Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 358309 times)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #100 on: February 14, 2009, 07:34:59 PM »
I don't think we're adding rally points, at least not yet. We're looking at better ways to control the game though :) One of these will be the ability to send seedlings anywhere you actually own or could send to. This should reduce clicking a lot. It's the best elements of the old system and the new system put together.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #101 on: February 15, 2009, 03:03:59 AM »
I don't think we're adding rally points, at least not yet. We're looking at better ways to control the game though :) One of these will be the ability to send seedlings anywhere you actually own or could send to. This should reduce clicking a lot. It's the best elements of the old system and the new system put together.

Woohoo!  If I'm understanding you right, that's exactly the solution I was hoping for.

How will it work if you've got seperate clusters of controlled asteroids, though?  Say you've got two groups of asteroids, A and B, with overlapping "sending areas".  Will you be able to send asteroids from group A to an asteroid within the area of group B, or would you have to join the two groups together first?

<-- Hoping for the latter.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #102 on: February 15, 2009, 06:26:37 AM »
We're not decided on that yet - it's perfectly possible to do either, as the routefinding code we have in the library will let us determine if one asteroid is linked uninterrupted with another by asteroids of the same owner.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2009, 07:40:08 AM »
We're not decided on that yet - it's perfectly possible to do either, as the routefinding code we have in the library will let us determine if one asteroid is linked uninterrupted with another by asteroids of the same owner.

Waypoints (like in Starcraft or similar) are still probably the best solution for that. No need to invent a wheel when it is already invented :D I look forward to see how you guys will solve this problem.

I don't know exactly how the other solutions suggested in this topic will work to solve the problem (bridges direct the movement of the newborn seedlings, but what about regrouping and merging groups together?). Different dyson tree structures are a nice idea to bring more diversity into gameplay.

Tracking seedling types (and maybe separeting groups of seedlings based on characteristics)? Very cool idea. I'm all for that. Dividing group with fast and weak seedlings and slow but tough seedlings into two groups will be very useful.

Also please don't add a sun into the game universe. "Sunfree" or "sunless" universes with life are rare and will help to differentiate this game from others. Evolution of the different dyson organisms will be very interesting.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #104 on: February 15, 2009, 10:56:30 PM »
Let's imagine the star is in the third dimension, shining into the world and distributing energy uniformly :) Kind of like midichlorians in 2D!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #105 on: February 18, 2009, 06:12:56 AM »
Fantastic game!

I have a suggestion, similar to a previous poster about moving asteroids, how about asteroids that orbit? As the asteroid/s moves along it's orbit it allows the current occupant to reach different asteroids at different points in time, so a portions of the map is can be temparily isolated. Orbits can be circular or elliptical and one, several or even all asteroids in motion? These moving asteroids will be 'high value' like the current large asteroids with good stats.

Back to another game of dyson!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #106 on: February 20, 2009, 02:28:48 AM »
i think the sequel ought to be in 3D, not 3D will make it interesting


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #107 on: February 20, 2009, 03:02:59 AM »
Ok, one more suggestion:

When the enemy seedlings are attacking your tree, make the branches come off one at a time (instead the whole tree being destroyed at once).

So when the enemy force attacks your unprotected asteroid, it will do immidiate damage to seedling generating capability, even when they will not have the strength to take down the whole tree. This also will serve as an indicator of control over that asteroid.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #108 on: February 20, 2009, 03:57:06 AM »
Are you working on implementing all of the features you wanted to add when you first came up with Dyson?


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #109 on: February 20, 2009, 02:03:01 PM »
What if something like ants were added that would make a tunnel network?  They would be entirely self-run, meaning the player would not even have to notice them.  So you would play like normal, and once a planet is held for 30 seconds, the ants would start building a bridge from a nearby planet that already had the ants.  They would then make a sweet-looking tunnel network and begin to terraform the planet to allow more trees.  If you did this, I would totally buy the game.  Or if you made a good set-up for allowing mods to do things like this.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #110 on: February 20, 2009, 05:30:11 PM »
When the enemy seedlings are attacking your tree, make the branches come off one at a time (instead the whole tree being destroyed at once).
Yep, we are going to do exactly this - firstly it will make it look more organic, and secondly it will show you how close to death the tree is and how long it will take to regrow.
Are you working on implementing all of the features you wanted to add when you first came up with Dyson?
Nope, we ditched a lot of hte original design and have instead improved and expanded on the design that we ended up with at the end of the original competition.

kittehz: We'll have some kinds of visual things happening here and there, which should make it a little more visually interesting. These may wind up having gameplay benefits too, yes.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #111 on: February 21, 2009, 02:25:36 AM »
1)allow bigger planets to grow more trees and smaller planets less

2)allow the planets' stats to have more influence.  right now there is a difference between the seeds coming from different planets but it makes almost no real difference by the end of the game

3)have more types of trees.  some which would be heavier with more armour thus better defenders, and others which are quicker, thus better for attacking (this does allow for a tech-tree element, but that would not be advisable to have it, it will make the game too complex and take away from its simplicity and its main charm

4)have seeds move at different speeds around different planets.  bigger planets (if my suggestions are followed, will allow more trees and thus will be juicer conquests) should also be slower to move around on the account of gravity.  this will make the player think more when choosing which way to send the seeds

5)maps should be generated with bottlenecks and natural barriers (think dust clouds etc) which will allow for more of a strategy.

6)allow players to set up a network of traffic.  by this i mean so that every seed produced is sent to a target planet.  this avoids the annoying grind of having to manually moved seeds from the back of one's empire to the front line

7)different types of planet.  some which have thicker soils so is harder to colonise.  some with massive ranges but which can only support 1 tree

8)allow scouting.  this is very important, right now when i attack a planet i have no idea if that planet has enemy or not.  i cant think about strategy because i have no idea where the enemy has his forces or which planets are more developed than others


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #112 on: February 21, 2009, 05:30:04 AM »
What if something like ants were added that would make a tunnel network?  They would be entirely self-run, meaning the player would not even have to notice them.  So you would play like normal, and once a planet is held for 30 seconds, the ants would start building a bridge from a nearby planet that already had the ants.  They would then make a sweet-looking tunnel network and begin to terraform the planet to allow more trees.  If you did this, I would totally buy the game.  Or if you made a good set-up for allowing mods to do things like this.

But straight bridges wouldn't look pretty enough.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #113 on: February 21, 2009, 04:33:30 PM »
Anything can be made to look pretty :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #114 on: February 22, 2009, 01:07:53 AM »
I just got an idea for the background. Every event in that happens during a game paints a pattern somewhere on the background and as battles go on the painting becomes more complex and detailed. Also, I'm fine with the bridges and tunnels as long as they don't look bland.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 01:09:55 AM by Candlejack »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #115 on: February 23, 2009, 07:19:02 AM »
Here's my two cents...

1) I've listened to the music, and I feel it would be great to have it a lot louder - it sounds very nice but it's almost too quiet and eventually gets drowned out by the sound effects and miscellaneous computer noise.
2) More level diversity would be nice.  It feels quite 'still'.  This is more of an opinion than a problem, though.
3) Is it possible for the seedlings to move between planets in more attractive formations other than straight lines?  Like a curve or something?
4) Moving between planets is almost too easy, especially with an arsenal on your side.  Barriers between planets could be nice.

Of course, it's great the way it is, but this game has so much potential that I can't help but notice room to grow.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #116 on: February 24, 2009, 03:55:14 AM »
I have a suggestion for the "by end game different types of seedlings not mattering" point...

If you make defensive trees much stronger (like I did in level6.level that I will shortly be uploading to the Level Board), then having a huge army of weak seeds isn't going to do you any good.  Try attacking a planet with a defensive tree with your weak seeds and see what happens.  :)

Also, in general, I think trees need to have more hitpoints.  And perhaps, as the tree is being attacked, the seedlings still attached to the tree should be getting blown away as the tree is under fire, which would in turn would make it take longer to recover...having to "regrow" all those seedlings...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #117 on: February 24, 2009, 07:34:27 AM »
Defensive trees are going to be changed, and hopefully make you send mostly powerful seedlings rather then tons of weak ones.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #118 on: February 26, 2009, 03:36:39 PM »
It seems like I better start posting some of my suggestions before all of them are thought of by others ...  ;D

I will start with TREES ...

I see the trees spawning more seedlings (or seedlings faster) as the tree matures. Since there are more branches to hold more seedlings, and, therefore, more seedlings are mature, it just makes sense that more would spawn at a time. I think, right now, it levels off at ~two at a time while there are other seedlings that are mature that sit and wait for some period of time.

