AI Assist:Having trouble keeping up with Infected or Merchant's too-quick and inhuman response times? You can only move and click your mouse so fast!
The solution is
AI Assist.
AI Assist is a suite of buttons that you merely have to place your mouse over to perform some basic tasks in seedling management. Do you want all your seedlings to gather on a specific asteroid? Just move your mouse over the appropriate button and instantly all your seedlings clicking of the mouse to slow you down! Waiting for your asteroid to get enough seedlings to plant a tree? No need to keep clicking on the asteroid to check- just place your mouse over the appropriate button and the tree will be planted as soon as possible!
In the pictue above, the AI Assist Panel is located in the bottom Left of the screen. This panel can be moved to anywhere on screen you desire by clicking and dragging with the mouse. It consists of these 12 buttons, 10 of which are functional:

From left to right:
Button 1 activates the "Mutant AI". This AI will take control of your seedling Empire and fight your battles for you. If you choose to use the Mutant AI, you should activate it as soon as possible as each second of delay allows the enemy to gain the advantage. You can activate or deactivate the Mutant AI at any time, however, and it will do it's best to defend the Empire.
Button 2 will evenly spread out your seedlings from whatever owned asteroid you have "selected" to neighbor asteroids with no trees and less than 10 enemy.
Button 3-6 will gather your seedlings from the indicated map "Quadrant" (see Button 10) on any asteroid with less than 10 enemy seedlings and send them to the asteroid you have "selected".
Button 7 will gather all the seedlings from the neighboring asteroids of your "selected" asteroid and send them to the "selected" asteroid leaving 5 seedlings on the neighbor asteroids.
Button 8 will plant a tree on any asteroid that has no trees but where you have enough seedlings to plant a tree. It will also gather all seedlings from your entire Empire and send them to the "selected" asteroid. It will attempt to only gather those seedlings that are not otherwise engaged in balttle.
Button 9 will plant a Dyson Tree on any asteroid that needs trees where you have enough seedlings to plant a tree, regardless of what asteroid you have "selected".
Button 10 will display your Empire divided into 4 quadrants evenly-divided by number of asteroids you own. Use this to determine which Quadrant you wish to control with Buttons 3-6.
Explanation of Attachments:
Attached are 4 playable maps and 2 code files.
AIAssist V1 Basic Edition is the code for inserting AIAssist into a regular-play map. It will look like the panel above.
AIAssist V1 Programmer Edition has two additional buttons of interest to map-makers. It also has more options for Button 10 that will allow you to watch the Mutant AI thought-process in action.
AIAssist Demo Map is a playable map where you can test out the AIAssist in an actual match against Infected or Merchant AI.
AIAssist Demo Map Programmer Edition is the same map using the Programmer Edition instead of the Basic Edition.
The AI War Maps are Annik's maps where you can watch Mutant fight Infected or Merchant or play with the AIAssist.
In any instance where you wish to use the Mutant AI, you should activate it immediately upon map-start as every second of delay degrades it's performance!
Also, if you wish to install AI Assist into your own map, do not use code from the playable maps as that code may have been altered for demonstration purposes. Use only the original code contained in the code-files.
Have fun!
I will be away from my computer for a month or so, so if there are any problems or questions it may take me a while to respond!