1) Is there a way to set the starting view to be of the planet that you control?
2) Is there an E.T.A. of a patch that fixes the comps ability to 'fly' beyond set range?
3) Is there some way i can change the max number of trees for all but certain planets?
4) Is there a way i can change the cost of defense trees?
5) How would i put in the xml to add seeds to a specific planet without dyson trees every x seconds?
6) Is there a way to set it so that you can only build dyson trees?
7) Is there some way i can set it so that when you cap a asteroid, the tree that you destroyed grows back as the same tree? (e.g. i destroy a defense tree, cap the asteroid, and then have the defense tree start to grow back)
8 ) What do these things do:
-Checktimer (missiles)
-anything to do with volume (asteroids)
-asteroids (game)
1) If it doesn't, that sounds like a bug. Possibly the camera is just focusing on the first asteroid in the level file - try swapping hte player asteroid with that and see if that fixes it.
2) Not yet - It'll be fixed by the time we release though.
3) Not yet. It's on the list though.
4) Yeah. It should be in the defense structures area of your level xml or default.xml - change the cost value and it should update accordingly.
5) There is a level design feature for this at the moment, but it's not quite what you want. This doesn't work too well at the moment and is just an event for one level. It just makes seedlings pop out of a team's trees every X seconds. I don't recommend using it. We will put stuff like this in later though.
6) No, but if you were to set the cost of a defense tree to like a million seedlings, then that should do it

7) Not at the moment.

a) how often missiles check for enemies to strike.
b) There are a few sound effects in there that these control - "VOLUME" controls the maximum volume of the ambient asteroid sounds (the radio noises); "CONQUERVOLUME" controls the volume of the sound made when an asteroid is captured; "SENDVOLUME" controls the volume of the noise made when you send seedlings from one place to another.
c) This is the number of asteroids in the belt, which is usually overridden by the levels xml.