Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
[Map Maker] EVE
I'd definitely lend a hand if I have the time. I wanted to do a level editor for HD when it came out, but then you went and got the drop on me :P
It would be really nice to have one editor that people help get better, rather than 5 competing ones :-)
Good stuff this!
Any news on this?
--- Quote from: Pilchard123 on December 15, 2012, 06:19:41 AM ---Any news on this?
--- End quote ---
Well: Visual starfield(later going to be implemented as Annikk made it), changing pre-existing trees, changing pre-existing seedlings per faction, and attributes of the asteroid and some very small details :)
I haven't been working very efficient on the project lately; the tools are pretty much way ahead of the game and there is practically no reason hurrying.
There, version 0.3 is out :)
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