Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

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you could just not use spoilers

The Spoiler mod in use on these forums is 0.6a.
The latest version is 0.7.2a.

It's not clear whether the newer version supports Chrome or not, however it might be worth a try upgrading it..?

Alex/Rudolf do you want me to try upgrading?  I will of course take a backup first in case anything goes wrong.  :>

BC wins:
ermm, im using chrome, no problems with spoilers :D

altough they do apear like only one lined, but sometimes they do sometimes they dont
~edited by P123 - collapse two posts to one


--- Quote from: BC wins on August 13, 2011, 06:33:22 AM ---ermm, im using chrome, no problems with spoilers :D

altough they do apear like only one lined, but sometimes they do sometimes they dont
~edited by P123 - collapse two posts to one

--- End quote ---
I've noticed that the height of code block frames get reduced to one line when they're nested within spoiler tags, so you have to scroll through the code with only one line being visible at a time (which is why I usually just copy & paste it to a text editor if I want to read it).

I'm using Safari, but since both Chrome and Safari use Webkit I wouldn't be surprised if fixing the problem on one of these browsers would fix it on the other.


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