Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Why Eufloria? What made you buy it?

<< < (4/5) > >>

I love Nicklas. Knytt was a beautiful experience for me, and I absolutely loved WADF. I haven't been so impressed since then though - Saira and Night Game didn't set me on fire and I couldn't even get down with Knytt Stories very easily.

I'm glad I wasn't stepping on too many toes  ;)
I think Knytt had an elegance of design that Knytt Stories diluted somewhat with all the extra features, and WaDF was such a breath of fresh air it's a lot to live up to. I like them all very much but if you'd said there were only two that really worked for you those would've been my guesses.

As a big fan of Nifflas feel free to promote his work all the time on this forum. :-D
In fact, many indies deserve our love!

For starters the simple and yet elegant style. From the graphics to the gameplay the game is pleasant and enjoyable.
I think that the whole concept of tipping the scales is just too much fun. Great game and thanks!

What made me buy it was that I played the demo, then I looked at the map and began to change some values... Then I saw how much you can do with this game, suddenly I was dying to get it xD


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