I like the suggestion of having the branches “break” from the tree. Should keep the same disintegration effect as when an entire tree gets destroyed (nice!). This is mostly in line with a suggestion I had … although, I envision this a little differently:
  • Colorize the tree. Put the player color within the tree trunk and branches (core), between the darker outer lines. I think this would be a nice effect.
  • Have the trees grow by “segments” of branches (still keeping tree growth smooth though).
  • Each branch is made up of 5 “segments” (or adjust the number by asteroid type)
  • Branches damage from the top down. 
  • “Segments” turning black at the core when the tree is “hit”
  • If the entire branch turns black, the branch disintegrates (along with any seedlings).
  • This process can also be extended to the root of the tree and only when it all turns black is it fit to be a pathway to the asteroid core.
  • Then, the tree takes time to recover
    • Only mature seedlings can launch, if they are on an undamaged branch
    • It takes energy from the asteroid core to repair the branches; the same or slightly faster than original growth. As they repair, their color returns.
    • Only once a branch is fully repaired (fully colored) will it conduct life to the seedlings. To continue to grow or  launch mature seedlings.
  • More developed trees should be harder to destroy (they may already be, I just can’t tell in the current game)
  • This concept can also be applied as a more enhanced root system as trees mature.

Other ideas related to trees:
  • I definitely agree with the ability to uproot and re-grow trees. This gives the advantage of changing your layout as the game progresses. The penalty is having to wait for the tree to grow – what about also having to wait for the tree to die?
  • I go back and forth on the idea of being able to select tree sites on the asteroid. I appreciate the randomness of the placement being part of the game-play. Also, selecting tree sites seems too "micromanagement". On the other hand, sometimes the trees bunch together on an asteroid and make it difficult to see what is happening. Perhaps an alteration in the placement algorithm.
  • An indication of seedling maturity. I understand this is done by the size of the seedling matching the mature seedling picture in the menu, but, would it be too difficult for them to retain a neutral color until they are mature, and then they would become the player color?  This would also allow the effect of mature seedlings not launching from damaged branches to be more pronounced.

My two-cents about TREES ... more to come on other aspects. This game ROCKS!!!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #119 on: February 26, 2009, 10:33:43 PM »
I think that pretty much everything is said about the current version of Dyson. Hurry up guys with the new version so we could bombard with you with even more suggestions  ;D

There is definitely something fascinating about the organic simplicity of this game, 8 pages of suggestions and 3000 views pretty much prove it.

*waiting for the next version*


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #120 on: February 27, 2009, 08:16:00 PM »
Oh, wait, here's another one:
Paypal donations to add motivation. I'm sure that I am not the only one who wants to buy dev guys a latte  :D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2009, 12:09:06 AM »
I would like to see tree prices as different variables.

EG: Seedling trees cost X amount, Defensive trees cost Y amount.

What about if we could "pay" with seedlings the ability to upgrade our trees? 

EG: Faster growth rate, higher defense rating for the tree, higher damage reduction, more tree hitpoints, faster seedling/defensive thingy spawn rate, etc.

I would also like my trees to be "planted" starting with the weakest seedlings I have flying around the asteroid.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 12:12:13 AM by Jamis »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #122 on: March 01, 2009, 05:43:47 PM »

Over the last 3 days (30hrs on and off) i've been trying to create new Levels for people to enjoy changing multiple settings available in the level options  Eg:-

Amount of asteroids
Start seedlings
Amount of factions/teams
Greys seedlings & probabitlity
Spawn time length of structures (offence & defence)
Structure strengths
Starting planet atrributes (health, strength, Speed)
Cost of trees
Amount of trees
Defence of structures
Grace period
And many more to list in multiple variations

After playing the Levels already posted and the one's I've created it has led me to the following conclusion:

No matter what you change ALL Levels becomes a walkthrough after differing periods of time or you're overwhelmed straight away (if you're quick enough: build,conquer,build conquer until you get an unassailable Swarm of seedlings as all other factions deplete each others as time goes by (poor A.I) then you walkthrough them)

The Major reason for this happening is all settings that i could effectively change applies to EVERY team meaning theres no advantage / disadvantage to anyone.


All available Level settings should be changeable for each INDIVIDUAL  Faction/Team not 1 setting for all Eg:-

Differing amount of max trees for each asteroid/team
Differing cost of trees for each asteroid/team
Differing damage multipliers for each faction
Differing structure strengths for every asteroid (harder to get to the core if it has stronger attributes)
Must kill everything around the asteroid before attack on trees can commence then all tree must be killed before you can get to the core
Greater A.I. tactics req.

You can see where I'm going Each Team/Asteroid/seedlings should have differing factors to them, then you don't know what you're attacking and the benefits of conquering a certain asteroid eg defensive or attacking gains and how much it will deplete you by attacking it without scouting it, etc..

Hopefully the improvements/suggestions above would give the game more diversity and playability to set certain level goals and greater tactical advantages by scouting for better asteroids instead of wiping everything out all the time.

Suggestions put forward in most of the previous posts would definately improve game playability but making those changes different for EACH Team would increase the use of tactics meaning you could play the same Level and have different outcomes using different tactics.

Hopefully I'm not way of the mark here and I do stress these are just suggestions of direction for them game as the developers wil have there own plans but hopefully some of these suggestions could help.

 :D :D :D :D :D :D Would Love to see this game move on and become AWESOME...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 05:56:36 PM by smokinjoe18 »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #123 on: March 02, 2009, 04:46:34 PM »
Thanks guys, some quick replies:

seperate tree values: This is indeed already being worked on
Individual team characteristics: This is on our task list



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #124 on: March 02, 2009, 07:38:17 PM »
Looks like you've got a long task LOL. :o

Hope it doesn't take too long can't wait for the next update..

Thanks.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #125 on: March 03, 2009, 03:01:03 AM »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #126 on: March 03, 2009, 04:08:12 AM »

Yah, we have a lot to do still before the game is what we want it to be. It is a tough choice at times, we don't want to take too long to develop it, but we have a certain vision that we want to achieve. Does mean the task list is rather long.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #127 on: March 05, 2009, 04:13:51 PM »
I haven't read the whole 9 pages, sorry if I'm repeating what someone already said, but here's my 2 cents:

Have Ctrl or Shift make those movement orders permanent, so that every spawing seedling moves to the specified planet, until changed by another permanent or temporary movement order. It's just that when you have more than 5 asteroids, movement orders become too many and too repetitive. Also I managed to micro my way out of almost being wiped out once, by keeping all seedlings constantly going to the battle point, but I could almost sense my mouse dying from all the click & drag I had to do.

For seedling amounts ~2500+ or so the order queue gets overflowed and they stop listening to the orders(or there's an insane delay, I'm not sure, because I kept repeating them until they started moving). Gotta optimize that thing, or have a unit cap.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #128 on: March 06, 2009, 02:44:38 AM »

Go for more frequent releases, even if there's just a few incremental improvements over the last version. I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind having to deal with little issues as the game evolved, and I'm sure it'd be a lot more gratifying than holding out until a major release.

But then do come up with an automated patch system...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #129 on: March 09, 2009, 08:30:31 PM »
sorry, but yet another suggestion in already very many :)
if it possible, may would be good to have "Play random level" button.
i mean not random selection from exists levels, but some random generated level with user-selected difficult.
of course, is is not too good as human-maded levels, but it will be good for its constant unsufficiency.

Mr Frank

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #130 on: March 16, 2009, 03:49:11 PM »
I've been hooked on this game ever since someone posted about it on the Phun forum (another awesome game).  Favorite feature?  Procedural maps.  Never the same fight twice, love it.  Least favorite?  Not sure.  Probably the AI cheating on sending ranges.
The other thing that annoys me is when you send a scout to an unexplored asteroid near the edge of your asteroid's range, and then it is unable to return because home is beyond the newly explored asteroid's range.  Anyone thought of a good way to fix that, or is getting marooned just going to be a risk of scouting?

Unlike everyone else who's posted in this thread, I'd actually be opposed to waypoints.  The difficulty of moving up backwater seedlings fairly accurately represents the organizational issues of a gigantic empire, and it's the only thing that makes the endgame even interesting.  If you could just whip out a near-infinite stream of seedlings from the far side of the asteroid belt without paying attention to it, the late game becomes even easier.  Much better for the really far back ones to be almost cripplingly inconvenient so you have to work with what's on hand.

Seemingly contrarily, I'd really like to see better seedling control more than anything else.  I know mouse-only control is some sort of theme here, but goddammit I want my hotkeys.
SHIFT+right click: select five seedlings.
CTRL+right click: select twenty-five seedlings.
With those two commands, it would be very fast to control even massive swarms.  In the time it normally takes to select ten seedlings, you could split a swarm of 500 in half.
I'd also really make use of any stat-sorting abilities, because seedling stats make all the difference in the world the way I play at least.
Holding A, S, or D when giving a command to preferentially select the seedlings with the most Attack, Speed, or Defense (so conveniently right in a row, commonly used, perfectly placed, and make good abbreviations too!) would be awesome.  Send the seedlings that are all attack and nothing else to go claim an empty asteroid without giving up the ones that are actually useful for defense, or avoid sending any painfully slow seedlings to go and scout.
Using Q, W, and E or perhaps ALT+A, S, or D to select the seedlings with the least attack, speed, or defense would also be really useful.  I could use my crappy seedlings to build and keep my uber seedlings ready for fighting.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 04:56:45 PM by Mr Frank »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #131 on: March 16, 2009, 05:17:35 PM »
I've been hooked on this game ever since someone posted about it on the Phun forum (another awesome game).  Favorite feature?  Procedural maps.  Never the same fight twice, love it.  Least favorite?  Not sure.  Probably the AI cheating on sending ranges.
The other thing that annoys me is when you send a scout to an unexplored asteroid near the edge of your asteroid's range, and then it is unable to return because home is beyond the newly explored asteroid's range.  Anyone thought of a good way to fix that, or is getting marooned just going to be a risk of scouting?

