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What are you working on? :D

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Lost Seedling:
Congratulations to AlphaGo! I'm interested in Tom's analysis of Game #1 and his prediction of the final outcome. Personally, I had no idea what was going on but am fascinated by the advancement of AI in this arena.

Wow, Lost Seedling, nice that you remembered this :)

I cannot analyze this game b/c it’s waaaaay over my head, but my last prediction (before the game) was and still is that AlphaGo will win—not because I know anything about AI or Go, but because of my perception of the communication and scheduling of the DeepMind group.

It was an awesome night … almost 100k people watching on YouTube, millions on Asian TV … I have 70+ notifications on FB instead of the usual dozen …

Also, contrary to some others, I am not “frightened”—for me this was not human against machine, it was human against human-made algorithm. I don't (yet) see Skynet arising from this.

Two videos of the game with commentaries:
AGA channel, Myungwan Kim (9p) commenting, for higher-level players
DeepMind channel, Michael Redmond (9p) commenting, for an audience with little Go knowledge

Greetings, Tom

Lost Seedling:
Well that was over quickly!

One of the benefits of age is enjoying the memories of witnessing history as it happened. Regarding this milestone in computer development, it's pleasant to sit back and remember the inexorable march of computer technology culminating, on this day at least, in what may turn out to be an opening to a new horizon in technology's service to humankind.

Of course you're correct, Tom, that machines are not in competition with humans. I would like to know more, though, about the algorithms used by the programmers. If, some day, we are able to replicate the intuitive and creative aspects of human brains and combine it with the tirelessness and speed of silicon (or quantum) circuits, it could prove to be a fearful development if not chained by moral restraints.

Fascinating stuff.


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