Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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Is it me or Annikk you talk to ?

Caue the game is not CPU hungry atleast how I see it, but I can try... first I need to go to school...

From the tutorial:

"Coroutines in Lua are not operating system threads or processes."
"Coroutines are a way to express multiple cooperating threads of control in a convenient and natural way, but do not execute in parallel, and thus gain no performance benefit from multiple CPU's."

Seems to indicate this won't improve matters..


--- Quote ---You could then use os.clock to enforce a limit to how much cpu time a specific part of your code is using. Since you're using a coroutine, next time you call it, it'll pick up from where you left off.
--- End quote ---

I've tried something similar to that, using an "If" statement triggered by an alternating boolean variable to run the overlap checking every second pass (so 30 out of the 60 passes per second trigger the code - odd passes trigger an overlap check, even passes do not).  The result was that 1 frame was laggy and the next frame was fine, leading to an awkward and unpleasant stuttering effect.  I messed around with different settings for a while before eventually concluding that approach was unworkable.

I wonder, whhy didn't A&R add "DrawImage(Image Location, x,y, Red overlap, Green Overlap, Blue Overlap, Alpha, Size)?

I just learned that you have the Graphics component in C#, and it can draw Images, why not just add a function that uses that function?

I'm soon gonna make my first game BTW, C# is increadibly easy to handle, but Microsofts Visual C#'s  error handling suck...

Hi and welcome to the forum :)


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