Unlike everyone else who's posted in this thread, I'd actually be opposed to waypoints.  The difficulty of moving up backwater seedlings fairly accurately represents the organizational issues of a gigantic empire, and it's the only thing that makes the endgame even interesting.  If you could just whip out a near-infinite stream of seedlings from the far side of the asteroid belt without paying attention to it, the late game becomes even easier.  Much better for the really far back ones to be almost cripplingly inconvenient so you have to work with what's on hand.

Seemingly contrarily, I'd really like to see better seedling control more than anything else.  I know mouse-only control is some sort of theme here, but goddammit I want my hotkeys.
SHIFT+right click: select five seedlings.
CTRL+right click: select twenty-five seedlings.
With those two commands, it would be very fast to control even massive swarms.  In the time it normally takes to select ten seedlings, you could split a swarm of 500 in half.
I'd also really make use of any stat-sorting abilities, because seedling stats make all the difference in the world the way I play at least.
Holding A, S, or D when giving a command to preferentially select the seedlings with the most Attack, Speed, or Defense (so conveniently right in a row, commonly used, perfectly placed, and make good abbreviations too!) would be awesome.  Send the seedlings that are all attack and nothing else to go claim an empty asteroid without giving up the ones that are actually useful for defense, or avoid sending any painfully slow seedlings to go and scout.
Using Q, W, and E or perhaps ALT+A, S, or D to select the seedlings with the least attack, speed, or defense would also be really useful.  I could use my crappy seedlings to build and keep my uber seedlings ready for fighting.

Good stuff, I will be looking into most of these things for sure. I think that the calls for waypoints point at a more general problem of seedling control and the fact that seedlings are too similar at the moment. (So people treat all seedlings as part of one big force) I am not comitting to anyhting yet untill we have implemented all our ideas on send controls etc and the features that affect it becasue I suspect their ompact will be severly positive :-)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #132 on: March 17, 2009, 03:03:26 AM »

SHIFT+right click: select five seedlings.
CTRL+right click: select twenty-five seedlings.

Holding A, S, or D when giving a command to preferentially select the seedlings with the most Attack, Speed, or Defense

Using ... ALT+A, S, or D to select the seedlings with the least attack, speed, or defense

EXCELLENT (and simple) suggestions for seed selection - I like it ... this would, in my opinion, greatly reduce the need for waypoints AND keep one of the original facets of "game play" intact.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #133 on: March 19, 2009, 03:37:44 AM »
I've been talking to my friends who play this game a lot and we have come up with a few suggestions.

New Tree Suggestions

1. Acorn Trees- These would work off the same principle as the Defense trees, but instead of reducing the heath points of the enemy, they would target your own troops and increase the health attribute above the maximum, and then tag the troops affected so they could not receive multiple health buffs. These would be useful on planets with not much else going for them, because you could use them as rally points that would boost the health of troops stationed there.
     Variables- Identical to defense trees and missile variables, but damage would become health boost
     Possible Restrictions- Need # Dyson trees to unlock, size of planet would still affect the strength of the health boost.

2. Lightning Rod- This would just be like chain lightning, and would be very effective against enemy swarms that are very numerous. It would be useful in making sure people do not build up too many forces and wipe out all opposition without effort. If the range that the lightning could jump was fairly low, then they would be worse than defense trees against small incursions, but very good against a large charge of troops. the speed would be instantaneous with a longer reload time than defense trees as default.
     Variables- Jump range of bolt from enemy to enemy, damage of bolt, trigger range, maximum number of enemies affected in a chain
     Possible Restrictions- Need # defense trees to unlock, only one per planet, perhaps would deplete asteroid's core energy as it fires.

Asteroid Suggestions

1. Movement- Asteroids drift in relation to each other, changing the battlefield in a dynamic way. I do not know if this is a realistic suggestion.
     Variables- How fast they drift, how fast different sizes of asteroid drift,
     Possible Restrictions- I do not know if they would collide.

2. Upgrading Asteroids- Spend Seedlings to improve the quality of the troops produced on the asteroid. This would be very simplistic, it would just increase all stats of newly produced troops a certain amount, but never above the maximum. Different than acorn tree because it only affects the troops from the trees on the upgraded asteroid, and only after upgrading do the new troops start getting better. It would be like adding fertilizer to an asteroid.
     Variables- Level of attribute boost, what attributes to boost, Cost in seedlings
     Possible Restrictions- Limited number of times to improve asteroid, would carry over to enemy if they take the asteroid,

General Suggestions

1. Multiplayer- Would allow for more complex strategies to emerge.

2. Improved Interface- Perhaps a faster way to tell what type of trees are on each planet without having to zoom in on them and check

3. Wireframe mode- Option to take away everything that makes Dyson pretty and remove limits on number of seedlings at any time, would also reduce lag in end game on big scenarios


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #134 on: March 19, 2009, 05:25:04 AM »

This game is pretty cool.

Here are my suggestions:

As I find the end game too easy, here are the way I thought would make it tougher:
- A population cap relatively low
- Creating another variable that is the amount of ressources you can extract from each asteroid. After ressources are depleted, he asteroid would stop producing seedlings or would only produce seedling with half the stats they would normaly have. The other way of putting this up is that each asteroid gives a limited amount of ressources but the amount of ressources a player posses is the sum of ressources of all his asteroids.

- I would also add some special asteroids that gives the player that controls it a bonus. For instance, reducing spawning times, attack, speed or energy bonus for all unit, higher population cap, regenerate a low percentage of your ressources over time, allows the player to see the entire map etc. Also, those specials asteroid would have a lot of core health but no stats and it would be impossible to build trees on them. So controlling the asteroid is a great advantage but cost a lot of seedlings to conquer and needs a good number of seedlings guarding it.

-Another suggestions is waypoints like suggested before but i'd like to add a dimension to it. We could use the waypoint system to attack behind the enemy lines by sending a large group of seedling on an enemy asteroid and then immediatly skipping to another enemy planet that was previously out of reach. Of course the attacking force would take damage from the passage over the first enemy asteroid but this technique would force players to keep some defending forces behind instead of moving everything forward to attack.

Anyway, Dyson is a great game and I'm looking forward to the next update hoping for some cool imporvement


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #135 on: March 20, 2009, 04:33:34 PM »
Wahay, this is the thread that just keeps on giving. :-)
Just to warn you guys, Alex and I are leaving for the Independent Games Festival shortly, so it may be a bit hard to properly monitor and reply to your posts for a week or so. We will get back to it when we return however!


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #136 on: March 22, 2009, 02:21:19 AM »
My first suggestion is summarizing this thread, so you don't have to read through all of it. Simply make a list at the beginning or in a different thread with the suggestions so far.

Now, to the suggestions about the game:

I would like to be capable of creating several types of seedlings. Perhaps by customising the stats of an asteroid or by creating different trees. It would also be fun with more story. A info section that describes the dyson life-form, or maybe more missions with more description. Perhaps you could make your own seedling type? I realize that it would be difficult, but it would be fun too. It would be great to have a save capability, since sometimes you just have to quit, but what if you are one minute from victory then? And how about a sort of "random" mode where you chose some settings (enemy count, neutral asteroids and max trees) and then get a fully randomized map. Finally, it would be fun to be able to "merge" several seedlings to create a single, stronger seedling, lifting a lot of strain from the computer on games with hundreds of seedlings.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 02:34:16 AM by axussriddare »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #137 on: March 22, 2009, 05:20:05 AM »
My first suggestion is summarizing this thread, so you don't have to read through all of it. Simply make a list at the beginning or in a different thread with the suggestions so far.

I suggested a suggestions board, one thread per idea. Still nuffin.

I would like to be capable of creating several types of seedlings. Perhaps by customising the stats of an asteroid or by creating different trees.

You can already create multiple types - just capture the right asteroids. As to customising them, the only way to currently do that is by expending seedlings, and seedlings are currently an infinite resource. So given enough time, the game will zero out - everyone will have seedlings of exactly the same stats.

It would also be fun with more story. A info section that describes the dyson life-form, or maybe more missions with more description. Perhaps you could make your own seedling type? I realize that it would be difficult, but it would be fun too.

They (game devs) were working on introducing classes, I think - like scout, soldier, mobile fortress, whatever. I think they want to narrow down the possible variations on seed types, make the game a little easier to play.

It would be great to have a save capability, since sometimes you just have to quit, but what if you are one minute from victory then?

Then press on and win :)

And how about a sort of "random" mode where you chose some settings (enemy count, neutral asteroids and max trees) and then get a fully randomized map.

I think that may be on the cards for a later version. The only real problem is finding a way to space the asteroids. You don't want half your field out of reach :)

Finally, it would be fun to be able to "merge" several seedlings to create a single, stronger seedling, lifting a lot of strain from the computer on games with hundreds of seedlings.

