and that 2e is the thing that i wanne ask on you annikk
the img is just a print screen of your 3D lvl
but I have see that there rotate some light stars
Yes - the ones that look like electrons orbiting a nucleus?
but the i dea is now :
can you not make it that it rotate in the asteriod of go in the asteriod
I'm not sure what you mean by "rotate in the asteroid of go in the asteroid".
see the 2 img up of this page
llike you can see that it is a real black hole ingame
i hope now you understand me? xD
Are you looking for a whirlpool effect?
As if the stars were floating in a bathtub, and all the water is pouring down the drain?
If so, that is an advanced functionality. You might be able to use the gravity engine to cause the stars to feel gravity coming from the asteroid, but I think whirlpools work a bit differently to gravity. In an isolated gravity system, one object can orbit another object indefinitely, provided no external forces interfere. In a whirlpool, EG the water going down the drain when you pull the plug in the bathtub, objects get closer and closer to the center before ultimately being sucked down - and this happens independently of any external forces such as splashing. The rotational forces also derive from the earth's magnetic field, I believe. That is why whirlpools rotate in one direction north of the equator, and the other direction south of the equator.
I would suggest you start by writing down, in exacting detail, what you want to happen. Be as detailed as possible. Draw diagrams to help yourself understand how the stars ought to behave. Then, go to google and look up formulas and equations for a whirlpool. You should spend several days on this planning stage.
Then, it will be up to you to figure out how to adapt those equations into code form. If you've done the preparation outlined in the paragraph above, it should be possible. :>
I'd prefer if you waited until I've officially released the 3D Stars engine as a template before you start using it in your own levels. :> It will be much easier to work with then, too, so you'd be making it easier on yourself as well. There ought to be plenty of research to keep you busy in the mean time.. :>