Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
.NET 2 error
--- Quote from: Aino on August 28, 2011, 09:02:42 AM ---No, I didn't mean like that :P
It's a code, meaning you don't underrstand it. When you undestand it: you've broken/cracked the code :)
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lol - i know. it's just me being a smarty pants.
--- Quote from: Orion63 on August 28, 2011, 09:12:59 AM ---.NET is a truckload of problems. I know that this is not what you want hear, but returning to 3.5 is a good bet... If that doesn't work, I am going to assume, it's one of the enormous collections of software compatible problems that .net has...
Anyway, if you dig deeper into the problem, I haven't seen much .net programming, but I know mscorlib is pretty low-level code... essentially code really. Before you downgrade, you could download it again, and re-install it, as it might be some corrupted file...(worth the try, right?).
And if you're feeling really motivated:
Also, did some googling on the error, it doesn't seem that uncommon, just a little abstract... Good luck... Keep giving details, we might be able to help you.
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ok - i'll attempt to remove .net4... a screw driver and a strong magnet should do it? ;)
yes, removing .NET4 and installing .NET 3.5 let me complete that level. :)
EDIT: for anyone reading the above post you do not use a screwdriver and magnet to remove .NET4 ::)
Glad I could help ;-).
PS: Screw electronic parts, magnets are wicked cool ^^.
when a HD is on it's way to silicon heaven, i take it apart and remove the magnets. i have a drawer full of them. not sure why.
always, always, always - no wait never, never, never leave one in your pocket. as you walk past something that attracts it, it will shoot towards it knocking your genitals out of the way in the process. :'(
Well, magnets kill phones and demagnetize credit cards, so I never actually keep them in my pocket :-P
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