Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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Yeah doing it by ID would be best, this sounds similar to making asteroids off-limits for certain teams too.

Accessing the team colours should be easy.


then i prefer

--- Code: ---GetAsteroid(ID).Traverblock( Empire ID, x, y)
--- End code ---

Hmmm idd thats something....., if your use it in a gravity level
there would be some way to add on this code ect

there would be some way to add on this code :

--- Code: --- AccelerationX[roid] = 0
AccelerationY[roid] = 0
MomentumX[roid] = 0
MomentumY[roid] = 0
density[roid] = 0
CoordX[roid] = 0
CoordY[roid] = 0
roidradius[roid] = 0
--- End code ---

Hmm we have the code

--- Code: ---GetRandomRangeAsteroid(start, end)
--- End code ---

but i like also to have this

--- Code: ---GetRangeAsteroid(start, end)
--- End code ---

because I need it so in a level :$
but is that possible?

What do you want this function to do?


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