Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 358311 times)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #200 on: June 23, 2009, 04:32:43 PM »
Great game, just finished all the levels however there's some things that'd really improve the play. I didn't read through the whole thread though, so apologies if these things have been said before. Perhaps you could keep a list of suggested ideas in the first post, anyway on to my suggestions:

  • Tree health: When I'm attacking an asteroid, or I'm being attacked, I have no idea of how quickly a tree is being killed, or how much health it has left. Do trees recover health over time? It's especially a nuisance when attacking a strong asteroid.
  • Seedling Speed: When attacking another planet, speed seems to be a disadvantage. Playing one game I conquered a planet which was quite good (>150 core energy and almost full Energy, Strength and Speed stats) however, when I used the seedlings from this planet to attack I found they couldn't take a planet very well because they flew too fast to shoot at the trees and so it would take a long time to take one out.
  • Moving a specific number of seedlings:The number of seedlings to send increases too slowly at first while holding right click. It should reach close to full speed by about 7 seedlings, not 15 as it is at the moment. It slows game play moving seedlings around, and also is a nuisance while under attack. You're forced to wait while the count builds up slowly, send all which usually results in the then empty planet being attacked, or manually increment which is faster at first but not as good once the speed builds up on the count.
  • A Global Stats Overview: An overview of some stats, mainly total seedling count, perhaps players asteroids, number of trees, and number of empty tree spaces could be included as well but the latter three may just add to bloat.
  • Being stuck on unclaimed asteroids: I can understand the point of this - to stop players from exploring the entire universe straight away - but it is quite annoying. Especially if I send a force of strong seedlings to take the asteroid from neutral enemies, and then want to use weak seedlings to plant trees on the asteroid. I can't because I can't get my strong seedlings off the asteroid, so I'm then forced to use the good seedlings to make a tree. I suggest just making it so that the player cannot send seedlings outside of the range of claimed asteroids.This results in stopping the player from uncovering the entire map, as well as allowing them to move seedlings around freely.
  • Fullscreen Resolution/Video controls: I can understand this not being in yet, but with my low powered graphics card (Radeon x300) the game runs slowly at 1280x1024 (probably ~21 fps). It would be better if the game just took on desktop size by default.
  • In game instructions: These are a bit lacking, and particularly don't explain defence trees very well. Perhaps a tutorial level could be made to supplement the instructions.

There is of course more that could be added to the game, but at the moment I think it's better to get down a smooth, flawless interface and game play experience.

Tree Health
We have a solution planned for this

Seedling Speed:
Yep, this will be fixed too

Moving a specific number of seedlings:
This is definitely going to be fixed.

A Global Stats Overview:
We have discussed this... we may or may not have time for it... Ve vill zee....

Being stuck on unclaimed asteroids:
You can send your seedlings back from where they came in most cases.. We will probably make it more clear though when a one-way situation may occur.

In-game help
The help system will improve a fair bit!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #201 on: June 24, 2009, 05:53:53 PM »
Just to get ride of the confusion

Tower = defense trees (come one - strategy games defensive structures = towers )


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #202 on: June 27, 2009, 07:59:00 AM »
Well, I read all pages of the topic.

I strongly disagree with most ideas about adding more content or diversity into game - it is not so balanced as it is.

From my point of view, the main drawback now is the movement system.

1) Amassing armies is very dull and repetitive in the endspiel.
Idea of waypoints or rally points has been proposed five or six times already. I will be sixth or seventh, I guess.

Ability to send seedlings to any place that is within reach from any asteroid in empire is good and reduces number of clicks, but doesn't eliminate the problem.
You see, the main point in waypoints is when you're conquering a large map, and have many asteroids in your rear that will never ever be attacked, you can just set a waypoint from safe asteroid to the frontline asteroid to transfer seedlings and never think about safe asteroid again.

There is no need, I think, in complex waypoint, patrolling, just if ((A.waypoint_max)&&(A.seedlings.Count()>A.waypoint_max)) A.seedlings.GoTo(A.waypoint).

2) You can't order your seedlings to move forward from an unconquered asteroid. AI player can, human player can't. Well, that effectively ruins most efforts to create a "runaway" map. You just can't amass a hundred seedlings and search for a new (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) home, you must conquer everything on the way.

I think, allowing player to move forward anabasis-style or evacuate defeated garrison from lost asteroid will add more tactical possibilities to the game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #203 on: July 03, 2009, 06:04:51 PM »
This is a great game.

a couple suggestions I've thought of:
1. show seedling health, this could be blurry when numbers go very high but it is helpful.

2. I've seen that the seedlings can't turn they rather bump into the asteroid and with the force of repulsion turn, seems rather unprofessional.

3.One time, one of my seedlings attacking an enemy asteroid dug his own way into the core and seizing control over all of the trees (without wrecking one), I thought this was pretty cool and would like to see more of this.

4. Everyone said about moving certain number of seedlings but I want to have control over the kind of seedlings, like have an option to attack only with the big seedlings and populate using the little seedlings, and have speedy seedlings automatically go defend neighboring asteroids.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #204 on: July 10, 2009, 08:39:27 AM »
I just tried this game, and got some suggestions. I suppose most of this has been said, but still.

I understand the creator wants this to be a chilled out experience, with minimal UI and controls, but I'd say this game has potential to be one of the most balanced "RTS" games, showing which player got the best macro skills. I'd play the seed out of this online, if it had a few changes.

1. Multiplayer! I'd love to face other people opposed to the AI. The game was fun, but no challenge at all. It came down to infesting roids and grinding down enemies. What I'd love to see is 15-30 minute long multiplayer battles, 4-12 players and about 50 roids to infest. To start the game quicker, the starting planet would allow about 8 or so trees.
2. Rally point system - it's annoying to have to move every seed manually from roid to roid. Let us make rally points :)
3. Quick select, the most annoying thing right now is having to wait while holding the right mouse button, to select all seeds. My suggestion is double right click and type how many seeds you want to select, or push A for all on the current roid.
4. A bit quicker gameplay, 33% or so.
5. Different colors of roids depending on what seeds it's capable of producing.
6. Scaling cost of trees, first tree costs 5 seeds, and each after costs one more. This would force players to more strategically choose which roids to infest, rather than claim them all as they go.
7. Defensive trees don't work that well, in my opinion they should be trees that create unmovable seeds that orbit the roid normally. Let's say maximum number of seeds produced is 6 plus one for each defensive tree on a roid. These seeds wouldn't stop the production of attacking seeds (if the limit is reached).
8. Simple UI that shows total seeds, moving seeds, orbiting seeds, total roids and such.

If multiplayer cannot be coded into the game (which I doubt), I'd at least love to have a huge random generated skirmish maps with a saving option. The game is great already, but it can always get better. Also I disagree with people wanting more types of trees / seeds in the game, I think having just one type of unit has its charm.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 08:50:44 AM by Kehah »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #205 on: July 11, 2009, 12:48:45 AM »
hi all, second post, new to the game and loving the basics.

i posted this elsewhere but:

i am loving this game done all six of the levels on the main screen in a couple of hours, i really like games like this.

have you considered porting onto xna for the xbox 360 arcade, with a couple of bits added to make it multiplayer over live , i think you guys would have a hit.

also someone asked in another thread about planets, though i think it would make a person too powerfull you could have slightly raised areas indicating land masses instead and youcan take over a land mass. which then would help build a solar system- system for multiplayer.

and as for stacking it would make you too powerful. but as i said i do like the idea of planetoids, but with land masses anyone can take over then your seeds fight it out on the planets too.

don't change the look, it has a kind of retro and neat look to it, just like another strategy game called n+.
but if you do, put in the menu a classic or new look button so you can switch and all it would do to it would be asthetic.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:50:26 AM by sice »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #206 on: July 15, 2009, 01:11:12 AM »
Few suggestions:

Defensive Trees: I think they should be stronger, since at the moment the game seems weighted to seed trees and offense, leaving very little advantage to defensive trees. But I'd suggest that you change the way they work too: instead of having them release one missile at a time, have every branch able to release a smaller missile which immediately begin to regrow. The smaller missile does less damage than the current ones but the sheer number of them consitutes a decent swarm threat. This would scale their effect on weak/strong enemy seed pods (weak needs to consume less missiles than strong).

