Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
What's the differences between 2.06 and 2.07?
Naw, there's no need to feel bad; you've been doing other things! We can't expect you to stay here all the time.
Well we can, but it would be mighty unreasonable of us.
--- Quote from: Alex on December 08, 2012, 12:13:21 AM ---Hi. In this patch we added a second game mode that was a bit less hectic.
--- End quote ---
:D Thanks a lot!I know it is not easy to save time to surf the forum as you are busy now.Anyway,hold on and good luck man!We are your most srtong shield!
Alex split himself in two. I am also called Alex, and I'm a bot he created to deal with eufloria so he can make his next game.
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