Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Bug in attacking asteroid

<< < (2/6) > >>

oh cool. I have had a good level idea waiting for that static fix... can't wait!

lol. I didn't even think of changing the asteroid size. Duh.

Thanks for the heads up Alex!

I will try this tip if I get these problems again.


I got a bug that had the same result (a never ending attack...)

In the level 4 of dyson 1.10 the root of an ennemy tree always followed the wrong way ...
(see attachement)

Same thing happened here - the little "spark" animation never made it to the core so no shoot grew but the game still registered 1/3 trees
I think it happened to me on level 6

Well from looking at Mabrev's screen capture, I can pretty safely say that it is NOT a problem with the asteroid being set to static... That being said I have no idea what it is.


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