If you are planning to have smaller or larger asteroids have different growth rates or seed spawn rates, may I suggest a method of visually showing that: have the glow in the middle pulse periodically, which moves up the root and causes a growth effect. Different pulse rate/intensity for different sizes.

Currents of just-visible wind (particle effects? Distortion effects?) in space making movement in a direction faster or slower: this is just a random thing that could make it more visually interesting without seeming more cluttered and add a bit of strategy.

Right click to pick a number of seedlings: How about also if you click and hold right mouse button, you can move the mouse up and down to move the number up and down quickly, like an invisible scrollbar? Just a convenience thing. Also, as you right-click (or right-drag if you so choose) the ones you selected could glow slightly, so you can get a sense of proportion of the overall amount.

Tree growth over time: I'm not sure if this is already implemented, but having trees grow stronger and more effective over time would work well. Damage would knock back size, and they could be damaged by a capture, reducing their size and immediate effectiveness, as well as just by being blasted.

Tree per asteroid limits: Perhaps larger asteroids could hold more trees, which has already been suggested. What about the different tree types taking up different amounts, so you can have more defensive trees than seeds. Probably no real need for this. But you'd switch from a simple /5 limit to a /100%, with the different types taking up different amount of, let's call it dirt, signified not numerically but visually; perhaps with the inside of the asteroid 'filling up'? And trees that grow over time could consume some 'dirt' and grow more quickly, which would take up less asteroid 'dirt' per amount of effectiveness (rate of pod spawn) than if you spawned down a whole lot of trees at the start. An asteroid you never bothered filling in the back of the lines would slowly grow to use all by itself. There's a bunch of different ideas in this paragraph, but I can't really seperate them out.

People have pointed out that you there are effectively different classes by different types of seedlings, but there's no way to differentiate them to send fast but weak this way and strong but slow this way. And there's very little strategy to laying them out, as you pretty much just cluster them all at the front lines regardless of type. Perhaps have fast ones able to move more distance as well as faster? But that would require being able to seperate out the fast ones in some way. Hmm. Perhaps the slow or fast could orbit at different heights above the asteroid, and you could drag and sweep your mouse through seeds to 'grab' them. Also, it'd be nice if there was a way to make it so that it was better to have, say high energy ones much better at defending and high strength ones attacking, or some differentiation. I just think that different stats should all have their own, viable but distinct use.

Population Limits: This is a tricky one. At the moment, the hard limit means that I just designate a 'cluster' asteroid that's small somewhere near the front lines that has useless stats, grow only defensive trees, and just spend most of my time in the game routing new seeds to that asteroid. Thus, the population limit of 32 on each world has little effect beyond annoying the player, and no effect on strategy; features that only exist to annoy the player are rather bad gameplay design. A new method of population control seems to be in order. An idea I like is the idea that the trees produce at a constant rate no matter, but seed pods wither and die slowly over time. This produces a different kind of hard limit, since you'd hit a point where the death rate matches the growth rate. They could wither faster when there's too many in orbit; you could show this by have a glow of atmosphere that gets muddy and contaminated when there are too many seeds 'feeding' off it.

I really wish there was a rally point system in place. If you got rid of the 32 population limit for another system like the one above, that would remove what I suspect is a major reason for wanting to avoid a rally point. Moving things to my front lines is so tiresome.

I'm against the idea of adding too much complexity, like new trees, kind of seed pods. Anything that can't be represented easily and artistically visually shouldn't be included, and you should avoid adding numbers or buttons or more requirements than a mouse and two buttons . This game should stay fairly abstract.

(Also, can you put in the 'how to play' section the fact that 15 seeds makes a tree? It took me a while to figure out why that button worked sometimes and sometimes not)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 04:34:11 PM by Bellerophon »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #207 on: July 17, 2009, 08:44:47 PM »
First of all thanks for the game. I just wanted to say some things that I'd definitely add or change in the game, keeping in mind that game concept is nice in its simplicity and I think it is better keeping it this way.

-Add to options menu
*Levels of difficulty. There are game levels, but why not improving replayability introducing selectable reproduction rates and improved stats for enemies.+10%..+20%...etc...that makes all more challenging.
*Speed level. This way, people can adjust the overall speed to their like.

-Rank or score system... people like to know how well they have played. It is a little boring to replay the same level, if you don't feel you can do it better. Speed, number of trees, difficulty levels if they were ever set could be taken in consideration for ranking. It doesn't need to be numerical. Also the possibility of uploading rank or score.

-Somehow balance defense and attack. I never build defense trees, because they are not needed.

-Perhaps also adding a mixed tree, which produces seedlings at a slower pace and helps defending when planets are attacked?

-Level designers should be able to control stats for each planet. I like the idea of core points being distributed unevenly in defense/attack treepower, ie. if value for attacking trees is set to 0 players can only build defense trees. Also planets can only produce seedlings or defense trees if one of the values is set to 0. That would improve level design strategy. Also implement variable reproduction rates depending on the planets.

well keep up with the good work


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #208 on: July 18, 2009, 10:23:47 PM »
yeah I'd really like to see a setting to make this more fast paced. Would increase awesomeness in every way.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #209 on: July 19, 2009, 09:20:07 AM »
How about some strategic tree types? For example, a tree type that extends the range of a roid. This would allow you to make staging locations from which to launch attacks. Another idea is making planet stats customizable by choosing from three types of seedling generation trees, one for each stat. the more of each kind you have, the more that stat stacks up, (Though each roid may still have it's own unique stats). And one more idea, the ability to send seedlings into space without having to send them to a roid. This would allow you to intercept raids, though it may require some ai changes. This would also give a greater benefit to the speed stat.   


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #210 on: July 28, 2009, 07:13:47 PM »
I hope this hasn't been noted before, but I don't really feel like reading through 14 pages. :)

When you win, it'd be nice to do a World Of Goo kinda thing where you can continue conquering the world until you decide to move on.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #211 on: July 29, 2009, 04:52:50 PM »
I hope this hasn't been noted before, but I don't really feel like reading through 14 pages. :)

When you win, it'd be nice to do a World Of Goo kinda thing where you can continue conquering the world until you decide to move on.

This has been looked at and it is on our list of potentials. We will see what we can do :-)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #212 on: July 31, 2009, 07:06:27 AM »
...4) New trees. What is so charming about the game in my eyes its the simplicity but I feel its a bit to simple. My suggestions would be to give each asteroid 2 additional slots for special "trees" [So a asteroid has 5 slots for trees and 2 slots additional for some special trees]These slots should be like upgrades to the asteroid. My idea at the moment would be that you have 3 different trees to increase the statistics of the seeds growing on the asteroid - one for each attribute. So you can decide to offset a weakens of the seeds or enchant there strengths. Maybe another option for a new tree would be something that ingresses the number of seeds in the orbit and there range that they have to reach other asteroids. Or another one which prevents enemy doing a flyby as it is currently possible...