While merging seedlings isn't a bad idea, it probably won't fly - mainly because it defeats the point of having a class system. And have you ever seen how many vertices/surfaces/textures/lighting render points/reflections a single level of HL2 has to account for? :) You could scale up to millions of seedlings in a game, if your coding was efficient.

Mr Frank

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #138 on: March 22, 2009, 02:54:10 PM »
I really don't like the idea of classes.  Personally, I consider the variable (and random) stats one of the most interesting and unique parts of the game.  My only problem with the current stat system is that it appears to be weighted towards energy, and that isn't a big issue to me.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #139 on: March 23, 2009, 09:02:07 AM »

They (game devs) were working on introducing classes, I think - like scout, soldier, mobile fortress, whatever. I think they want to narrow down the possible variations on seed types, make the game a little easier to play.

Not really, we are planning on exagerating the impact of the stats on the seedlings, which will create stronger specialisation within seedling use.
Seedlings are currently too samey.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #140 on: March 24, 2009, 11:36:42 AM »
The 2 things I am annoyed by is control of huge groups, and bringing reinforcements over huge distances.  Here's my ideas:
----make a good way of organizing the ideas for the forum (mod/level database; moderator-upkept suggestion list).
----make holding right click or maybe middle go up by percentage, not count.  I hate splitting groups of 1500 between two planets.
----make it skinnable: I would assume there are .gif's for the three seedling body parts - make these editable.  Even better, allow everything to be changed (Like trees-->factories, seeds-->rockets)?
----allow seeds to be moved over any distance skipping off of owned planets.  Like in civilization when it shows a 2 meaning the move takes 2 turns.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #141 on: March 25, 2009, 06:39:03 AM »
How about seedlings that have a certain speed/energy/strength ratio get a special bonus?
<50% Energy = Glow that allows their groups to travel farther and regenerate a little faster.
<50% Strength = Explodes on death and will try to direct the explosion at the closest tree.
<50% Speed = Has a special diving attack the goes through multiple enemies.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 06:50:04 AM by Candlejack »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #142 on: March 25, 2009, 01:21:40 PM »
Hi guys, here is another one: improvements in counting logic.

Currently the distance which a seedling can travel from a controlled asteroid is determined by that asteroid size. It works, but it malfunctions sometimes e.g. when a scout is send to another asteroid and cannot get back because that asteroid's moving radius is too short. Also the player wonder is WHY the size of the asteroid is tied to a seedlings moving capability, which currently doesn't make a lot of sense.

Improvement: seedling moving distance from controlled asteroid is determined by tree's control, which is tied to (a) that tree's size and age and (b) tree quantity (c) tree health. So when a tree gets older and bigger, the radius slowly grows with it. (Example: radio station, more powerful station gets more coverage.) More tree's mean longer radius. Also that radius doesn't have to be rigid, when a seedling crosses the line, a tree simply loses control over that seedling (or a seedling can no longer communicate with the tree, or it gets 'lost' etc.). After crossing the radius the seedling doesn't die but starts to live independently, moving randomly. When a tree is attacked, it loses hitpoints which lowers the moving radius of a seedling.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #143 on: March 26, 2009, 02:07:12 AM »
Also, i'm sure you have plans for more levels which is good. On my first play i beat level 1 without any effort or strategy at all. Level 2 by comparison was ROCK hard, frustrated me and took a lot of tries to get right. After that the next levels (up to 6) were not too hard. Of course, level 6 shouldn't be in your final version im guessing. I like the idea of a level you have to try hard to win, but being flooded by limitless enemies after a random 2-20 minutes is not fun! So only possible levels please!

Mr Frank

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #144 on: March 26, 2009, 02:34:30 AM »
I'll agree that level six can be annoying, but what bothers me is a good portion of the time you get destroyed by a swarm of thirty to eighty wild seedlings a minute into the game.  Nothing you can do about it; even if you can fight them off they destroy your asteroid and you lose.  I've gotten into the habit of sending all my seedlings to the nearest decent asteroid right at the beginning and writing off my starting point as a loss.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #145 on: March 27, 2009, 05:43:22 AM »
i like systems
and  i think that ideal strategy should be a system with infinite complexity so anyone couldn't compute precious results of his actions, although theres simple laws(which are interfering on various levels).

Planets should have limited resources for producing.
And gravity to collect killed seeds.
Therefore sizes of planets will be changing in time.
During the game i saw undetermined difficulty of levels and no "restart-the-same-situation" button.
Constant Routes.
(Config file)., etc.

This is good game anyway! :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #146 on: March 27, 2009, 11:15:21 AM »
First of all: AWESOME game :D

I really loved it, every aspect of it. The visual style, the music, the gameplay and of course the concept. (flying seeds, how awesome can it get? =D (not being ironic))

Though, as previously mentioned: lvl 1 was easy peasy, but lvl 2 took me like 3 tries before I had beaten it. From then on it was actually a bit too easy. (but fun, nonetheless) I'd suggest a smoother transition between lvl 1 & 2 and perhaps different difficulty 'modes'. (I'd love to play on "INSANE" :D)

More trees to choose from would be awesome as well. (ones that would add a sort of shield around the asteroid, trees that affect the asteroid's radius, trees that affect the asteroid's attributes, trees that act as a sort of buff making neighbouring trees manufacture seedlings faster etc etc)

Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to replay this little gem :3


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #147 on: March 29, 2009, 07:37:29 PM »
Great game. Simple, but fun.

I have just two suggestions which would make the game even better in my humble opinion.
In the end there are no more strategic decisions to be made. It’s just sending wave after wave against your increasingly weak enemies. That’s OK, but having so many asteroids results in so much clicking to send your reinforcements from asteroid A to B to C and so forth.
It would be fairly simple to implement an automatic send control. Like CTRL and left click could make a “send seedlings” command permanent. So all seedlings would go to the appointed asteroid. Any other command would overrule that but as long as it is active you wouldn’t have to do it manually twice a minute.

The second thing is even simpler. It would be great if there would be more contrast in the game. Having a quite bright 1:10000 monitor makes it sometimes hard to see my seedlings if they happen to be a bright green with white background. A high contrast option or even a tool to change the color would be great!

And again: Wonderful game. Had a lot of fun playing it.

Greetings from Germany



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #148 on: March 30, 2009, 11:47:06 AM »
-I recently attempted to play a level where all the planets are very small while riding in a car, and found that I had much difficulty clicking the small planets.  Make the planets be divinding up the whole screen as far as clicking is concerned.
-My next is probably a bad one, but I think it sounds fun.  Make the trees on each planet be pointing towards any other planets owned by the player, and then (as those are used up) any other planets in general, and then just random.  Then when two planets are both owned by one player and there are trees of over level 3 pointing towards eachother, make them grow a branch connecting them.  It could be a simple line.  This line would be visible when all the way zoomed out, and so would make it easier to visualize the layout of the players on the map by showing their home planets.  It could also have some impact on gameplay by making these lines uncrossable or making planets with them faster to navigate between (like roads).  They would keep with the nature of the game of being simple, though.
-Why are there such cool screenshots on steam but not on this site?


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #149 on: April 04, 2009, 12:15:22 AM »
I would be very interested in some way of increasing the difficulty.

I played through this game in a little under two hours with no difficulty, but I do like the concept, reminds me a lot of Sins.  Rather than just having a difficulty gauge, you could have specific values the user enters.

For example, you could allow the user to edit the energy, strength and speed of their units and the enemies'.  What I mean by this, is the user enters a percentage, say 50%, in the energy box for the user's units.  All energy for all seedlings is half of what that asteroid normally gives them.

This is in many ways the same as entering 200% for the enemies' energy.  Without a significant cap on the percentages that may be entered (they must of course be at least 100%) it allows users to play in any level of difficulty possible, games where you get a little more challenge, fight just to hold onto your last few asteroids, or a 10 second battle in which 200 of your seedlings are killed by 4 enemies.

Also, without regards to difficulty:

Perhaps asteroids should lose their statistics based on how many trees are on them.  They could slowly but surely "dry up" since your friendly colony of murderous mining machines has extracted all the resources available to continue on.  This could occur asymptotically so that smaller asteroids don't totally die.  Perhaps they lose 1% of their current values every 30 seconds, and currently produced units remain unaffected.  This would also apply to enemies, but not to neutral asteroids.

Anything else I can immediately think of can be remedied by a custom map so I shall not delve.

Also, mac version, if you'd be so kind.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #150 on: April 04, 2009, 12:27:52 AM »
Perhaps asteroids should lose their statistics based on how many trees are on them.  They could slowly but surely "dry up" since your friendly colony of murderous mining machines has extracted all the resources available to continue on. 
This was in the original design, asteroids would eventually be fully mined and exhausted the player would have to go out there and find new resources. The games has changed a fair bit since then and it isn't completely appropriate anymore, but I am experimenting with trees dying of old age to simulate part of that functionality, as it does balance the game a bit more and provides for a more interesting end game.

