Wish I was that creative, starting my own company with an idea that would be successful

I'm currently studying to become an engineer: Automation. I have a little over a year left of the study and then I'll officially become an engineer, but I don't think my future truly lies with engineering work. I'm hope I'll end up with a software developer job after my bachelor, which I guess is slowly becoming my dream job!

Besides my studies, I'm also working with C# as a hobby. Making my own little game engine just for fun is quite challenging, and working on it always reminds me I still have quite a lot to learn.
Already started with some basic setup code for the AI, just need to figure out it's behaviour and write the code. I'm also curious if Eufloria allows for multi threading, would be awesome to put that pesky and heavy neighbour checking work on another thread, alleviating the stress on the main game loop. I guess I'll have to look into it, and thread safety while I'm at it. I'll take on this project with a little more planning than previous projects though, so it might take some time.
I will most definitively not lose this one though, learning from your mistakes has that curious effect.

Edit: Worked on the AI some more today, looking promising. I'm weirded out by the fact that I actually don't know why the AI does what it does... It does what I expect, but currently I haven't added any sort of prioritization of planting trees or assembling to attack, but it does so anyways. I did check if the default AI is to blame, and it isn't. This is good I think, because that means I somehow made a pretty good foundation for the AI. It does have
SOME A LOT of irrational behaviour that I hope to iron out soon; maybe the release will be sooner than expected?

Edit 2: Working on the AI some more I have finally made it behave as I expect it should. This is awesome, now to add some behaviours that is missing (defending and attacking), and see if it can beat MAI

Edit 3: I figure I can add a to-do list in this post too, so everyone curious can keep track of the progress:
- Basic behaviour, like moving seedlings and exploring. (done)
- Plant trees (done)
- Use one slot on extremely good asteroids for defense trees (not done, don't know if this is a great idea or not; losing out on good seedlings)
- Characterized by being the best asteroid in the empire.
- Defend properly ( 80% done :) )
- Attack properly
- Flowers:
- Plant flowers on the best asteroids in the empire
- Plant flowers on defense trees first
- Plant flowers on dyson trees second
- Mines
- Deploy mines on friendly threatened asteroids
- If no threatened asteroids, use for offensive purposes
I think that covers the behaviours the AI should exhibit, I might have missed a few smaller points...

Edit 4: For the first time since starting this, the new AI beat my older one... It's rather curious, and it's because of an exploit in the older AI. I consider it a win nonetheless, considering I'm not done implementing any sort of offensive behaviour as of yet (the AI does attack, but it doesn't have any code directly telling it to be on the offensive). It will be interesting to see what happens once I add behaviour that makes it take more offensive actions

Oh, and it's really fun to see just how small adjustments in the mathematical formulas change the behaviour. It's not radical changes, but one adjustment in one formula made the AI go from loser to winner against MAI

- Note: this is a double-edged sword, one change can cripple the AI as much as it can boost it, but developing it from the ground up has it's benefits of making me see where some pitfalls are though