I agree with him on this, new trees (or mybe new units) would be kinda cool. It would kill the idea of this being an indie game and make it a strategy game, but hell lets face it, you play indie games when FPS's become stupid and you can't find a good strategy game to lay into. Also those enhancement trees...good idea but...I don't know, you'd have to limit the ammount of enhancement so that it does not completely eliminate the need to find a good asteroid with a lot of whatever trait you need to breed the seed you desire.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #213 on: July 31, 2009, 06:22:55 PM »
Well it is a balancing act. Rest assured we will add some additional depth to the game, but we are trying to do in such a way that the simplicity and accessibility of the game stays intact. :-)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #214 on: August 08, 2009, 03:05:31 AM »
I guess, for what it's worth, my personal view is that the game already struck a very nice balance. A very simple ruleset can allow for a deeply complex and nuanced game (just look at chess  :P).
I do feel the game as it stands is striking a pretty fine balance, especially given that level-designers can affect the behaviour of the trees. Holding the asteroids as a constant feels fine, when the trees can be considered as a variable; and the seedlings, of course, are defined by the asteroid's parameters.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #215 on: August 15, 2009, 07:14:19 AM »
Suggestion: Ctrl + right mouse button selects 10 units... When you want to select 100 out of 200 seedlings its too slow to hold rmb and wait go up 1 by 1... ;)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 07:21:04 AM by hamai »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #216 on: August 16, 2009, 02:07:19 AM »
I noticed the talk about planets and asteroids.  To my knowledge, only asteroids are in the game so far.  I'd imagine planets wouldn't be much larger, just to keep the sense of scale, and they could have concentric circles within them.  Each interior circle could allow you to grow an additional tree.  A planet with three nested circles within it, for example, would allow you to grow three extra trees.  Add that to the five you can already grow, and you have eight.  If multiplayer makes it into the final design, you could create a "king of the hill" mode, with one planet at the centre of the map that could be taken.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 12:10:44 PM by Zach »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #217 on: August 21, 2009, 01:41:01 AM »
I love this game.

But I have one suggestion: if it is in the game, then make it important. For now it doesn't matter what kind of tree I grow. Maybe defence/attack trees could ver slowly attack other asteroids or something, because now they are redundant.

Anyway, i would Dyson right now, just add some new levels (well, not levels - objectives) and im sold.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #218 on: August 23, 2009, 04:03:46 AM »
One cool thing, you could do, is by 100 seeds, the possiblity to create a single moon. It is known that asteroids, can in fact host a moon[]. Only a tree could be at the moon.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #219 on: August 26, 2009, 03:57:19 PM »
Before the actual suggestions: please write in the help file that "you cannot send seedling from a meteor that does NOT belong to you to another meteor that does NOT belong to you". It's either a bug, or a feature... but i had to guess it myself and i didn't understand why my units were not responding until level 4...

I will obviously skip obvious suggestions like multiplayer or better sending more units at a time (easily be done by popping out a bar to drag on when pressing the right mouse button on the target meteor and dragging to determine how many / what % of seeds to send).

 - Please split the seed counter for each meteor... it's annoying to think that you have 90 seeds on a meteor... but 80 of them are in the air, moving to another one. Either only show how manny are actually on the planet, or show 2 counters on each meteor which say how many are on the planet, and how many are being moved.

 - Add some sort of "fertility" field to the meteors.
This field will determine how fast seedlings are built, a value between (x, 1] which would be multiplied to the speed the seed is growing (x would be different for each meteor). Every tree would slowly drain the meteor, and combined with the tree growth, there would be a curve in seedling production which first increases (because of tree growth), than decreases shortly (tree growth was in balance with fertility drop, but not anymore) and towards the end remains constant (fertility reached minimum level).

 - Decompose:
Sacrifice some seedlings (lets say 10...) to increase the fertility of the meteor (should not be increased above 1...).

 - Meteor commands.
The simplest command: automatic seedling forwarding. Turn the meteor into a production facility that sends all incoming units (either produced or from another meteor) to a specified meteor in range.

 - If you make trees randomly... why not meteors? They're all circles... why not give them some sharp edges and make them more meteor-like.

 - Don't make all seedlings from one planet exactly the same... if for example the planet has 70% strength level, make the seedlings randomly between 65 - 75% (or make even a larger error to make it more interesting....).

 - I'm not sure if it's done like this... but speed should have a small influence on attack rate.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #220 on: August 27, 2009, 05:17:41 PM »
Nice suggestions laserbeam, cheers. I like the idea of fertility, and using speed as attack rate is a nice idea too. We started out with randomly generated asteroids but time constraints forced us to go with circles.

Fertility is nice because it doesn't break the resourceless aspect of the gameplay. And the decomposition is somewhat similar to a feature we were/are planning already, actually.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #221 on: August 28, 2009, 12:51:25 PM »
same as the next guy i dont wanna read the last 14 pages of suggestions for possibly my favorite game right now, so dont yell at me if someone already said this, or i will find you

ok so the thing that i am guessing attracts people to this game is its simplicity, and dont get me wrong, i love that! but to me the game seems a bit TOO simple, and i understand that you need to find a balance of this to keep the game fresh... however the game is so simple at the moment that gameplay gets repetitive because there are a very limited number of scenarios that can happen, limiting the replay value of the game a LOT. one thing i think would improve the gameplay without making the game too complex would be add a NEW kind of tree, i dont care what kind, maybe it produces bigger, stronger seedlings, but it takes a lot more seeds to make, or the current "defensive" trees have a range instead of only being able to attack what is on there asteroid, that way if a mature defensive tree is on an asteroid neigboring another one of your asteroids, its "bubble" of range will also protect  your other asteroid. truthfully i dont give a seed what you guys add, but the game definately needs a little something extra to keep it entertaining me for more than 20 minutes at a time (after the first hour of obsession)

the only thing that annoys the seed out of me about this game is that maturity of trees doesnt appear to mean anything! i think that the maturity of a production tree should allow it to produce seedlings faster, or give it more health, preferably both, because a tree smaller than a rat dick should NOT be able to produce space ship things with lasers JUST as fast as a tree the size of the asteroid its growing on! and maybe defensive range is increased with the defensive tree's maturity! idk but you gotta try something with that because damn! i want my oldest asteroid(homeworld) to have some value greater than other asteroids of equal size (older asteroid= older trees= faster production rate)



I really wish there was a rally point system in place. If you got rid of the 32 population limit for another system like the one above, that would remove what I suspect is a major reason for wanting to avoid a rally point. Moving things to my front lines is so tiresome.

you a smart guy!

i mean the people who created this game must be geniuses enough to figure out that dilemma so i am not EVEN gonna write another paragraph on my stupid seeding ideas.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #222 on: September 01, 2009, 04:05:03 PM »
Maybe create some unlockable achievements. For example, complete all missions in order to unlock "Time control" ability which lets you speed up the game upto 2x times. Or ability to send seedlings from neutral to neutral asteroids. :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #223 on: September 22, 2009, 08:55:48 AM »
I love the game but I have a couple suggestions.

1. The game is a little easy once you get used to it. You just need to conquer as fast as you can and once you get to maybe 7 or so asteroids winning is basically just a formality.
2. I find no need to create defense trees as the benefit of having all of the trees as seedling trees is just too much. They provide enough defense and they provide offense.
3. The game needs a map creator.
4. It would be wonderful to play in a multiplayer mode. Perhaps you could even have a ladder and compete for the top spot.

With everyone's suggestions though I fear the game might become too complicated. The game is so good because it's so simple...adding a bunch of stuff I think would take away from it.

I do think one more type of tree could be added, an offense tree. Boost the power of the defense tree so that it can destroy any seedling in one shot and create an offense tree designed to destroy defense trees. Tweak the power of the seeds so that you need all three in the game, not necessarily on every tree but at least in certain locations. Perhaps the defense seeds should also be mobile within your "empire"?

Capn Darwin

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #224 on: September 27, 2009, 01:21:20 AM »
Just played the game (version 1.20) last night for the first time and it is a fun game. I did find myself looking for a few things though and here they are:

1. When I click on a astroid it would be nice to see the range circle for it even if it is unknown for content. This would give me a better idea of defensive planning if I can see lanes of attack early on.

2. I agree with the shift/control click for a 10/100 fast selection of seeds.

3. The ability to select seeds on astroid A and have them autoroute to a selected astroid B that is out of range. Assuming there is a valid path.

4. Number of trees based on size of astroid.

5. A key to speed up the action. Needed early on in a level.

6. Hot key to bring up staus on each astroid on map (seeds, trees by type, enemies, core).

More later.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #225 on: October 08, 2009, 08:19:49 PM »
I just downloaded Dyson, and I think its great.  Great job. 

Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but yea 15 pages is a bit to go through.  Maybe someone can compile a list of all the suggestions made and make a new sticky thread with them.

