Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Bug: Defense trees
I've got 1.10 (IGF Award). Defense trees are capable of launching attacks right after they're planted, and before they've even taken root or grown. I imagine that's not normal?
Yeah doesn't sound right. I believe we're changing it so that trees grow as soon as you plant them though... so this might end up being a feature :)
Lol it's not that I'm arguing - getting fully active defense trees in one click right when you're being attacked is something of a blessing. But still - trees should only activate when they have access to a power source, imo.
That makes sense yep.
I think I actually saw that happen once. I think the defense bomb-thing just popped fully formed out of the ground. Lol
I never pay enough attention to these things... Then again, I also very rarely plant defense trees...
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