Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Hero achievement situation

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I can empathize, but methinks spreading to other platforms and thus securing the income for this small indie dev company is the only way to also secure that things are moving forward on the PC platform. And I’m sure they haven’t forgotten.

Indie or not this still makes me not want to purchase their games. It's not that hard to update on Steam compared to PSN or iOS in a period of 8 months.

Sorry about that. We do have to eat and provide income for ourselves and our families.

The PC patch is coming, and I do apologise it did not arrive when we said it would. It is however NOT as trivial as you think to release patches if they need to contain code from a completely different portof the game.

it is not so much that we have forgotten you (and other people with other requests) but that we are a tiny team and sometimes get snowed under so badly we barely have time for urgent tasks.

The good news is that there will definitely be a patch and that the PC version will make great leaps forward in various ways.

Well thats understandable, thankfully for Siorai for his post about the achievement, running the game in classic mode instead of dynamic.
First pass through on both of those levels and i got the achievement, i finally completed all the honorifics :) !!

But alittle off topic, im not too far from formating my pc and i have the Eufloria game (downloaded) version not the steam version and i would like to know
how to back up the honorifics & the completed game. Just so i wont have the stress of trying to finish all of them again, could anyone tell me what i have to save
or back up?

Thank you Eufloria!

Hello everyone,
I played Eufloria on steam about two years ago or something and tried to get all the achievements unlocked.
Now I'm playing this game the second time and don't get the "Hero Achievement" again.

I got the next seedlings through the game:

1 9
6 57
9 160
12 60
14 100
17 49
18 89
20 108

total: 632

So, I just wanted to ask: what a status of this achievement? Did the developers release the patch fixes this achievement?


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