Anyway, on to my suggestion.  I suppose this would be a feature for a custom mission, but for a maps where there are a ring of asteroids, you could have the asteroids all orbit that object.  Asteroids in the outer (or inner ring) could orbit faster or slower, changing the distances between asteroids.  This could add a new level of strategy for a mission of this type, as eventually.

Or you could go even more crazy, with multiple rings of asteroids all moving at different speeds (think frogger but in a circle)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #226 on: October 08, 2009, 09:05:09 PM »
I suspect that once we release the full version with Lua Powered Modding Ability people are gonna go nuts trying out all kinds of funky stuff :-D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #227 on: October 20, 2009, 07:37:24 AM »
I'd like to see some of these things:

- more plant types (!)
- drag-box selection of asteroids
- auto-waypoints that can be set up to automatically move seedlings to a specified destination
- ability to change plant types after you've created the plants

BC wins

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #228 on: October 20, 2009, 07:46:29 AM »

- ability to change plant types after you've created the plants

that would totally ruin a very important strategic point of the game
that you need to choose wisely :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #229 on: October 21, 2009, 09:03:51 AM »
Ah, but you don't get to choose what plants are on enemy worlds...

ie. if you capture an enemy asteroid with 5 defense trees, then you only get 1 dyson tree... fail...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #230 on: October 21, 2009, 09:37:57 AM »
Not a game fail as you yourself choose what asteroids to conquer. Don't like the trees on the asteroid? Don't conquer it.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #231 on: October 21, 2009, 03:47:09 PM »
Full version is great! That what I can suggest:
1. It would be useful to move the camera with left mouse button too, if MouseDown on the free area.
2. I really don't like arrows. Can it be optional? Coz they jump from a planet to a planet and destroy meditative atmosphere :\ Dyson's arrow design was better, i think.

But anyway - that is the best game ever =) I hope new updates soon....
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 03:52:47 PM by Tixx »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #232 on: October 21, 2009, 03:58:41 PM »
Like NightCabbage I really would LOVE to see:

- drag-box selection of asteroids
- auto-waypoints that can be set up to automatically move seedlings to a specified destination

Both features would decrease Micromanagment and let the player later on in the game focus more on strategy than on every 20 seconds clicking 30 asteroids and sending reinforcements to the front. Auto-waypoints could be made visible in the game via transparent arrows from asteroids to asteroids.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #233 on: October 21, 2009, 10:29:27 PM »
Great game!

Some suggestions from me:

- a link to the (very good) pdf-manual from the main menu (hard to find in the steam folder)

- fast forward button

- as said before, the game needs auto-routes!

Uncle Nick

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #234 on: October 21, 2009, 10:54:42 PM »
Another vote for "great game" - I downloaded the demos, finished them and then bought the Steam version last night :)

There's a thread about buggy "big roots" in the support forum:
Personally, I think this looks fantastic! Would there be any way of deliberately making this happen in the game - maybe have one or two roots grow "between" asteroids once you capture them? As well as looking nice (to me at least), you might be able to say it creates a "unified colony" visual effect and enhances the definition of "territory"... ;)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #235 on: October 21, 2009, 11:45:06 PM »
There's a thread about buggy "big roots" in the support forum:
Personally, I think this looks fantastic! Would there be any way of deliberately making this happen in the game - maybe have one or two roots grow "between" asteroids once you capture them? As well as looking nice (to me at least), you might be able to say it creates a "unified colony" visual effect and enhances the definition of "territory"... ;)

That's a nice idea. Perhaps these inter-asteroid roots could grow between very old trees. That way they could define your oldest core region. Perhaps they would make travel faster for seedlings, too. Like motorways if you like.

I definitly like the idea.

That and auto-waypoints naturally. :-)



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #236 on: October 22, 2009, 02:41:57 AM »
I think something I'd like to see would be a Eufloria screensaver. Just something as simple as a zoomed-in view of an asteroid with a tree or two and seedlings flitting around it would be nice.

I admit, sometimes I just like zooming out to what I call "spark view" levels, where you can't see the wings and such, just little dots of color, and watching the colony move. It's relaxing.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 02:44:58 AM by Chaemera »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #237 on: October 22, 2009, 05:45:35 PM »
It's not really a missing feature, but more like a bug of sorts.

Sometimes it is very hard to distinguish between friend and foe. See screenshot.

More contrast would make the game more fun to play.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #238 on: October 23, 2009, 09:04:17 PM »
yeh you're right i can see no difference except for a little bit on the Seedlings


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #239 on: October 23, 2009, 09:20:14 PM »
Thanks people, great feedback. We have to look into the bugs first, but we are reading all these comments for sure!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #240 on: October 26, 2009, 04:08:03 PM »
Not sure if this has been raised, but I come from a rather Heavy RTS Background and saw this randomly on steam when I was loading up CS and thought "why not".

Besdies Multi-player a glaring issue I see in the control system is there being no way to have your seedlings build up on each hop before going to an enemy base.

Example, I have 10 Seedlings on Rock A, 10 on Rock B and 10 on Rock C and wish to invade Rock D.

As it stands, to make a good sized wave the "best way" to do this is to have Rock A and B seedlings assemble on C and then attack,

I propose however that through the use of a modifer eg Shift key, you can set a destination from from A > D and on each rock inbetween all the seedlings there would automatically join the rest of the seedlings passing through so that 10 leave from A, then 20 leave from B and 30 leave from C to invade D in one movement.

Now, this may seem as making the game "too easy" but come multiplayer, such a "shortcut" could obviously backfire on the careless player.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #241 on: October 28, 2009, 01:54:57 PM »
Building on what you said, being able to set gather points for asteroids would be wonderful; ideally, I'd like to be able to set an waypoint for each asteroid and have all seedlings that arrive at that asteroid go there after a second or two. Then I could build up chains of constantly flowing seedlings.

While it would be worthless when dealing with three or for words, having a dozen planets behind a strong, safe bottleneck gets annoying.

Now, this is a little bit out there, but being able to assign several targets for each asteroid and having departures split evenly amoungst them would allow for pretty complex rotations, even patrols.

Naturally, gather points would not trigger when an asteroid is being invaded.

Mr Frank

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #242 on: October 29, 2009, 12:15:36 PM »
I think that when you lose all your asteroids, your moving rules should change to allow you to move your seedlings to any asteroid you already have seedlings on, or perhaps just any asteroid in range.  A player (human or not) that loses all its land but still has a standing army large enough to claim an asteroid is probably screwed, but should still have the chance to regroup and rebuild.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #243 on: October 30, 2009, 12:52:56 PM »
First off what a pleasant change to the RTS scene, thank you! I stumbled into Eufloria/Dyson on steam and bought it after watching the trailer (nicely done btw)  and nothing else.  I've played and bought just about every RTS title over the years beginning with command and conquer series, company of heroes series and sins of a solar empire and galactic civs series and the homeworld series to name only a noteworthy few.  A few suggestions that I would like to see implemented in the future or in an expansion are like many others have asked for, a timer toggle for game speed.  

Also, one thing I still love to do when I buy a new or play an old RTS game is to play skirmishes, setup teams whether free for all, 3vs1 2vs1 2vs4 where you can play with an NPC to either help or protect them, or they protect you etc and being able to set AI to different difficulty settings aggressive, defensive,easy, medium, and hard.  The more settings the better, partical growth/speed, plants per asteroid, etc.  A save option would be ideal.  Without these ideas I still find the game very fun, but without more options or maps to toggle how one likes to play I find myself waiting for custom levels, patches and or an expansions to keep me wanting more.  Hats off though guys, I wanted to add my 2 cents for a great game that I and many other people think can be even greater; especially with seeing how involved you both are with the community - Cheers!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:58:10 PM by Yowza »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #244 on: October 31, 2009, 11:03:43 AM »
Loving Eufloria (except that evil level 200. can't beat it at all. grrrr...)

anyway, I've seen this suggestion mentioned elsewhere and I definitely want to reiterate it: more seedling selection filters. especially in the cases of the super-glowy/flower enhanced seedlings vs regular ones.

what might work is to let the user create selection presets, because with 3 seedling stats, plus the enhancement that creates a whopping mass of possibilities. so aside from the three seedling power type buttons they get three self defined buttons. they can set them up in the menu once and then use them in any game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #245 on: November 02, 2009, 08:05:46 AM »
You can change the Core Energy of asteroids in the Lua script, I've thought about making levels where the core energy of asteroids is around 1000 instead of a 100 so it would be much harder to take over an asteroid (ie not only do I need to take out a tree and the defenders but I need 40 seedlings left over to actually take down the core).  I think when we start seeing more custom levels people will run with a lot of the suggestions being made.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #246 on: November 02, 2009, 12:55:28 PM »
To Alex and Rudolf:
Do you plan to play users' mods and levels and compile the best ones into level packs? I know for sure that I won't have the time nor the motivation to search and play every mods and levels posted on the forums, but I know for sure that I will certainly regret it if I missed mods or levels where, as Morphuess suggested, the asteroids orbited a sun or any of the other zany mod ideas posted here.