How do people feel about this concept? I am testing it right now, but haven't made up my mind. :-)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #151 on: April 04, 2009, 02:33:28 AM »
I (grudgingly) agree with the resource limitation (let’s call it “crippling” for now). When I found it in StarCraft for the first time, it kinda pissed me off.  >:(

I would suggest providing a way (albeit at great cost) of resurrecting/reviving a “burned out” asteroid (if you go that route). I understand that the resources from the asteroid will be used up, but that would be, IMHO, a very slow process.

The trees, themselves, would be using photosynthesis as a resource, and, as we all know, energy from the sun is almost limitless. The trees becoming exhausted is a more plausible scenario and would, of course, bite into our resources to create more. Not to give it a “farming feel”, but recycling the trees into the asteroid surface could replenish those items needed from the asteroid – thus slowing the asteroid’s decay even further.  ;)

Remember, also, that the trees are in the "sun", converting "sunlight" to energy ... and the tree roots go all the way into the core of the asteroid ... hmmmmm - shouldn't the asteroid stats be going up?  8)

« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 03:07:22 AM by SnukJam »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #152 on: April 04, 2009, 03:37:15 AM »
What if the objective of Dyson changed from taking over the asteroid belt to terraforming it? Dead seedlings would cause vegetation to grow on that asteroid and eventually wildlife from the starting asteroids would migrate to other asteroids through bridges weaved by seedlings. The plants on the surface wouldn't really interfere with the Dyson trees since they draw from the core.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #153 on: April 04, 2009, 08:31:58 AM »
The core idea IS to terraform it, we've simply neglected to emphasise that in our spiel/level blurb/etc.

This gives me the idea that things could cohabit to an extent in hybrid atmospheres, but I doubt we have time to make something viable out of that...


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #154 on: April 04, 2009, 05:56:55 PM »
Perhaps asteroids should lose their statistics based on how many trees are on them.  They could slowly but surely "dry up" since your friendly colony of murderous mining machines has extracted all the resources available to continue on. 
This was in the original design, asteroids would eventually be fully mined and exhausted the player would have to go out there and find new resources. The games has changed a fair bit since then and it isn't completely appropriate anymore, but I am experimenting with trees dying of old age to simulate part of that functionality, as it does balance the game a bit more and provides for a more interesting end game.

How do people feel about this concept? I am testing it right now, but haven't made up my mind. :-)

Perhaps, yes, but they could die slowly, perhaps at the same rate they grow.

Say it takes them 5 minutes to fully grow, 5 minutes of full life, and 5 minutes to die.  Maybe give the player the option during the dying stage to remove the tree and replace it rather than waiting for it to go


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #155 on: April 04, 2009, 06:06:46 PM »
There is one other thing.  By the time you have about ten asteroids, you're generally set.  You can proceed to clear the asteroid belt in under 5 minutes with no difficulty.  Perhaps if, not only using trees, but some sort of simple atmosphere system, you could increase the rate of production of your... mining machines... over a more significant time period rather than simply planting a few dyson trees and moving on.  That reminds me, defensive trees are a waste of seedlings.  They just don't seem to help enough considering they're immobile.  You'd expect immobile defence systems to be pretty darn powerful.  So, trees could help produce atmosphere.  the more trees, the faster your atmosphere increases.  in the meantime, the trees are slowly sucking away your asteroid's stats asymptotically and then end up dying too, forcing you to replace them.  An asteroid with no trees is of course going to slowly lose atmosphere.

I should probably stop, but just one more  ::)

The AI could have some sort of superbug, maybe limited to a single asteroid, which excels at defence, and would generally be on their home asteroid.  They could have an attacking bug, perhaps one for every 30 or so generic bugs.  I like to think of them as bugs...  These bugs merely need to be bigger than normal bugs and perhaps produced exactly the same as trees are, and perhaps grow, like trees do.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #156 on: April 05, 2009, 10:55:41 AM »
If the game is about terraforming, then shouldn't the win condition be having trees(of any color) on every asteroid instead of eliminating your opponent?


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #157 on: April 10, 2009, 04:46:38 AM »
One thing I think should be fixed: It looks a bit awkward when you open the options from the main menu and you can still select some of the seedling colors from the background. :P


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #158 on: April 13, 2009, 06:03:55 AM »
Love the game, can't say just how much I love the game!

The only changes I would like to see is then end of the game/round, which is a little abrupt.  As the game is offencive biased, I would like to be able to completely dominate all the asteroids; to the ability to carry on when the objective has been met would be nice.

Keep up the stunning work,


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #159 on: April 14, 2009, 08:31:12 AM »
I think being able to upgrade an asteroids stats by planting a certain number of seeds would be a cool feature.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #160 on: April 15, 2009, 02:48:28 AM »
To have more diversity with your terraforming a third tree type would be great. An obvious choice would be a defensive tree, like a planetary shield. The more trees of that type and the older they were, the thicker the shield would be. The shield would be semipermeable to let only your seedlings and missiles through.

That would make it even possible to block entire routes through a certain cluster and stop the AI from constantly deep jumping into your core systems.



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #161 on: April 15, 2009, 03:51:48 AM »
@BlueSphere Upgrading asteroids was discussed, but given that seedlings are currently an infinite resource, it would mean that eventually the game would level out - everyone would have asteroids of the exact same stats.

@FatBaron Territories were raised too, and while it would be cool to have a Rise-of-Nations-style territory-and-attrition system, in my opinion, it would take a little bit away from the game. Personally, I hate it that the AI can simply ambush one of my core seedlings worlds from some distant asteroid - but then again, I take advantage of their gaps when they dispatch all orbiting seedlings, leaving their asteroids vulnerable.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #162 on: April 18, 2009, 01:40:02 AM »
Would it be possible to give asteroids special abilities? These could be rare or common depending on the implementation.

Bountiful - can plant 1 extra tree
Strong - Temporary bonus to strength for any seedlings orbiting/Permanent bonus the strength for anything created there
Speedy - same as above for strength
Healthy - save as above for energy
Fertiliser - Faster growing trees
Big and Ugly - Trees planted produce special seedlings (Like a boss or battleship) which are very slow and powerful at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes ish.

I second using the mousewheel to select how many seedling you want to send on right click.
Can you make it so you can hold down right click to send them, rather than right click then left click, as its counter-intuitive.

Is there any way I could help you with development, I can beta test, and I am doing a degree in software development, so know some C++.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #163 on: April 19, 2009, 06:17:56 PM »
I don't know any thing about the true background about the game and it's reality, but i will post some things that got into my mind while playing.

1) It would be awesome if there would be more unique Asteroids.
    For Example there could be some Asteroids, who got Impacts from time to time, like weather or atmossphere changes.
    Different Shapes, some with other Surfaces.

2) Maybe the Asteroids could get different Atmossphere types, then they glow differently or something.

3) Some Dangerous Traps around the Asteroids.

4) Some "Powerups" that float around, you can achieve them by sending one unit.
    For example, the powerup spreads 5 new units.

5) More different "races" of dyson trees.

6) Asteroids where nothing can be build, but if you conquer them, something happens.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #164 on: April 19, 2009, 11:35:59 PM »
Lovely game

I want it so that we can build more trees on the planets

That all

GReatings Thomas


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #165 on: April 20, 2009, 02:41:37 PM »
Thank you very much for your incredibly elegant and enjoyable game.

Have you considered implementing a genetic algorithm for the seeds? The properties of a tree could be determined by the seeds sacrificed to plant it, and every tree could have a small random fluctuation in the seeds that it produces. If you incorporated an idea like trees dying you could encourage an evolution of your seeds over time.

I think that once the basic attributes of this model were in place you could quite quickly establish what kinds of strategic models would be appropriate to maintain the interest in the game. I imagine that such a model would encourage conflict, to weed out the weaker seeds, but too much conflict and you won't have enough seeds to secure asteroids.

I'm a C# developer so if you need any help with this idea, even if it's just to help put in the first pieces for a prototype, let me know.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #166 on: April 21, 2009, 02:31:07 AM »
Hey I just checked out your game, first I didn't really know what do to, but after a short while the game was real fun.
So I would like to see three things:
1.) You should be able to coordinate your seeds better. What I was thinking of was that you should be able to give seeds several stopovers, so they can reach other planets better (which would be more comfortable). If you have played RTS games like Supreme Commander you probably know what I mean. There you were able to create these "stopovers" by holding the shift key and pressing somewhere. It works like marking several files on Windows. I made a picture so you guys maybe understand better what I was thinking of: Click! On that picture you can see that it would be a lot more comfortable if you could just tell the seeds to go that route to reach the last planet instead of waiting until they arrive at every asteriod on after another.

2.) You definately should be able to save a game.

3.) MULTIPLAYER -> THIS WOULD BE TOTALLY AWSOME, SERIOUSLY. If you add a MP option this game will definately be mine on Steam, that would totally rock.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 03:40:55 AM by ultio »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #167 on: April 21, 2009, 04:12:27 AM »
It would be a nice addition if you could shake a tree, then instantly all leaves are becoming alive, but the tree then must rest for a short time period. Maybe to defend your Locations better.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #168 on: April 23, 2009, 06:53:10 PM »

Excellent game!!!

Here is my suggestions/remarks:

1) Have the possibility to select large amount of seeds more quickly. In 4th level recently I had 2 armies of ~400 seeds in each :) and it takes quite long time to send such amount of seeds just to neighboring planet, it is because I need quite long time when the number of selected seeds increases to maximum.

