Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Phage Wars - We got competition

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--- Quote from: glubbar on January 24, 2009, 11:31:53 PM ---Haha, AriesT I think you misunderstood his statement, he was not attacking you at all.

Anyway, here is another game which looks kind of similar to Dyson:
Mayhem Intergalactic

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I agree, I don't think candlejack was attacking anyone :)

Never did try Mayhem Intergalactic, looks neat!

Alright then.
Lets have peace again. ;D

"so you actually have to think before you act" - I thought this was for me.
As a German, it is difficult to distinguish between the "you" meaning a person and the other "you" meaning something general,
because in German we have "du" and "man", so two words for the englisch "you".

In English we can say "one" for your "man", but generally one doesn't bother :)

I was actually looking for this, thanks!  ;)

--- Quote from: Candlejack on January 24, 2009, 03:14:25 AM ---Dyson is suppose too be slow, so you actually have to think before you act. Phage wars is nothing but clicking on the cells or whatever as fast as possible.

--- End quote ---

I'd like to think that it's more fast paced.

It starts quite slow and ends pretty fast. Ideally we'd like to add more gameplay to the start of a game and reduce the clicking in the endgame, to balance it out.


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