Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Eufloria PSN crashes on exit

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I'd like to start with pointing out that the PS3 port of Eufloria is brilliant! Thanks for this great game!
There's one major problem though: when I play the game for longer (several missions) and then exit to XMB, the game will cause a system restart... meaning it will halt the screen for a few seconds, then the PS3 will beep 3 times and reboot. :( It doesn't do that when I start the game and then immediately exit afterwards though.
This seems to be a common problem, I've read about others experiencing the same bug on the official PS forums:
Please fix this, I don't want to risk my PS3 being destroyed or losing all my data, but I also want to play Eufloria!! :)

We'll fix this in a patch. Sorry about that!

Awesome, thanks for the fast reply! Maybe, while you're at it, could you please activate the background image / music for the XMB entry? They worked both for the demo, but once you unlock the full version, they don't appear anymore... Thanks!

sometimes me to, i had played a level and no crashes on exit en the next level its crashes
but now i can not play ps3, i have the ylod
now ik can play back now on the ps3 i have buy a ps3 slim and fixed that ylod en transer the data all to the new ps3 :D

I just downloaded this a few days ago, and mine also causes a reboot of my PS3 every time I exit.  When will this be fixed?  It's a fun game, but if this bug continues I may request a refund.


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