer.

A Day in the Life - (Observation only- non-playable)
battle side
Colonising Wars
Eclipse-B -(Unlimited procedurally-generated and selected custom-made maps)
Field of Thorns
Frontier by annikk.exe
Hostile Sector V2
Magellanic Metro
MAI vs AI (normal)
MAI vs AI (Epic)
Montezuma's Revenge
Return_to_Fluffly_Land (rendered unplayable due to a Eufloria update)
Rings FIX 1
Rings of Corruption (not sure if Aino ever posted this map)
Save Our Solar System v2.3 by Brad vas Normandy
Solar Conquest
Star V1.2
The Broken Belt
The Prisoners
Visit To A Green Planet

All of these maps are available for download in the "classic mods" section. If you haven't played them all you're missing a lot of good times! Hopefully AWS will find time to update the "Central Roid".
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 04:31:13 PM by Lost Seedling »


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 12:26:15 PM »


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 09:09:13 PM »
Might be easier if you wouldn’t SHOUT that much ;)


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2013, 12:39:48 PM »
any ansewerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2013, 08:12:16 AM »
are you saying that you want more levels to play?:)


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2016, 02:38:16 PM »
are you saying that you want more levels to play?:)
yea men!! where are they!!!! :-\ :o 8) 8)

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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2016, 08:46:36 AM »
I had no idea Uruguay was nearly 1.5 light-years from Earth.


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2019, 02:36:12 AM »
Hello guys

I want to download some custom maps from this page but it seems links are not working properly?


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2019, 02:59:04 AM »
Gizmo, it is unclear what exactly you are trying to download and from which location. Most of the custom maps listed on this site require you to have the "Classic" Eufloria game in order to install and play them. They will not run on other versions of Eufloria. These map files are scattered around the site in the original posts from the map creators. Can you give me a name of one particular map you are having trouble downloading? I can check if the link is working for me and help you further.

As for the link you included in your post, that appears to no longer be a valid website having been abandoned a long time ago. Use this page to search for the originals posts where you can download the maps directly:

If you need help in installing and playing any maps let me know.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 03:06:56 AM by Lost Seedling »


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2019, 03:38:54 AM »
hello Lost Seedling

surprised for such soon reply, thx ;)

I wanted to download all available custom maps from:
but each link is sending me to some weird page:
Map Name: The Broken Belt (10-May-2011) =>
Map Name: Tough Collisions A 'Mod' Game =>
and so on..
basically cannot download any map, I tried different web browers and still the same.

Could you pls check as well?

Lost Seedling

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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2019, 03:49:44 AM »
Below are links to the pages for the two maps you listed. To find other maps you'll need to go to the link I provided earlier and search through the postings for the map you're looking for or use the Search function at the top this page. Both of these maps downloaded fine for me from the links below. Let me know if you need more assistance. Incidentally, Tough Collisions is not a standard Eufloria-game map but and experimental mod. There are a number of wild experiments you may run across in your downloads.

Broken Belt:

Tough Collisions:

« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 04:02:55 AM by Lost Seedling »


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2019, 04:16:51 AM »
thx below links are working for me, but still I do not understand why I cannot access all maps through: (is this correct page?)

if I try link:

Map Name: The Broken Belt (10-May-2011)
Features: * Prepare, to meet the aliens yet again, but now they are more furious and angry than ever. They'll crush you and your foolish army within seconds, unless... you beat them.
                 * Hard and long map
                 * Non-linear
                 * Includes Alien AI V1.1
                 * Partially big map

it sends me here (check attachment)

Lost Seedling

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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2019, 04:43:26 AM »
This page you're currently reading was an attempt by one of the members to create a link for all the maps but has long since expired many years ago. Right now there is no one page where you can download a variety of maps. You must search through the postings from the link I gave you earlier and search out individual maps in their original uploads/postings. If you look at my post here in this topic I listed almost all of the playable maps currently in existence. However, you will still need to search them out individually. Are you able to download the map files from the links I gave you and install them in the game?


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2019, 04:53:03 AM »
aha.. it would be nice to have such page to have all custom maps downloadable from single link, but if it is not working then I will search through forum and find all maps separately..
thx Lost Seedling for help and I really appreciate quick responses ;)


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2019, 08:26:00 AM »
Dyson-Game dot com has apparently been given up long ago—IIRC the developers of Eufloria feared to be sued by the Dyson company (those who make and sell the vacuum cleaner).


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2019, 06:35:32 AM »
The post pattern has been held onto when switching from dyson... to euflorium, so you should be able to change out the link and be able to navigate to the intended page pretty "easily". Not as easy as clicking the link, but doing this should yield the results you want without having to search the forum each time:
1. Copy the link, say Annikk's "Everswarm", which is ";topicseen"
2. Swap out "" in the link with "", and end up with the link ";topicseen"
3. ? ? ? ?
4. PROFIT!!!!

I of course haven't checked all the links, but for the ones I've done it with it works brilliantly.


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2019, 10:48:41 PM »
working like a charm ,thx Aino ;)


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2019, 04:27:05 AM »
I wonder … would it somehow be possible to send a seedling through the forum’s abysses and have it exchange all
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* …?


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2019, 05:00:43 PM »
I *might* be able to do it, but it'd take me a little while to work out how. And also to work out how not to get caught as a spammer.


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Re: Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2019, 05:32:31 PM »
Given that we're deciding what to do with this forum generally, I'd hold off until we have an answer. I just posted on the Discord but one possibility it we hand over core admin to someone else who can then maintain it and sort the spam issues out. That would also provide the freedom to do any self-mods like suggested here.