Mr Frank

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #247 on: November 08, 2009, 10:11:03 AM »
An extension to my earlier suggestion about being able to regroup when the situation looks desperate, I don't think you should lose when you have lost your other asteroids but you have a root still growing on a new asteroid.  A number of times on level six of Dyson (not playing Eufloria until the graphics issue is sorted out and I can play it properly), I have been fleeing from a wandering horde of grays in the beginning and had my last hope of survival still reaching for the core when I lost my last other asteroid, and then I lost the game.  I don't think that's right.


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Long post ...
« Reply #248 on: November 14, 2009, 04:27:24 AM »
I have played now through the campaign, the dark matter mode and the skirmish areas.

Awesome game all in all I have to say. Thanks Alex and Rudolf for the experience.

But there are a few things that would make the game better in my eyes. Since these small independent game developers have the audacity to set up a forum to give us the chance to throw suggestions at them, I will.

First: Box selection.
This is something that would incredibly streamline the game. Especially in large games it is quite tedious to collect troops by manually selecting dozens of asteroids twice a minute. Box selection would decrease micromanagement considerably. This would even make auto-waypoints obsolete.

Second: Increased difficulty.
The game simply is too easy I think. True – the beginning can be hazardous when a group of a hundred enhanced grey seedlings attack, but after a while it becomes increasingly difficult to lose. And in the end it is just a question of micromanagement to send hundreds and thousands of seedlings into the fray. So the difficulty could be increased by AI-improvements (probably difficult) or by giving the AI advantages (for one idea see number 4).

Third: Stats.
Perhaps it is because I do belong the generation “Valve”, but I kind of miss stats in the game. How many seedlings died? How many enemy seedlings did I kill, how many asteroids did I loose or conquer? If I play a game twice – can I do better next time stats-wise? That would probably rather easy to implement and would greatly enhance the long term fun – at least for me.

Fourth: Diversity.
The game really got more interesting because of the laser mines. They are a very useful tactical tool and enhance the gameplay tremendously. I would love to see more of that. To increase both diversity and difficulty one idea I had was a comet that would traverse – visible for all players – the playable area and crash land on one asteroid (randomly chosen). It would then – because of all the yummy minerals in it – increase production on that asteroid by say 500% or even 10 times for a couple of minutes. This would give one species an advantage and would make the game more challenging I think. I go that idea because the most fun I always had with Dyson when the time limit kicked in increasing production on the enemy asteroids ( This resulted in ridiculous amount on enemy seedlings and would make epic battles possible. If one could recreate that ….
Other ideas might encompass different types of trees (like shield trees protecting an asteroid for a certain amount of time), or upgrading of existing trees (for a hundred seedlings one could get an enhanced defensive tree or a higher production rate).

There are numerous possibilities. I don’t know the plans of Alex and Rudolf, but perhaps we will see more content in Eufloria in the future.

Thanks for reading all this by the way.  ;D



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #249 on: November 30, 2009, 02:53:10 PM »

PLEASE! that is the only thing that will make this game perfect. Set speed and how many rocks you own before launch, some sort of wait room just for ipx connections tcp udp too and rely on a secondary service like Kali to launch the game.  Thats it! a days worth of work from a programmer.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #250 on: November 30, 2009, 03:11:27 PM »
a days worth of work from a programmer.
And how many years of programming experience have you had? Bringing Multiplayer into a game like this is a lot of work if it hasnt been already prepared. The time it takes jour dear development team depends on how much experience they have with internet connections really. Plus, you have to make the clients talk to each other -- until now, the game has always decided on its own what the AI will do. But now suddenly there will be at least one player that the local game has no control over and thus has to receive instructions on what to do with it (namely: depicting its moves so the local player can react to them).

I very much look forward to a multiplayer mode as well, but honestly, all in its own time.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #251 on: December 02, 2009, 06:45:58 PM »

PLEASE! that is the only thing that will make this game perfect. Set speed and how many rocks you own before launch, some sort of wait room just for ipx connections tcp udp too and rely on a secondary service like Kali to launch the game.  Thats it! a days worth of work from a programmer.

A day, haha. Something tells me you are not a programmer.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #252 on: December 07, 2009, 06:50:19 AM »
All I need is a warning ping noise when a player's asteroid is invaded. I love playing Eufloria while browsing the Internet (in fact, I'm doing so right now), but I don't like opening up the window to a destroyed empire.

A minor annoyance, but this would be much appreciated.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #253 on: December 07, 2009, 06:55:40 AM »
All I need is a warning ping noise when a player's asteroid is invaded. [..]

And: Gamespeed slower/faster with + and - would be cool. I guess I'd only need faster ;)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #254 on: December 07, 2009, 10:07:49 PM »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #255 on: December 07, 2009, 10:48:17 PM »
I've seen some suggestions for waypoints or standing deployment paths to reduce clicking and dragging to build up a swarm.  I agree that there is a level of tedium that needs to be relieved, but I don't like those ideas.

What I love about Eufloria is the "organic" kind of feel to it.  I think an approach more in line with what I perceive as the feel of the game would be to have some kind of "accumulator" settings that would influence the behavior of the spores.  Something like the ability to set an "attraction" value for an asteroid.  Then have the spores spontaneously leave the asteroid they are orbiting to go to another with a higher value - the probability of the move would depend on the relative values of the "attraction" scores of nearby asteroids.

I see the game play would then be managing these values to accumulate swarms at key points for attack/defense etc.  To me, that would add a level of interest - to create a scheme to get the spores where I want them without having to keep dragging spores up to the front lines over and over and over...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #256 on: December 08, 2009, 12:11:17 AM »
That is an interesting idea.
But i think that would complicate gameplay a lot, making it harder especially for beginners to grasp the game mechanics.

I think one of the main plusses of Eufloria is the fact that playing it is very simple.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #257 on: January 03, 2010, 12:31:07 AM »
My Suggestion
I do not know if this has already been said

but it occasionally rained down on the asteroid
it would be cool.
but if it rained then the trees will create a temporary Super Seedlings

what do you think about it?

This is separate idea about the idea in the top:
with another example: when it start to thunder etc, it is dangerous to the trees,
but perhaps there are positive aspects, such as the Seedlings will contain more engerie...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #258 on: January 07, 2010, 05:50:09 AM »
Could this game be made to support the stereoscopic glasses from nVidia?  ???


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #259 on: January 08, 2010, 10:06:57 AM »
Afair, nVidia stereoscopic vision does not care about game, it just shows half of the frames on display for blue glass and half of them - for red one.
Make sure your display can do 120 Hz.