2) A long uhmm... 'lag' of displaying belonging of the group of seeds to a particular planet. Say I select all seeds and send them to another planet, but if I click the first planet at the moment where seeds almost fully arrived to the second planet it is shown that they still 'belongs' to the first planet. I think it's better make seed 'belong' to planet of destination at the time when they go by a half of their route.

3) Multiplayer will be very very very good :)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #169 on: April 24, 2009, 06:18:00 PM »

Excellent game!!!

Here is my suggestions/remarks:

1) Have the possibility to select large amount of seeds more quickly. In 4th level recently I had 2 armies of ~400 seeds in each :) and it takes quite long time to send such amount of seeds just to neighboring planet, it is because I need quite long time when the number of selected seeds increases to maximum.

2) A long uhmm... 'lag' of displaying belonging of the group of seeds to a particular planet. Say I select all seeds and send them to another planet, but if I click the first planet at the moment where seeds almost fully arrived to the second planet it is shown that they still 'belongs' to the first planet. I think it's better make seed 'belong' to planet of destination at the time when they go by a half of their route.

3) Multiplayer will be very very very good :)

In regards to point 1, do you know you can left click + hold and drag to send all seedlings on an asteroid at once?

(2 is being looked into, 3 is not currently possible I am afraid)

Hope that helps!



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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #170 on: April 26, 2009, 11:10:33 PM »
great game guys, and the amount of support u get from those in the forum must be staggering!

I like quetz's idea above, shaking a tree to drop all its' seedlings at once sounds like a great little option. i cant tell you how many times i've been flooded by 200+ enemy swarms and stared silently at all those defense pods sitting there, dropping one at a time.

im not a programmer, but i think the shake action could be easily slipped in, seeing as trees already shake a little when damaged by seedlings.
 IMO the shake option would not ruin the game (ie super increase the amount of micromanagement) but give players a little more room to move in terms of swarm actions, and make bigger trees with more branches, and hence more fully grown seedlings on them, more valuable.

defense trees grow really big. like my example above, dropping the 20 or so pods onto that opposing swarm is likely to decimate it, giving me a chance to fight back and not be resigned to losing my precious asteroid. likewise with seedlings, if i want to quickly mass a huge attacking force i could shake all the trees i wanted to amass an army.

i can see the balance problem though. So then, imagine that a tree once shaken would slowly grow back all its 'leaves', and not pump out more seedlings UNTIL all of the spots on the branches are filled with fully grown seedlings, how the tree would have been like had no shaking occurred. this would effectively make a barren tree a prime target - if you shake all the dyson trees on an asteroid and move them someplace else, a small enemy force could capture the asteroid with no losses.
the shaking mechanic would add a new layer of strategy to both the medium and long term games, where its just building a massive force to overwhelm the enemy; specifically, what to do with the TREES rather than only seedlings. also i see defensive trees taking on more of a purpose (right now they're more of a waste of a tree slot) and home asteroids more fortress-like.

however, i just realised this mechanic could be used to cheat the 32 production limit cap. so any suggestions or comments on how to make this shaking thing work?


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #171 on: April 28, 2009, 05:40:29 AM »

The trees could send out every unit after being destroyed.

The problem is the balance.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #172 on: April 30, 2009, 03:58:20 AM »
These suggestions have probably been asked before but id like to see away to cancel sending a force and a way to demolish your own trees to build new ones i hate taking an asteroid with 5 mine trees... even worse is when you send a force of 450 to attack atarget only to find your home is being destroyed with nothing to do to stop it D=


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #173 on: May 02, 2009, 04:51:43 PM »
I have an idea for attrition. It is based on my theory of how an organic Dyson species would work. I've had to rework it after version 1.20, but the core is the same.

First new thing is the seedling anatomy. I realize that the quality is comparable to cow dung, but blame it on my choice of drawing program (MS Paint). I hope it is interesting enough to take your attention from the low quality though:

The seedlings fly through space using a form of combustion engine, for which the fuel is created from water and various gasses (the oxygen is taken from the water). A lot of the energy is received by solar power, but the propulsion is combustion-based. The idea for this was partially stolen from Alien planet (see:

The seedling is covered by a chitin-like material. A hole is quickly filled by the body fluids that contain some cells and fluids capable of repairing holes. The firing (yes, I noticed my spelling mistake on the picture) is done by a yet to be described process (perhaps we should leave it at that, in order to avoid technobabble) in the organ behind the "nose". The "nose" targets the shot and also contains certain sensory organs.

The seedlings have three senses: balance (to know what's down and what's up), smell (to find certain gasses) and sight (probably needed to detect enemies in space). They communicate with pheromones (or an equalivent) and visually. If a seedling runs out of resources, it dies.

There are four "sexes" among the seedlings. There are two "female" sexes, regular and defensive, and two "male", regular and defenders. The male is your ordinary seedling (see the picture). Both females are three times larger than the males. They cannot "shoot" with their nose, instead it is used to burrow into the ground and start "planting". Behind it there is a large "root" instead of the firing processing organ. They also have an additional, smaller, propelling organ near the base of their wings. That is turned the opposite direction and used to slow down when "landing". The seed organs are larger (in proportion to the rest of the body), and work fundamentally different.

When mating, the female calls for males to "seed" her. They release their seeds onto the female, and then burrow around her to aid her in gathering solar energy. The female collects the seeds with her collection organs. After that she lands and "plants" herself. Her body becomes the base of the tree. The two sexes each form a different type. The regular females form a regular Dyson tree, and the defensive females form defensive trees.

The trees produce a lot of the gasses needed by the seedlings, and take up the remains that they need for themselves. Regular Dyson trees produce all female seedling types and the regular males. The defensive trees produce defensive male seedlings.

Defensive males have an even more primitive "brain" than the regular males. They sit on their trees until given the signal to attack. They find a target and follow it until they ram into it. They have much larger fuel processing organs than the other males, and have three small "wings". These wings contain "fuel". When they ram into a target, they shoot their wings into it and then start an explosion, usually destroying both. A defensive male cannot land, and it destroys itself if it can't find enemies. That way the other males and the females can take up the gasses and materials for their own use.

So, here is how to add it into the game:

Each asteroid has an atmosphere. It is simply two variables attached to each asteroid that tells the balance of the gasses (burnable gasses and burnt). Seedlings take up the burnable and use it to move and attack. Thus each have a variable saying how much gas they contain. When the seedlings use gas, they exhaust burnt gasses. Those gasses are taken up by the trees, and turned into burnable gasses again.

This immediately adds a limit: a Dyson tree can only process a limited amount of gas per "tick", thus making the burnable gasses slowly decrease if there are too many seedlings at the asteroid. If you also make the trees produce slower if they lack the burnt gasses, you will force the player to maintain some seedlings at each asteroid, thus limiting amassing of armies further.

Then each asteroid can have an "earth" value. This slowly increases for each tree, but decreases when trees or seedlings grow. This should also go down (or grow slower) when the trees can't get the burnt gasses. Finally, you can have a core value which always slowly increases to a maximum value. Trees should use this for everything, meaning they will slowly drain the core if there are too many. Then you can have a much higher tree limit.

There are a few more changes and rules needed if you intend to stick to my theory:
* Defensive seedlings cannot gather their own gasses, they only send out used ones.
* Defensive seedlings do less damage the less gas they have left.
* All seedlings die when they run out of gas.
* Trees go into a coma when they can't get enough gas.
* There should be buttons for production of females.
* There should be a menu where you can chose what types of seedlings are to be selectable (so you can chose to move only males or all seedlings).
* A seedling's maximum gas depends on its size.
* The size of the wings also changes the agility of a seedling.

There are also changes and rules that could add more depth and fun into the game:
* A system for way points with rules (when seedling count exceeds X move new seedlings to asteroid Y) that they player can define.
* A rule system for production (stop production when seedling count exceeds X) that is also controlled by the player.
* More graphics! Examples: Visible flames from engines, visible atmosphere (colour balance can depend on gas balance) and more on that theme.
* More stats, such as agility, energy-efficiency and regeneration.
* An advanced regeneration system. Each seedling would have a certain amount of "fixing materials". When a seedling is damaged, it uses some of this to "repair". A powerful first attack might take a seedling out, but it could still keep fighting if it has a high amount of fixing materials.
* Background life. Plants that work like Dyson trees with resources, plant eaters (who know well not to try to eat Dyson trees), predators and perhaps peaceful passing creatures.
* Communication between seedlings (with pheromones).

I realize that it will take a lot to include all of this, but keep it in mind when considering limitations.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #174 on: May 03, 2009, 08:08:00 AM »
How about different colored backgrounds? I like white, but if there was black, yellow, red, dark blue, etc, and always the corrosponding hue to complement the games art. I'd think that'd add a cool level of hostility (red) for a fighting level, or a blue for peace exploration stuff.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #175 on: May 03, 2009, 07:44:42 PM »
The levels are actually multicoloured now! (I know it is subtle but it is there)
You can even change the colourschemes yourself. Every level gas aan RGB definition at the beginning of the level file, you can change it to whatever you like) :-)


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #176 on: May 08, 2009, 09:25:10 AM »
Hi guys, love this game, been playing it addictively for the past several months (despite the fact that there's no real replay value... it's become exceedingly easy to win the majority of the time, with the exception being dumb initial mistakes... I guess that speaks to this game's secondary classification of 'ambient' : b).

