Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods


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annikk.exe, you are the best. Beautiful Starfield Engine, very cool.
Level really replayable, played some times, each time all is different.
Thank you ! Wait for new revelations !

Thanks for the kind words Koss! :D  And thankyou for playing.  I'm glad you're getting some replayability from it.  :>

Jazz Ad:
I'm rather impressed. I played 4 different games and got 4 completely different layouts and paces.
It is beautiful, interesting to play and always renews itself.
I found a slight bug but it may be hard to reproduce. On 2 occasions the circle around a planet told me I could reach another one but the move arrows were too short.

--- Quote from: Rudolf on February 15, 2011, 06:18:47 AM ---Alex and I have a rather full plate of work at the moment furiously getting the psn version ready for release but I do wish I had some time to play this.
--- End quote ---
Seriously, if Annikk is for hire, do it. He keeps bringing your game to higher levels.
Whatever he did in this mod would justify a game mode of its own, random conquest or something like that.

Jazz Ad,

Thanks very much for the kind words about the level.  I am glad you found it beautiful as well, that was one of the goals.. :>

Regarding the bug... that is very strange, I did not run into that problem at all when I was testing it and can't really think how I could make Eufloria produce that behaviour.  Are you sure it wasn't that Asteroid A could reach Asteroid B, but Asteroid B couldn't reach asteroid A?  I did see quite a bit of that during testing, although by travelling via a neighbour there is always a way back to Asteroid A.

I'm not going back to fix anything at this point but I'm curious about any bugs that emerge, so if you're up for sharing a bit more about your experience with this I'd be very happy to hear about it.  :>

The Tupper:
Hello, annike.

I'm quite new to Eufloria and discovered your stuff in the Community Pack so I thought I'd see what else you'd done. EverSwarm is brilliant! It's one of those levels that (aside from the excellent visuals) has a perfect difficulty, i.e: I thought it was perhaps too easy until the moment I over-extended myself and got a good arse kicking for my trouble.

Great work - thanks.



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