1. I wish it worked! :D
(once it is actually working... here's a list of cool things it could support, eventually...)
2. WASD movement around the 3D environment. The camera could be set to constantly return to 0,0. Then if the game detects the camera has been moved left (the "A" key was pressed) then every single object in the level could rotate around the camera. To the camera (and thus the player), it looks like they turned around... actually they stayed still and the world moved around them, but that's just a technicality. Just like that, we have the basics to create an FPS in Eufloria..
3. Transparency. A face could be declared part-transparent. That would mean edges and vertices rendered behind that face would not be skipped completely, they would be drawn but would have a lowered alpha.
4. Reflections. A face could be declared to be shiny... one could perhaps specify how shiny, exactly. Then some calculations could determine what ought to be reflected and where the reflection should be positioned on the shiny surface. To get it looking like a reflection, the edges and vertices could be rendered as slightly wider lines and with a lower alpha...
5. Viewports. A face could be declared to be a "screen", with the view of the screen based on the view of a virtual camera somewhere in the level. So you could have a screen in your level that you can walk/fly up to and look at, and that shows another part of the level, for example. It would be rendered onto a 2D plane that exists in the 3D level..Then ultimately of course it ends up in 2D again on the computer screen... muahaha, complexity.