Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Out of memory errors (Win7)
--- Quote from: sillytuna on November 09, 2012, 10:15:35 PM ---I think that's been answered by the link. Anyone who contacts us who wants the updates can have one for free :)
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--- Quote ---RANT COMING!
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Uh oh...
--- Quote ---However, and this is purely my personal opinion, I would like to think our fans would be supportive of both us and other indies who go through all manner of, well, 'hell', to make these games.
We're not out there driving expensive cars, we aren't out on the golf course, we've been up until 5am, we've had to put family and children and personal lives on hold, we've had to deal with more than anyone should have to for our work. And that's our choice! In Eufloria's case, we're still updating a niche game 4 years later.
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I'm so confused! Do you think I'M driving expensive cars, or out on the golf course? I've been up until 5am myself finishing my degree, but then I got tapped to take care of my adult autistic brother. So instead of having a nice programming job to pay off my ridiculous student loans (WHY did I go to grad school? Don't go to grad school. It's not worth it), I'm barely making ends meet. (And really, not even that; I've managed to keep my head above water this long, but my heavy student loans drag me deeper and deeper...)
Not that I want this to be a pity party, haha. Where I am in life is a result of my own choices and my dire financial straits are my own fault. But if your impression of me is that of a monocle-wearing billionaire lighting Cubans* with $100 bills, that is not the case. My point being that I don't really have the means to re-purchase games just because they're older than some date.
Did I buy a copy or did I rent it?
If I just rented it, fine, but say so. Then I won't have any expectation of support.
And more importantly, how can I recommend Eufloria to my friends? I love Eufloria, and I want everyone to play it. But I can't in good conscience recommend it if you guys don't stand by it. THAT'S why support is important. I don't really need it for myself (I mean, how many times does one guy have to play through the same game over and over again?). I need you guys to stand by your product, so that I can tell my friends "You're not wasting your money by buying it."
--- Quote ---So, I would really like to think that people will purchase the bundle, even if you only pay 1 cent or give all the money to charity!
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Nooo! It costs more than 1 cent to process the order. Paying 1 cent is theft. I'm poor, but I'm no thief.
--- Quote ---The issue you're referring to is a bug in a 4 year old game on an OS which didn't exist to be fair, and it's not a problem we have lots of requests about although it is clearly an issue somewhere.
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4 years is not a long time, game-wise. I bet more than 100+ of my Steam games are older than that. And Windows 7 has been out for 3 of those 4 years...
--- Quote ---Few games get updated to fix bugs that come up much after release.
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WHAT? Seriously, what are you talking about? The ONLY games that don't get updated to fix bugs are console games. Computer games not being patched is the _exception_.
--- Quote ---I hope this all makes sense. We've been doing ridiculous things to get this to happen so apologies if my reply comes across a little tetchy.
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No worries, haha. I will never take offense if you feel the need to yell at me a bit. I can take it. ;) I'm kind of a jerk, so that happens a lot anyway.
I appreciate all your hard work, even if it doesn't seem that way because of my constant whinging (really, if I didn't care I wouldn't complain in the first place).
I really do love Eufloria. I wish I had the means to buy 1000 copies to give away. It is _exactly_ my kind of game. That's why it breaks my heart to see it essentially unsupported. Eufloria HD is out, which is great! But how long will it be supported? Your track record...
*By "Cubans" I of course don't mean cigars, I mean the Cubans I hire to tend the grounds of my palatial estate...
--- Quote ---No worries, haha. I will never take offense if you feel the need to yell at me a bit. I can take it. ;) I'm kind of a jerk, so that happens a lot anyway.
I appreciate all your hard work, even if it doesn't seem that way because of my constant whinging (really, if I didn't care I wouldn't complain in the first place).
I really do love Eufloria. I wish I had the means to buy 1000 copies to give away. It is _exactly_ my kind of game. That's why it breaks my heart to see it essentially unsupported. Eufloria HD is out, which is great! But how long will it be supported? Your track record...
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We're going to agree to disagree over updating the old Eufloria I'm afraid! If you're worried that we're not going to keep updating it for new OS' or bugs people find way into the future, don't buy it. Seriously, ask for your money back and never buy from us again. I don't want you to do that but I'd rather you were happy.
We're not going to keep updating it forever. No indie developer wants to do that on products they are no longer working on (I'm not talking in the few months after release) and few do. Mind you, I have more problems with bigger titles on Steam!
It's amazing that Eufloria is still being worked on at all - all previous buyers get the current work for free so we can only even support the development with new platforms. The PC version didn't pay for the iOS version, the iOS version did. Yet we already had to do months of work on the old platforms just to get them up to date, and we plan on adding more features. Which will be given away!
We couldn't do that if we had to go back to the original code and work with that too. So we made our choice. Goodbye old Eufloria, hello new. It's the only way to make it manageable, and it's still actually pretty unmanageable with all the versions flying around.
However... PM me again if you need me to share the beta with you.
Thread locked (or I'll be here all night; I've been going about 15 hours and not eaten yet)
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