But I doubt you'll feel any difference, as Eufloria is deliberately 2D.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #260 on: January 09, 2010, 11:31:56 AM »
No, it can't be enabled during the game. If Eufloria is OpenGL, not DirectX, that might be the reason. In that case, not an easy thing to enable, I guess.
Was just hoping for some more depth, no biggie.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #261 on: January 17, 2010, 10:39:36 AM »
I do not know if it has been suggested or not, and I know it would be a difficult task, but is multiplayer in Eufloria's future? It would be really fun to play with other people in this game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #262 on: March 24, 2010, 10:34:42 PM »
What I'd wish for:

- something like a stopwatch so that I'd easily see how long I needed for a level

- speed up/slow down with +/-

- automated "alleys" so that I can tell one asteroid to send all seedlings to a specific other asteroid

- perhaps "copy" some stuff from Galcon: double-click selects all own asteroids, and a choosable percentage (w/ scroll wheel) of the number of seedlings to send somewhere


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #263 on: March 26, 2010, 05:11:25 PM »
- speed up/slow down with +/-

That functionality actually already exists :>  You have to turn developer mode on to use it though - I don't think the game is designed to be speeded up during normal play.

If you want to know how to turn on developer mode then clicky:
(click to show/hide)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #264 on: March 26, 2010, 08:13:00 PM »
Thank you, Annik. Pity I can't give you some virtual karma.

More wishes:

- Save game … but I guess this is not trivial.


BTW, Annik, I'd like to thank you for all your contributions here, Tutorial, User Levels, etc. I know I ought to have thanked you in each and every of those threads where you write, but I'm not the avid forum user I used to be a few years ago, I've "retreated" a bit for more Real Life. So please accept my general thanks for all the good and friendly work you do here, for the good of all Eufloria users.


<edit 2>

- speed up/slow down with +/-

That functionality actually already exists :>  You have to turn developer mode on to use it though - I don't think the game is designed to be speeded up during normal play.

If you want to know how to turn on developer mode then clicky:
(click to show/hide)

For German users w/ a Parallels Desktop virtual machine on a Mac w/ extended (USB) keyboard: after using <see spoiler> you have to press + on the num pad for speeding up and ß for slowing back down.

</edit 2>
« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 12:01:54 AM by Bonobo »

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #265 on: April 12, 2010, 08:35:47 AM »
I think the game play would be much more exciting if after meeting certain requirements you could unlock some sort of "power-up" to add to your units. Kind of like DNA sequencing in Phage Wars 2


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #266 on: May 25, 2010, 11:32:10 AM »
Hi guys, i totally ADORE this game and i can't get enough of it!

I have some suggestions but they might already have been posted, i have not read the entire thread yet!

I think it would be cool to unlock the ability to have colored backgrounds on your Scimrish and single player games, (not the Dark Matter, of course)

Not some extreme GREEN color, just something that looks like a color, but maybe more like a texture, i mean,, a bold simple color looks horrible (except for black i guess, witch looks cool), but other then that... yeah..

More painjobs for the seedlings!
I think it would be adorable to be able to change to more, unique, color-schemes.

Multi player function, i realize this might be extremely hard to do.. but it is a very basic game.. if it would be possible to somehow start a random map with 1-on-1, playing against your opponent on the other side of the map.
But of course, that might be to much to ask XD

Anyhow just wanted to leave my greetings and feedback, love the game, take care all!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #267 on: May 25, 2010, 11:43:31 PM »
Thanks, glad you like the game :)

We originally wanted to have different textures for different seedling empires and stuff but we didn't have time.

Multiplayer is unfortunately not going to happen, no time to do it and even if I did not sure how easy it would be to sync 5000-odd objects over the network...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #268 on: May 26, 2010, 06:16:46 AM »
Hi Alex!

Oh yeah i kinda realize now that all those things are not exactly a walk in the park, pretty much just said what was on my mind *bonks head*, hehe, anywho thanks for the fast answer, take care of yerself!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #269 on: May 26, 2010, 11:43:14 PM »
That's cool, that's what the thread is for :D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #270 on: June 19, 2010, 08:57:09 AM »
What would be nice is if you can get your seedlings to attack certain trees on an asteriod, it is annoying sometimes because I can see them attacking things which might not be the most useful thing to attack that that time, shouldn't be too difficult to add should it ? Just do it where you choose the amount of seedlings and then click on the tree you wan't them to attack.

And as someone mentioned before It would be nice to as you said have some kind of Sim City type thing, where you can just build the tress and get them bigger and grow more etc, would be nice, maybe you could have it as DLC or something ? 


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #271 on: June 21, 2010, 04:43:06 AM »

Eufloria just continues to be my favourite game. But there are three small things which could make the game easier to use imho. (Sorry if they were suggested before)

1. when sending seedlings across multiple asteroids, they should avoid those occupied by enemies, even if the way is longer. I always have to send them to some other friendly asteroid in between and wait for them to arrive there, just to send them further. This distracts from the actual gameplay.

2. you should be able to have a "rally point" option where you can make asteroids send every seedling on them to a certain other asteroid. That would make reinforcement a lot easier to handle.

3. this may contradict to the game's mechanics, but it might be useful to be able to draw boxes around asteroids to make collective move commands. That would be helpful in defensive situations when you want to send a lot of seedlings to an asteroid which is under attack.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #272 on: June 21, 2010, 12:30:00 PM »
As has been mentioned... many... many... times before, the ability to add "channels" to the game would be lovely.

In addition, we currently have the ability to select seedlings with very high values of ___. If possible, I would love the ability to only select seedlings with very LOW values of ____, so that we can filter out our "junk" seedlings for building trees. Thank you!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #273 on: June 28, 2010, 02:57:16 PM »
What would be nice is if you can get your seedlings to attack certain trees on an asteriod, it is annoying sometimes because I can see them attacking things which might not be the most useful thing to attack that that time

I very much agree with this. If they could all focus on that new enemy tree instead of dividing evenly, even to the defense trees, it'd be a lot easier.
Playing my own devil's advocate, it could be said that we're lucky those little seedlings listen to us at all considering most seeds I've ever seen don't have a brain, and that they probably don't have the "intelligence" to listen to very specific commands. :P (Still, it'd be nice.)

Also, I just bought the game during the Steam sale and just had the game crash on me in level 11 after two hours and I was within 5 minutes of beating it, so (for the millionth time) this would be great:

We are planning to have a save function. It can take a long time to do a level, so it would be unfair to disallow saving of progress.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #274 on: July 04, 2010, 04:13:57 AM »
Had a problem with unstable asteroids.

If you change the size of an asteroid, you get the same sort of problem as with moving asteroids. See this post for more details, particularly the picture.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #275 on: July 14, 2010, 05:57:24 AM »
I would LOVE an iPhone/iPod Touch version of this game. It would also totally rock on the iPad with its larger touch surface.

Do you have any smartphone dev plans in the future?

Thanks, John


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #276 on: July 14, 2010, 07:06:09 AM »
Mac version first, Mac version first <cough>


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #277 on: July 14, 2010, 09:16:42 PM »
We're still looking into outsourcing potential  mobile versions


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #278 on: July 20, 2010, 06:59:52 AM »
Would love to see it on my nexus one :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #279 on: July 27, 2010, 10:19:13 AM »
I've played through the game. It's a generally excellent game, but there are a few simple things that would add a lot to the playing experience, and the replay experience.

Firstly, when playing with large maps, and large forces, you have to repeatedly select and click on planets to gather enough forces to attack an enemy. The game is slow paced enough that this isn't difficult, but it gets repetitive, and breaks up the relaxing flow of the game. You should have some sort of option like, if you triple click, you can select a circle of planets, and tell them to send all of their units to a set point. Rally points are slightly complicated, but if you just expand the current mechanism to select different units, it should be simple enough.

Plus, whatever algorithm controls moving, it should be set to avoid enemy planets if possible. It's annoying hastily sending some troops to aid a faraway battle and seeing an enemy annihilate them. And after that first time, it's just more clicks to get them to go where you want them to go.

The strength/ speed/ energy selection thing is a bit awkward to select. It could be faster. I suggest you connect scroll/ right click to a f/e/s icon, which would allow you to select one kind and send them off with a normal click. This would make the strategy of removing all strong/ fast ones after opening a hole in an asteroid for the energy ones easier.

