Hello all,
We really could use some help here. We're adding achievements to Eufloria and need to test some of the conditions. If you don't mind having the award conditions spoiled for you, and you'd like to help us out, please let us know by posting a response in this thread. Any previous testers are welcome, and also anyone who already has the game is eligible.
You may need to play through a few of the game's levels again, which might take some time.
We'll give out some gift copies of the game to successful testers so you can give them away to your friends.
It's not much but you'll be testing the latest version of the game, which has a couple of new modding features - naming asteroids, text drawing, and bug fixes like planted seedlings moving with asteroids, and a porn mode.
We need quite a few testers, so please sign up!
(only joking about the porn mode)