God! Cannot express my gratitude to you too much!
Thanks a lot!
By the way, you are really a know-all!
I think these guides are pretty enough, at the very least, I have a diretion to try.
Always fun to help! 
I'm not so sure about the know-it-all thing though, I still have some things I have no clue about in coding and other things. It's just about practice, and as far as I can remember I've been practicing coding for several years.
I wonder though, does the code I provided work?
Ah, yes, it works well.
Actually it works like this:
GetAsteroid(int id):Seedlings(int Fation)
This returns a group of seedlings belong to the faction you passed in(must be on the asteroid you passed in).
To get a certain one, that is:
GetAsteroid(int id):Seedlings(int Faction)[int index]
for example,
there are several seedlings belongs to faction 2 on asteroid 0,
now let's get a seedling and some of its attributes:
Some attributes can be set, like Attribs(though somehow the seedling with Attribs that you passed in still "looks" like the same as its brothers) .
Others like Position, CurrentEnergy, Damage can not(I think..).
So there are new questions..
Is there any way to set attributes like Position, CurrentEnergy or Damage?
Or can I simulate the progress that a tree or seeding being attaked (to die)?