In the game, I'd often set myself challenges to make it more fun- like, on event horizon, I built up a force strong enough to defeat the enemy counter attack on the main asteroid, and then quickly take their planet. I'd love to see distictive messages from the mother tree when you conquer places in different ways- crush everything, rush to objective, use a lot of dysons, use a lot of defence trees- signs that the mother tree cares what I'm doing. Some messages from opposing mother trees would also be nice- you will regret defiling our garden, growers forgive us for what we are about to do, etc.

The difficult of the game is very mild. In almost all missions, you simply have to build up a large force and rip through every enemy. This is why the above mass select thing is needed on large missions. It would be nice to see some optional minibosses- say, large planets with good stats, good flowers, that the mothertree orders you not to attack, because you'll be annihilated- like the giant planets on the mission where you get the laser mine. Give them an order not to attack unless 10 of their units are destroyed- a serious assault- and then attack with a very aggressive AI. An optional challenge, that people who want it can take.

An optional mode where you have random events would be fun too. So, say, a solar storm, where everyone gets instakill. Passing comets with tree slots*5 weak units that appear late game, and try to take over your carefully hoarded empire, or the enemy's. A flash of light that temporarily removed the fog of war. A period of enhanced growth that sped up everything. Things like that. That would make a great unlock after completing the game, and add a lot of variety to replays.

To add a sense of continuity, a very mild rpg element might help. Say, after each mission, the top 5-10 units by stats are selected to go into the next mission. Maybe an enhanced avatar plant, which is 2-5 times more effective than a normal plant, which very very slowly grows and upgrades by time spent playing. Nothing that wouldn't die very easily if thrown at an enemy. Just something to help you feel that it's one continuous campaign, rather than a set of unconnected events. This would have the added benefit of rewarding people addicted to your game, like me.

That's everything I can think of. Thanks for the great game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #280 on: July 27, 2010, 04:19:23 PM »
I've played through the game. It's a generally excellent game, but there are a few simple things that would add a lot to the playing experience, and the replay experience.

Firstly, when playing with large maps, and large forces, you have to repeatedly select and click on planets to gather enough forces to attack an enemy. The game is slow paced enough that this isn't difficult, but it gets repetitive, and breaks up the relaxing flow of the game. You should have some sort of option like, if you triple click, you can select a circle of planets, and tell them to send all of their units to a set point. Rally points are slightly complicated, but if you just expand the current mechanism to select different units, it should be simple enough.

Plus, whatever algorithm controls moving, it should be set to avoid enemy planets if possible. It's annoying hastily sending some troops to aid a faraway battle and seeing an enemy annihilate them. And after that first time, it's just more clicks to get them to go where you want them to go.

The strength/ speed/ energy selection thing is a bit awkward to select. It could be faster. I suggest you connect scroll/ right click to a f/e/s icon, which would allow you to select one kind and send them off with a normal click. This would make the strategy of removing all strong/ fast ones after opening a hole in an asteroid for the energy ones easier.

In the game, I'd often set myself challenges to make it more fun- like, on event horizon, I built up a force strong enough to defeat the enemy counter attack on the main asteroid, and then quickly take their planet. I'd love to see distictive messages from the mother tree when you conquer places in different ways- crush everything, rush to objective, use a lot of dysons, use a lot of defence trees- signs that the mother tree cares what I'm doing. Some messages from opposing mother trees would also be nice- you will regret defiling our garden, growers forgive us for what we are about to do, etc.

The difficult of the game is very mild. In almost all missions, you simply have to build up a large force and rip through every enemy. This is why the above mass select thing is needed on large missions. It would be nice to see some optional minibosses- say, large planets with good stats, good flowers, that the mothertree orders you not to attack, because you'll be annihilated- like the giant planets on the mission where you get the laser mine. Give them an order not to attack unless 10 of their units are destroyed- a serious assault- and then attack with a very aggressive AI. An optional challenge, that people who want it can take.

An optional mode where you have random events would be fun too. So, say, a solar storm, where everyone gets instakill. Passing comets with tree slots*5 weak units that appear late game, and try to take over your carefully hoarded empire, or the enemy's. A flash of light that temporarily removed the fog of war. A period of enhanced growth that sped up everything. Things like that. That would make a great unlock after completing the game, and add a lot of variety to replays.

To add a sense of continuity, a very mild rpg element might help. Say, after each mission, the top 5-10 units by stats are selected to go into the next mission. Maybe an enhanced avatar plant, which is 2-5 times more effective than a normal plant, which very very slowly grows and upgrades by time spent playing. Nothing that wouldn't die very easily if thrown at an enemy. Just something to help you feel that it's one continuous campaign, rather than a set of unconnected events. This would have the added benefit of rewarding people addicted to your game, like me.

That's everything I can think of. Thanks for the great game.

Some very good suggestions there. Some we are already working on, others are good to keep in mind. We certainly want the game to be less click heavy. I like the idea of optional challenges,and we have been discussing these kinds of things to a degree already. The running commentary by the mother tree (Or the enemy mother tree) is interesting. It could be really nice if done tastefully, and I actually did a mini design for this aaaaages ago. It may need a colour coded pop up box if we use multiple "voices"


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #281 on: July 27, 2010, 11:12:53 PM »
Some great ideas, Ytaker!

And yes, I’d love to see more comments by “Mother Tree” or the enemies, this would give the illusion of a more verbose and interactive game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #282 on: July 28, 2010, 12:03:33 AM »
some VERY interesting ideas. 8)
 i like it.

this game keeps on progressing and growing. its great! i desperately want to release my latest map with Pilchards rally poiint code in it as the clicking can get a little much at times.

ive also been thinking about how you're doing with making a mobile version of this game. i saw someone playing a game on their iPad (not that i like Apples) and the screen and general movement looks like it was practically MADE for eufloria!

Rudolf - how big is the dev team for this? i kind of get the impression its just you and alex sometimes!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #283 on: July 28, 2010, 12:19:31 AM »
Dev team is Alex, Rudolph, and the music guy, whose name I can't remember at the moment.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #284 on: July 28, 2010, 01:48:50 AM »
[..]  i saw someone playing a game on their iPad (not that i like Apples) and the screen and general movement looks like it was practically MADE for eufloria!

I for one LOVE Mac OS X ;) and I’ve worked with more OS than I have fingers on my hands (no, I'm no mutant).

The game you mention must’ve been Galcon, methinks.

Rudolf - how big is the dev team for this? i kind of get the impression its just you and alex sometimes!
Dev team is Alex, Rudolph, and the music guy, whose name I can't remember at the moment.

Yeah, I guess that’s what it is about “indie” developers, usually no huge team and no huge income. But often in close contact with a very faithful fandom ;)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #285 on: July 28, 2010, 07:02:27 PM »
Dev team is Alex, Rudolph, and the music guy, whose name I can't remember at the moment.

Yep it is just Alex and myself on core dev  ;D , whith our pal Brian Grainger doing the music and the raw sounds. (I edit them further to fit with game events)
There are of course many superb fans who have helped us tremendously! :-D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #286 on: July 30, 2010, 03:15:55 AM »
Just popped in after trying out the nice, new (and hard ;D) custom map pack.

Concerning multiplayer, I came up with a concept game similar to this a long while ago and in order to sort out the multiplayer issues (i.e. trying to sync thousands of seedlings) I decided the best route would be not to try. Essentially you would have all players machines running a local simulation of all seedlings, the player who is hosting would have the master copy of what is going on. When seedlings die/move on the hosts simulation the server sends an update to the other players. Their simulations then play the results out, so if the server reports 10 dead seedlings in a battle then on the client the next 10 shots that hit the matching seedlings would kill them. Outside of the received instructions the battle would be pure fluff with seedlings shooting each other and doing no damage on the clients machines.

Its likely you would have a time-out as well so that if an order hasn't managed to get carried out (a particular seedling that NEEDS to die hasn't) then you would simply terminate said seedling and until you do that seedling would not be able to receive any other orders.

This way the total network bandwidth requirements are very low only requiring periodic or irregular updates from the server as to the transfer or destruction of the number of types of seedlings.

