Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Eufloria Classic on OS X
cheers! Do you (or anyone for that matter) have the same problems with the MBP slowing down drastically with medium/big numbers of seeds? Or when zoomed out?
i am totally noob at os x so can you please help me and say what is exаctly i need to write in step 6
.( In Terminal, go to the directory where you un-tarred the linux build. In the directory with the executable, type: mono Dyson.exe)
of course i know how to run Terminal =) but what to do next ?
This what you need?
--- Quote from: cem on March 31, 2009, 01:20:40 AM ---Then open Terminal (OS X's command line interface), it should be located in /Applications/Utilities, and navigate to your Dyson Folder. This would look like this, if you had Dyson on your Desktop:
localhost:~ user$ cd desktop
localhost:~/desktop user$ cd dyson
localhost:~/desktop/dyson user$ mono dyson.exe
The commands are almost similar to DOS. To navigate you will need cd FOLDER or cd .. To view the content of a folder type ls
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oh , really it is not that i was seeking =) but i already win in fight with this game XD on the other hand ty , for trying to help me
--- Quote from: cem on June 30, 2009, 05:51:12 AM ---cheers! Do you (or anyone for that matter) have the same problems with the MBP slowing down drastically with medium/big numbers of seeds? Or when zoomed out?
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Yes I have this problem too -- I have a macbook.
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