Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Here's some suggestions which I'd really like to see in this game..
* Multiplayer! Yes! This would be amazing!
* Higher contrast between race colors; I've found myself playing against the same colour (Or similar colour) a few times.
* A larger world! Perhaps you could include more asteroid belts? Or maybe an infinite sized game world?
* Saving/loading
Rollins B.:
--- Quote from: "Kaze" ---
* Multiplayer! Yes! This would be amazing!
* Higher contrast between race colors; I've found myself playing against the same colour (Or similar colour) a few times.
* A larger world! Perhaps you could include more asteroid belts? Or maybe an infinite sized game world?
* Saving/loading
--- End quote ---
Multiplayer? That ... would be ... AMAZING! The only problem would be setting up a server to run the games. I don't know if you guys have any spare servers sitting around, but what could work is PC Based servers. Soldat comes packaged with a program that runs a game server on your PC while you play. The only problem is the guy that designed the game is Polish, so you might not be able to get much help from him. Of course, I'm sure you'd be able to figure it out on your own.
The infinite sized game world would be something awesome to implement too. Maybe it could scale up from Asteriod Belt>Solar System>Galaxy. Ever stage has to be accomplished from the ground up. It would afford hours upon hours of game play.
--- Quote from: "Rollins B." ---Maybe it could scale up from Asteriod Belt>Solar System>Galaxy.
--- End quote ---
I really, really, really like that idea. You guys should implement it.
And MULTIPLAYER! AWESOMENESS! Maybe even powerups >_> or not, I don't care about those as much. Also, I think the star in the center should have some use as well. I don't know what that might be, but it just seems as if it's missing something...
there's definitely something similar to Sins if a Solar empire in the way Dyson works. For some thing like that we'd have to impement a couple more levels of detail in the graphics, reduce the number of seedlings or optimise their a.i., and maybe provide some boundary condition that stops you going from one group to another before you've taken over say a certain proportion of you local belt. Sounds fun, maybe if there is time after we've sorted out the stuff we want to do first we will look at stuff like this
Rollins B.:
--- Quote from: "Alex" ---there's definitely something similar to Sins if a Solar empire in the way Dyson works.
--- End quote ---
After playing SOASE, I needed about a hundred aspirin. Everything was way to complicated. Dyson is definitely like SOASE, but about a million times more user friendly.
Congrats on the $200 cash in. It got me thinking though. Do you guys have a paypal? If you do, I might be able to "convince" my parents to give a little cash to help you guys along.
Also, I find it weird that the same spambots join the Omnilabs and Dyson forums at the same time.
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