Its likely you would see artefacts every now and then (what multiplayer game doesn't though...) but all in all it should work relatively smoothly. Not that I have tested it, but I think its sound in theory.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #287 on: July 30, 2010, 09:48:27 AM »
Amazing game. have to suggest a couple of things, that some have been mentioned.


And please will it be possible to select several planets in order to get the seedlings from all to go to a designated planet? Could work like selecting objects on your desktop. Left click hold - drag selected. Then one would point to the planet and all those tiny little seedling would fly away....

Am I explaining myself correctly? What I have been doing is clicking from all planets to the same destination. Annoying when its from 10 or 20 planets :(


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #288 on: July 30, 2010, 04:14:09 PM »
Rich_Zap - yep, good plan, that - I had an idea for setting up groups of seedlings, so if you transferred 20 seedlings from one place to another that would be the "unit" as it were, and that would be what the game kept track of. It's all academic anyway as I'm not going to have time to put in MP now.

raziel: yep - all features that have been asked for before, the clicking is definitely something we want to reduce. MP isn't going to happen. Save/load may happen in the future but it's complicated by the scripting system.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #289 on: July 31, 2010, 03:52:57 AM »
Ah well, its an awesome game anyway  ;)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #290 on: July 31, 2010, 12:56:26 PM »

Yeah, I guess that’s what it is about “indie” developers, usually no huge team and no huge income. But often in close contact with a very faithful fandom ;)

Yeah. It's pretty cool. Indie has something no big company can have. If you want to get a bugfix, or see a new feature, you can talk to the developers. You can't do that with Bethesda or Crystal Dynamics. You can get someone, possibly a robot, but all the useful people are away doing work. Here you can speak to the CEO.

Only exception I know of is Apple. They have genius bars which fix your problems. Which is cool.

With regards to multiplayer- how about a highscore table for level times? It's not quite horde on horde, but it's still pretty good. Doubly enhanced if you could have some sort of recording device. To record either everything the player sees, or just the entire map.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #291 on: August 01, 2010, 10:42:15 PM »
Seeing my time stamps at 00:00:00 reminded me how cool an ingame timer would be!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #292 on: August 16, 2010, 02:49:00 AM »
Some minor storyline tweaks could improve it a bit.

It would be fun to see more of the influence of these growers. I'm sure you could think of other examples- but on the mission 200, why not make it so that the reason you are doing that is because "This has long been a contested region. You will take it for the growers, and resume orders. Our enemy's lust for war has long prevented us from sending the seedlings the growers need."

It would also be good to see some in game explanation of irrational game behaviour. For instance, the seedlings will attack all trees with equal numbers, and thus take longer to break them, often break the wrong trees. I assume this is for game balance. You could have an early mission say "The seedlings minds are simple, unlike yours. They will attack all indiscriminately, and you will need far more force to take a garden planet." Something should definitely be there, and early. When I play it, I expect to be able to focus fire. By not fulfilling my expectation, you create stress, and lower my view of the value of the game. Likewise with the fact that you can't remove and replant trees.

That issue of you not fulfilling expectations is another reason why you should definitely have some sort of mass select. A lot of the value of the game is in how it's simple to play, yet has depth of strategy and beauty. These sorta issues pervert that idea. There are lots of little conflicts where you expect something to be simple to do, but it's not, or where you expect to be a grand general but micromanagement bogs you down.

I'd also recommend this strongly.

Give some large mission early on where the enemies are numerous and potent, yet your forces are five times as large, and you crush them. The game should be front loaded with cool content. A lot of the special stuff is only at the end. Have some easy missions at the start which showcase some of the cool stuff. Maybe a mission where you can, on an easy timer, smash through several planets with 300 super seedlings- say, a mission at the core, home planets, near the mother tree.

The reason you got a low ranking on steam, in all but a single review which wanted multiplayer and another about the lack of a speed up key (you should definitely incorporate the +speed key into the game), was because your content was backloaded. You have to play through the game to get to the good stuff. The easiest way to remedy that is to have grand battles, where hundreds or thousands of seedlings die in under a minute.

It would be hard to dismiss the game as "A glorified Iphone game" if the second mission was a battle with the seedling limit raised, and 10000 dead seedlings.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #293 on: August 16, 2010, 06:00:36 PM »
I just spent an hour and a half on tvtropes.

Thank you very much. </sarcasm>


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #294 on: August 17, 2010, 08:37:57 AM »
I just spent an hour and a half on tvtropes.

Thank you very much. </sarcasm>

"Picture the scene. You're just idly surfing the web. You find a webcomic and read the most recent one. You laugh. You decide to read the previous one. That's funny as well. You read a week's worth and laugh at all of them. You feel the urge well up inside you. It's time to go on... an Archive Binge. "

Only an hour and a half? Get back there.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #295 on: August 17, 2010, 05:18:34 PM »
I'd already exhausted most of the site a few weeks ago. That took more than 90 minutes, let me tell you!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #296 on: September 07, 2010, 04:06:38 AM »
It’s been said by others, but I’d like to have it stated in this thread:

  • Better navigation in custom levels; I’d recommend doing it like the Mac OS X file browser, with 2 or 3 columns, this way it would be easy to see (and select) what’s above but also the innards of the selected folder.
  • And, please please, make this scroll wheel sensitive, it’s a PITA having to move the mouse to the scroll bar and click/drag when we live in 2010 ;)

Cheers, Tom


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #297 on: September 13, 2010, 04:12:04 AM »
In case you ever do consider doing a multiplayer version, are you aware of the approach of networking only the user commands? This is a suitable approach for games where where you have a large number of objects in the game and don't mind a bit of latency in the response to player actions.

It can be thought of as a form of the model-view-controller architecture pattern:

The controller takes the input from the UI and networks it so as to produce a sequence the same on all machines for input to the model. To do that, the game has to respond to the local user with a slight delay (except for some instant UI feedback), long enough to have time to get data over to the other machine(s), but that would be acceptable in a game like Eufloria.

The model needs to run deterministically such that the same sequence of commands from the controller produces the same outcome. Making the model determinstic can have tricky gotchas (such as with floating point maths on PC), but at least there's no actual networking code in the model (it's all isolated in the controller).

The view is basically the graphics and audio. It's allowed to be different on different machines, but therefore mustn't affect the model. Ideally faster machines should be allowed to provide a better view (e.g. by interpolating the data from the model).


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #298 on: September 15, 2010, 12:25:39 PM »
How about linking two games with randomly placed, and moving portals?

You'd both play on the same map, on different computers. You could send any number of seedlings into the portal. Once in the other land, they would be controlled by a strong, aggressive AI, which would try to destroy all enemies. You'd have a map with everything your seedlings were doing in the other world. If certain conditions were met, like a timer, all asteroids controlled by one player etc, it could be declared a stalemate.

Multiplayer is always a huge boon. Playing with friends makes a game more fun. For the PSN game, I'd strongly recommend you include some aspect of it. If nothing else, allowing a second controller to fire flowerpower from a distant cannon, and aid someone playing with it. That means that the game can be a family,friend, or romantic thing as well.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #299 on: September 16, 2010, 06:44:15 AM »
In case you ever do consider doing a multiplayer version, are you aware of the approach of networking only the user commands? This is a suitable approach for games where where you have a large number of objects in the game and don't mind a bit of latency in the response to player actions.

It can be thought of as a form of the model-view-controller architecture pattern:

The controller takes the input from the UI and networks it so as to produce a sequence the same on all machines for input to the model. To do that, the game has to respond to the local user with a slight delay (except for some instant UI feedback), long enough to have time to get data over to the other machine(s), but that would be acceptable in a game like Eufloria.

The model needs to run deterministically such that the same sequence of commands from the controller produces the same outcome. Making the model determinstic can have tricky gotchas (such as with floating point maths on PC), but at least there's no actual networking code in the model (it's all isolated in the controller).

The view is basically the graphics and audio. It's allowed to be different on different machines, but therefore mustn't affect the model. Ideally faster machines should be allowed to provide a better view (e.g. by interpolating the data from the model).

I must say this is intriguing!