Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Mutant AI

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If he removed the clairvoyance from his AI, it would be crippled. IIRC, he said that it relies on that ability to function correctly.


--- Quote from: Pilchard123 on September 20, 2012, 05:33:57 AM ---If he removed the clairvoyance from his AI, it would be crippled. IIRC, he said that it relies on that ability to function correctly.

--- End quote ---

Yes, the arrayed Matric, or Priority as I call it, depends on that. This is the main reason why mine has a matrix and not an array :)
 - But I was speaking of the AI's tactics and workarounds in the world. I guess they'd be outmatched by the Merchant AI. I don't know though, not until the clairvoyance is actually removed(if ever it will be).

Lost Seedling:
Clairvoyance? I assume you're referring to the AI surveying asteroids that are not yet "discovered" by the AI, and therefor "cheating", as is implied by the criticism. I think Annikk said that he just wanted to give the AI any advantage possible regardless of the limitations of it's human opponent. I agreed with Annikk's reasoning, since the ultimate goal is making the game experience more rewarding for the user. not a test of replicating human thinking by the AI.

In my experience, it was very hard to avoid that tendency to gather more information than would be considered "fair". Instead of sending out exploratory seedlings to "reveal" the neighbors as Merchant seems to, I opted to compromise and directly examine the neighbor asteroids and not ones "out of range", but without sending out the seedlings. It appeared to me that one could make a verrrry smart AI by sampling the entire asteroid field. There are critical moments of weakness by each Faction during the game that one could easily exploit if one had the information. iOf course, more information may require more decision-tree operations, so the cost/reward ratio may not be profitable. That certainly is one of the avenues for a future AI I'd like to explore some time. But I tried very hard to keep the logic within the confines of what information was "officially" available, but in most cases would be too hard to gather and process by a human player in time to make use of it.

Oh, I wasn't criticising any of them. I just remember reading somewhere that IAI had no way of exploring.


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