Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Bug with level 4

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You'll have to excuse the enemies - they (currently) don't pay any attention to the level goals at all. They just do stuff now and again.


I have had a similar experience.

I played the level (4), and when I had about 32 asteroids, I decided I wanted it ALL, so I attacked the remaining asteroids all at once. I conquered them all, but received no 'Mission Complete' message. I continued to take my swarm all around the ring of asteroids to see if there was something I missed. Nothing.

One possibility I thought of was that I moved beyond the requirements of a "win" (registering 34 then 36), skipping the "win" scenario entirely.


--- Quote from: SnukJam on February 25, 2009, 03:05:27 AM ---One possibility I thought of was that I moved beyond the requirements of a "win" (registering 34 then 36), skipping the "win" scenario entirely.

--- End quote ---
This explanation sounds good to me.

--- Code: ---<win if="team 1 owns 35 asteroids"/>
--- End code ---
Guess it depends on how often these conditions are checked.
Maybe the condition-system could be expanded to avoid any problems like these... just add an 'or more' and it's fine, no matter what very unlikely fast double-conquer szenarios happen ;)

EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed there are already conditions like this, so if the win-condition would be altered to:

--- Code: ---<win if="team 1 owns more than 34 asteroids"/>
--- End code ---
it would work?

I've ran into this bug as well.  I can also report that it is doing it in Ver.1.20.

I completely conquer every asteroid and get no win.


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