Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Dyson wont start on vista need help

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not really i think when i started to update drivers again...i dont actually recall....

EDIT:it was when i updated drivers...when i rolledback the update it was running again but now its uber i updated again and now its not running again....T_T

OK, so let me get this straight - the game was running OK 2 weeks ago, then you updated the video drivers and it stopped working. Then you rolled the drivers back and it was running but very slow, and now you applied the update again and it does not work again?

yea...the display driver is the one i updated...does this mean i dont get to play dyson?

And when you ran it two weeks ago it ran fine? No slowdown?

And the only thing you changed between then and now is the video driver?

It could be the way it handles OpenGL. The [updated] graphics driver, that is.

I'm running Vista SP1 Business (same as Home Premium in all the respects that count), Intel Dualcore E5200 2.5ghz, a Sapphire ATI Radeon HD3450, with 3gb ram, and it all loads just fine.

If ATI uses the same opengl drivers for all their cards (which I assume they do), then the problem could lie in not having enough ram. Unfortunately, there's no way to fix this short of upgrading.

You could also check other aspects of your pc's performance. Stuff like registry, background apps, network activity, etc. Maybe you just have a virus :P


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