Anyway, I like the new build update, and I haven't read through this thread since lurking through it several weeks ago, but I wanted to toss some of my suggestions into the mix:
- Asteroids?  Make 'em drift.  I think they should be orbiting something, at least presenting the opportunity for a dynamic playing field within the span of one level.
- Maximum tree size/max live dysons per asteroid being directly proportional to asteroid size (I don't like how mini asteroids can have huge trees and level 3's enormous asteroid dwarves the max tree size)
- Inclusion of roots to determine tree HP? (roots grow almost like the branches, just with the emphasis on spreading out more than growing up)
- A way to destroy your own trees.  The only thing I don't like about the recent build update is that you're STUCK with whatever stupid decisions the AI made for defense/dyson tree placement.  I think it would make sense to only be able to destroy your own trees with a defense tree, that way, you're ALWAYS stuck with at least one defense tree that can't self-target.
- The addition of grass makes it that much slicker.  I think grass should play into an atmosphere element to the game.  As atmosphere develops, your asteroid's max trees go up.  So an asteroid can only initially hold x trees (based on size), and as atmosphere is created that number increases.

Anyway, I now that I'm looking below the post box, it seems as if others are also interested in the ability to destroy your own trees.  CHOP CHOP  ; )

Thanks again for the great game.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #177 on: May 09, 2009, 02:09:00 AM »
In regards to point 1, do you know you can left click + hold and drag to send all seedlings on an asteroid at once?

(2 is being looked into, 3 is not currently possible I am afraid)

Hope that helps!


Thanks a lot! :) Missed it from the help.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #178 on: May 09, 2009, 05:58:28 AM »
Im sorry, this is not a suggestion for the game but for the message board: We need an Offtopic area.  ;D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #179 on: May 09, 2009, 06:03:10 AM »
Just found this little gem, great job with it so far. Some suggestions though:

Get rid of the abitrary 32 seedling limit for production!

This limit just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't actually limit how many seedlings you can get, it just makes it so you have to constantly manually gather all of them so your production doesn't stop. I perfectly understand the need for a limiting factor on the number of seedlings, but I think it should be done with a global population limit tied to the number of trees and asteroids you control. As it stands the 32 seedling limit is just enforcing needless micro.

Make old trees worth protecting.

Right now older trees are just a bit strong and produce a slight bit faster (I know these can be changed with xml settings, but a solution with more depth might be preferable). Giving trees more stages might help in this regard, but I think the most interesting idea I've seen thrown around in here is making trees generate atmosphere, which in turn would have some other benefit like increased production or stats on the seedlings produced there. I also think that attacks should have to destroy all trees before taking an asteroid, otherwise these advanced trees would probably become a liability.

Make defending possible.

I think this can mostly be done with better default settings, as Jamis' maps seem to have stumbled on the right idea. Right now weapon range is way too low for seedlings to effectively help defend, also having the standard defence trees stronger should help.

This is probobly on the list already but
Add some automation controls.

Nothing too fancy. Basically I'd envision a useful system something like this: each asteroid as a 'reserve' number which shows how many seedlings will stay around that asteroid no matter what automated orders are in place. Once any seedling is produced (or arrives) which is over that limit AND an overflow asteroid is designated, that extra seedling would be ordered to move to the overflow asteroid. This would allow players to make a sort of 'supply line' with fixed garrisons of various sizes at the asteroids along the way. Allowing for multiple 'overflow' asteroids and waiting till you had one extra per asteroid would also allow for some interesting behaviour without complicating things (I'm thinking patrol routes).
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 06:29:04 AM by Hunter0000 »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #180 on: May 11, 2009, 03:13:47 AM »
Hey Hunter, yeah we may do something about the 32 limit, it was just a debug number I put in in the original demo. I doubt we'll do anything too fancy with it though, as there's not much time now.

Hopefully some of your other concerns will be addressed in the final game too.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #181 on: May 17, 2009, 06:31:16 AM »
I enjoy the game, but I have a few comments. You have deliberately chosen a game pace which is very slow. This is fine, but you don't really provide any kind of strategic choices which require the pace the game has. As the game currently stands, you could easily just crank up the speed anywhere between 2-5 times and it would play exactly the same. Also, the game reaches a point where once you have enough asteroids you will basically steamroll over any competition. As an offhand suggestion on how to deal with this issue I would suggest the following:

1) Have more building options for asteroids. This would allow for more play styles and options
2) Make the building costs scale with the number of asteroids you have. This means that someone with a smaller number of astroids actually has a chance to catch up with a larger player
3) Make defense a viable choice. As it stands right now it is too easy to bypass chokepoints either by simply flying past them or just sending seeds away once they hit a defended location. Maybe make it so you can only retreat to a friendly location.

A couple other comments. There doesn't seem like there is much that distinguishes asteroids except their location and launch range. The effective difference between strong attack and strong defense seems pretty minimal (one kills faster but the other survives longer so they even out, might as well condense them into one statistic and add seed variability in other ways.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #182 on: May 18, 2009, 05:22:47 PM »
i love the game but it seems to get a bit slow at times and there are minimum options to customise your planets. a few suggestions
 fast forward button because some seeds move so slow its not funny ;D
upgrades for individual trees like growth rate and upgrade asteroids stats
trees grow bigger according to asteroid size (i don't know if it does this already havn't been playing for very long)
and finally more colour on asteroids
i do not mean to be a pest but i'm just suggesting things
and+ maybe you could design your own colours and leaves and trees and branches

heard about the game from PCPP australian gaming magazine well worth the 8/10 it got ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 05:33:39 PM by TatManTat »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #183 on: May 20, 2009, 07:47:02 AM »
I just joined the forums... I love the game and all. I found many things I liked. But also some lacks.

First I would like to suggests some balance things.
For some reason I find going for the speed extremely rewarding.
A. Speed gives extreme mobility. Quickly during attack when someone sends units to your asteroid you can move units for defence with ease. Not that I don't like the idea... I just think other aspects are too weak to balance for it.
B. Speed can turn an asteroid full of seeds into one of those blade saws. They circle so fast that no matter how low energy they have they can still kill all units before they actually get on the planet.
C. All other aspects for units are simply secondary preference. Speed is a must and Energy and Strength are just things good to have.
D. Defence trees are waste of resources. What is the point of having so many "flowers" if they don't activate fast enough.

Now that's enough all the negative thinking. Lets go for the interesting suggestions.
You ever played on of those board games where you conquer other players planet and have to draw a "trait/perk" card at the beginning of the game by random.
It would be awesome to have random speciality and to see if you can use it well for your advantage. Things like:
Virus25% chance to covert the enemy seed on kill instead of actually killing it.
EnsnareHaving seed in enemy asteroid halts all production on it
SpontaneousCan build on enemy asteroid without owning it. This does not ignore the tree limit.
Fly ByCan attack even during travel from asteroid to another.
VitalityGrowing a tree requires only 10 seeds
Well that's all I can think in fly. But most interesting would be that the player is not informed what kind of speciality he has. They just need to experience it.

Also I too think it would be great to see multiplayer on this epic game.

Some AI ideas.
Scout - Check for planet stats first with one seed. Compares enemy seed amount and value of the planet to his own.
Rush - Sends all units on one planet and takes over no matter what is there.

Questioning what is to the AI most important. Randomized list of the three planet stats in numbered order. If aggressiveness is low then it checks most worthwhile planet to attack by valuing the planets stats. But for intelect AI the need to judge SPEED of the planet grown units on owned planet is high considering any units sent from there even when it's empty can come back at almost any time so possibly judge it by number of unit trees and branches they have.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 07:57:18 AM by whitebear »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #184 on: May 25, 2009, 03:49:15 AM »
Did anybody say smth about multyplayer mode? :-) It would be very interesting =))


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #185 on: May 25, 2009, 07:40:02 AM »
*Cough* Search Button *Cough*

I won't bother quoting everything.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #186 on: June 01, 2009, 12:56:48 PM »
Shouldnt suggestions be here?:

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It would let people start up their on topics on their ideas, things would be cleaner and it would be easier to find things.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #187 on: June 01, 2009, 04:03:25 PM »
I'm not sure I follow!

