Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Trouble with level 24

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I've been breezing through the game, but it suddenly gets very difficult on this level.  The opposition is just too great. 

You start in the middle with enemies on all sides, and a very short amount to build your army of 200 (the first goal of the level). Neighbouring asteroids are all well defended. So I waited for an opportunity to make my move, and managed to eek out a base in one of the corners, losing a bunch of seedlings along the way. I built up some defenses on a choke-point asteroid, and built up my armies on a few tiny asteroids. My neighbour would continually build up swarms of 50 and beat on me the whole time (I thought they weren't supposed to be interested in small asteroids). Just when I think I'm getting ahead, I'm informed the enemy already has their 200 seedlings and I've lost.

Am I missing something?  This level seems a lot harder than the rest.

This level has not really been a problem for people I don't think, so I might have to let Rudolf answer it. Did you check the hint?

This is the second last level, so it's meant to be a little more tough (I found levels 16-20 harder then 21-25 as it happens).

Once again, we need level walk throughs on a wiki!

The hint says:

Avoid pointless battles - Obvious.  It's hard enough trying to survive, let alone wage battle.
Find a corner to defend and grow your numbers - Yup tried that. You're lucky if you can even reach a corner.
Enemies are less interested in small asteroids - Tried that too. Not like you really get to pick and choose anyway.

So can you recall how you did it?

I just played it and won first time on Android, and have done on iOS. I'll try and test the Mac version later if you still have problems (should be no different but pc/mac/linux do have a different setting internally which maybe has gone wrong).

From the start, I make sure I have 3 dyson trees and 1 defence tree per asteroid until I find safer corner asteroids. Once I had my first 2 asteroids fully planted, I explored quite rapidly and carefully. I use flowers to create laser mines as quick as possible, and explore with those. When not exploring, I keep enemy numbers down using them.

When taking enemy asteroids, I pick the ones with as many dyson trees as possible so I get them cheaply, and I invade them laser mine first.

I didn't bother with places which had > 1 defense tree.

If attacking defense trees, you really want to get young, small asteroid ones. Larger ones will take out too many seedlings unless you have good quality super seedlings.

Sometimes Eufloria can make it tough right from the start - that's the procedural nature of the game. It doesn't happen often, but every now and again you get a tough start layout. I think it happened once to me on 200 - at least, I remember losing the level once. I may have just played it badly.

Just tested on Mac. It did take me a few goes actually but I changed back to my iOS tactics and won most of the time. The start seems to be the most important bit and there is a little luck involved. Basically, don't get involved in fights early on and make really good use of any flowers. Wait until asteroid are poorly defended before grabbing them. I never won when I got involved in fights early.


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