Author Topic: Troubleshooting on PC  (Read 6362 times)


  • Eufloria lacky
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Troubleshooting on PC
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:33:52 AM »
This refers to the original PC version only!

Eufloria doesn't run!
  • Please ensure you've updated to the latest version of your video card drivers.
  • Make sure you have .NET 2.0 Framework installed. Head to the download page and follow the link to .NET 2.0 Framework.
  • Eufloria may not run if you have no sound hardware. This is a known issue that we will fix at some point.

Eufloria looks wrong!
  • There is a bug where having many many items on the screen can create a graphical glitch. This is mostly seen on user levels.
  • Please ensure you've updated to the latest version of your video card drivers.
  • Eufloria requires a video card that is capable of rendering vertex arrays in OpenGL. You can find out the capabilities of your graphics card using OpenGL Caps Viewer.

Eufloria crashes after every level, and when I close it!
  • This is a known issue about Windows User Account Control. On most computers it is fine, but some computers kick up a fuss about it and prevent the game from placing files in the installation directory. If you move or reinstall the game outside the protected area (such as C:\Games, for instance), it should start working OK. If you reinstall, copy your existing Resources directory to a new installation, and your saved games should be reinstated.

My problem isn't listed here or is still unsolved!
You may try posting here but please be aware that this version of Eufloria is no longer supported :-[ We're very sorry but we're concentrating on Eufloria HD which all of you have or will get for free!