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #188 on: June 02, 2009, 05:08:41 PM »
Where the
Dyson Discussion
User levels and modificationss

Is there should be a

It would be just like the Dyson Discussion and OT etc. but it would be based around Suggestions.
It would let people start specific topics, find topics easier, not derail a topic that could keep being discussed and it would look neater.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #189 on: June 02, 2009, 10:45:56 PM »

i love the simplicity, but I want longer games.  longer games will result in endless moving resources.
any chance of supply lines?

also, some of the missions end before total domination.  i want the WIN.  I feel robbed when a level ends before all roids are mine.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #190 on: June 03, 2009, 10:31:38 AM »
What im in your closet wants is a simple Suggestion huh.... how do I say that... place. There's an off-topic, general discussion... bla bla bla.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #191 on: June 03, 2009, 11:40:37 AM »

i love the simplicity, but I want longer games.  longer games will result in endless moving resources.
any chance of supply lines?

also, some of the missions end before total domination.  i want the WIN.  I feel robbed when a level ends before all roids are mine.
What im in your closet wants is a simple Suggestion huh.... how do I say that... place. There's an off-topic, general discussion... bla bla bla.
Thats kinda what im talking about. The thread gets a bit disjointed because matt is trying to start a new topic and megagoten is trying to reply to a previous one. So both topics both get slightly thrown out and one will may be ignored. Thats why we need seperate topics.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #192 on: June 03, 2009, 06:15:35 PM »
We probably won't do this. It's interesting to hear what people have to say, but since we are coming to the end of the development cycle for this version of Dyson, there aren't too many huge things we can change at this point, so opening up an entire forum for it is kind of overkill. That's not to say that hearing what people would change with the game isn't interesting and useful, however.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #193 on: June 03, 2009, 08:08:53 PM »
My Ideas are:
Possibly have small forests grow up on the asteroids, getting bigger with each tree grown.

Maybe an atmosphere? As with forests atmosphere's would be created with each level of tree grown. The changes for an atmosphere would be entirely cosmetic, the only affect on this would have on the game is that the seeds would be drawn closer to the asteroid.

And I heard (saw?) someone say (write?) something about a random map generator. I think this is a brilliant idea. ;D


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #194 on: June 04, 2009, 01:43:44 AM »
Yeah these are all good :) I'd love it if I had time to add more cosmetic detail like that - we'll be trying to get in what we can.

Random levels will go in to an extent - every level will be different every time you play anyway, but we may be doing some more generative stuff if there's time.

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #195 on: June 04, 2009, 05:54:20 PM »
Sounds good.


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #196 on: June 08, 2009, 09:37:09 PM »
Hi everyone I just signed in because I feel this game has lots to offer and a very special charm about it.

I don t know about everyone else but currently i play the game like this. upgrade a asteroid with 5 trees, get a second one, do the same, start stacking the seeds in on asteroid and steamrolle the map once i have 300 seeds. Not very strategic if you asked me.

For suggestions now to counter this (game play):
1) Limit the number of seeds in an orbit. Currently it seams to stop production at 32 but you can just send indefinite seeds from other asteroids. I would make the sice of the orbit depended on the  asteroid sice. Also the number off attackers should be reduced (but of course larger then the number of defenders to account for "towers") - this would deal with the issue I described in the beginning and encourage a bit more strategy

2) Scale the price for trees - currently its 15 per tree. Maybe a more sensible progression would be 10,15,20,25,30 (towers costing maybe -3). This would encourage fast expansion since upgrading a single asteroid becomes more expensive the more it is developed.

3) Make the number of trees available on a asteroid depended on the sice of the asteroid

4) New trees. What is so charming about the game in my eyes its the simplicity but I feel its a bit to simple. My suggestions would be to give each asteroid 2 additional slots for special "trees" [So a asteroid has 5 slots for trees and 2 slots additional for some special trees]
These slots should be like upgrades to the asteroid. My idea at the moment would be that you have 3 different trees to increase the statistics of the seeds growing on the asteroid - one for each attribute. So you can decide to offset a weakens of the seeds or enchant there strengths. Maybe another option for a new tree would be something that ingresses the number of seeds in the orbit and there range that they have to reach other asteroids. Or another one which prevents enemy doing a flyby as it is currently possible. 

Maybe a nice idea would be to not have trees but flowers instead which emit pollen, as upgrades. Would also look nice on the asteroids

And suggestions concerning other issues

1) Moving units - is a pain in the ass - how about a pop-up menu Neverwinter Nights (nothing wrong with copying if its good) style where you can select 1,5,10, half, all - that might be faster and  more comfortable

2) Displaying the range of the seeds to other asteroids - rather then these ugly circles a nice  fog effect would be nice

Keep up the good work - a Fan


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #197 on: June 11, 2009, 10:35:19 AM »
Hi, welcome to the Dyson's forum, where we folks have fun in the OT topic and help people in everything else. (Heh, it could become a slogan :P)

Let's start talking about your suggestion shall we?

And your strategy is used by a lot of people, not very strategic but it is very efficient in finishing the game in a few minutes.

1) By the way, sice is actually size. You almost confused me a few times :P The first part, support. The number of the attackers... nan. That what's make the game exciting when you are getting completely overwhelmed. Maybe we could put an "hit point" to the trees. So you could see the "Final Countdown :P"

2) You lost me in towers.... towers? The stronger the planet is, the more seedling you need in order to plant a tree. Support. Though, I still need to understand the "tower" part.

3) That would be great. Though, I would hate seeing a giant planet stacked with 5-10 defense trees >.< But it would spice things up. Support.

4) Ohhh that is an awesome suggestion. I guess I don't' need to say anything except 101% support.

Concerning other issues...

1) I believe Alex/Rudolph has already posted somewhere that the "beauty" of the game will be arranged later, after they take care of everything that is on top of the list.

2) I don't get this one. (Yes, I know that I Epic-Failed right now)

Nice job. Most of these are good suggestions. I still believe we need something special to really, make it exciting. I mean that we could easily stack a few hundred seedlings on a tree then charge in the rest of the planets. It's too easy.

Oh, one of my favorite part of the game is when you can't attack, because you are attacked, and you could easily lose. Kinda like level.... 4-5 or six, not sure. At the beginning, thousand of seedling comes toward you... I think it is in the custom game called 'CTF'
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 10:38:25 AM by megagoten »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #198 on: June 20, 2009, 06:22:58 PM »
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie game developer myself and I'm really mesmerized by Dyson. Amazing combination of simplicity and possibilities.

However the only thing I really miss in this game are rally points.

Each planed should have an option to assign a rally point to another planet. So as soon as there are free seedlings on the planet (either freshly grown from trees or ones that just arrived from another planet), planet would send the to it's currently set rally point.

Late game players would be able to create sort of network (like directed graph) between planets.

Just like in Anno 1602, that concept was brilliant there, seeing the whole map, zoomed out, was like "damn It's alive!".

And it would actually balance the importance of defense, which game lacks a bit currently. With rally points your "farm" planets would be empty all the time so defensive trees would value a lot more.

Someone may say it's gonna be even less to do now in game. I say: make the planet busy by forcing player to fight (and make decisions) on two or three front lines at the same time. Right now in late game 70% of time is just "getting reinforcements from the old planets to the new ones".

Sorry for the broken english. Good luck.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 06:37:52 PM by kiryx »


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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #199 on: June 22, 2009, 06:17:51 PM »
Great game, just finished all the levels however there's some things that'd really improve the play. I didn't read through the whole thread though, so apologies if these things have been said before. Perhaps you could keep a list of suggested ideas in the first post, anyway on to my suggestions:

  • Tree health: When I'm attacking an asteroid, or I'm being attacked, I have no idea of how quickly a tree is being killed, or how much health it has left. Do trees recover health over time? It's especially a nuisance when attacking a strong asteroid.
  • Seedling Speed: When attacking another planet, speed seems to be a disadvantage. Playing one game I conquered a planet which was quite good (>150 core energy and almost full Energy, Strength and Speed stats) however, when I used the seedlings from this planet to attack I found they couldn't take a planet very well because they flew too fast to shoot at the trees and so it would take a long time to take one out.
  • Moving a specific number of seedlings:The number of seedlings to send increases too slowly at first while holding right click. It should reach close to full speed by about 7 seedlings, not 15 as it is at the moment. It slows game play moving seedlings around, and also is a nuisance while under attack. You're forced to wait while the count builds up slowly, send all which usually results in the then empty planet being attacked, or manually increment which is faster at first but not as good once the speed builds up on the count.
  • A Global Stats Overview: An overview of some stats, mainly total seedling count, perhaps players asteroids, number of trees, and number of empty tree spaces could be included as well but the latter three may just add to bloat.
  • Being stuck on unclaimed asteroids: I can understand the point of this - to stop players from exploring the entire universe straight away - but it is quite annoying. Especially if I send a force of strong seedlings to take the asteroid from neutral enemies, and then want to use weak seedlings to plant trees on the asteroid. I can't because I can't get my strong seedlings off the asteroid, so I'm then forced to use the good seedlings to make a tree. I suggest just making it so that the player cannot send seedlings outside of the range of claimed asteroids.This results in stopping the player from uncovering the entire map, as well as allowing them to move seedlings around freely.
  • Fullscreen Resolution/Video controls: I can understand this not being in yet, but with my low powered graphics card (Radeon x300) the game runs slowly at 1280x1024 (probably ~21 fps). It would be better if the game just took on desktop size by default.
  • In game instructions: These are a bit lacking, and particularly don't explain defence trees very well. Perhaps a tutorial level could be made to supplement the instructions.

There is of course more that could be added to the game, but at the moment I think it's better to get down a smooth, flawless interface and game play experience.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 03:28:24 PM by wuthi »