The way you did your "vs" file broke my AI, meaning it would always lose. I've updated the file and my AI now loses 99% of the time
. I did notice your AI uses information a human player wouldn't have though; whereas mine doesn't. My AI would still lose though as it's not as good!
This attachment is the fixed version of our two AI's going at it. I've also changed the colour scheme a little and auto-zoomed, so the whole map is always on the screen and lastly I changed the win/lose conditionals to print which AI won
It's sadly fun to have on in the background when I can't be bothered to play.
I think I'm going to make an AI vs AI template map (this code is far too messy to use!), so I can make an AI wars thread!
Oh and Pilchard, if you haven't already recoded most of your AI, It would be nice if you set your AI's behaviour to only use Globals. As then I could easily intergrate it into my future AI wars thread.
For example..
if GetAsteroid(n):GetNumSeedlings >= Globals.Structures.TreeCost
instead of...
if GetAsteroid(n):GetNumSeedlings >= 10 then
Doesn't matter if you don't bother though, I'm sure I'd get around to it myself at some point, heh