Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What are you working on? :D

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--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on May 08, 2015, 02:42:23 AM ---Speaking for myself, I anxiously check the Euflorium every day in my own hopes of seeing some new content. I fully understand Aino's above reference to "amazement" and the "out of this world" pleasure he derives from the process of turning an idea into digital reality via careful and precise mathematical figuring. Unfortunately, as you and Pilchard123 have noted in the past, "real life" interferes with the time I can devote to such pleasure. Although I have numerous ideas on cool new maps and content, I'm afraid my math and coding skills are far too poor to make them a reality in a reasonable time I can devote to such efforts. I "know" they can be done but I'm just too inefficient at the coding process to do it. So, I'm afraid it's unlikely you'll see anything substantial from me in the foreseeable future.

That being said, I do run Eufloria AI war simulations nearly every day, and it kills me to know Aino has a new super-formidable AI but won't unleash it.

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Why now PM me some of your cool ideas, I'd love to work on some projects, and I currently have the time to spare. I'll need to rewrite the AI, sadly I had to wipe my Hard Drive and lost everything on it, including all my coding projects :(

The 3D thing would be an easy issue to fix (the pseudo vertices). I do believe Annikk, with the help of some programming friends, found the solution to his 3D problems. I think, after extensive math at school and a lot of recapping before exams, I have an idea on how to solve it too. I guess the problem when Annikk did it was I lacked 3D programming experience :o

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Aino on May 08, 2015, 04:45:07 AM ---
Why now PM me some of your cool ideas, I'd love to work on some projects, and I currently have the time to spare. I'll need to rewrite the AI, sadly I had to wipe my Hard Drive and lost everything on it, including all my coding projects :(

The 3D thing would be an easy issue to fix (the pseudo vertices). I do believe Annikk, with the help of some programming friends, found the solution to his 3D problems. I think, after extensive math at school and a lot of recapping before exams, I have an idea on how to solve it too. I guess the problem when Annikk did it was I lacked 3D programming experience :o

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You've got to be kidding!! You didn't have a back-up? That's crazy! How is that even possible? I value my time and effort way too much not to have multiple back-ups! I'm sorry for your losses!

Okay, I will try to PM you in the next few days. I'm terribly busy right now but will try to find some of my old files (I've backed up) to send you. They will help describe my ideas.


--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on May 08, 2015, 06:18:45 AM ---You've got to be kidding!! You didn't have a back-up? That's crazy! How is that even possible? I value my time and effort way too much not to have multiple back-ups! I'm sorry for your losses!

Okay, I will try to PM you in the next few days. I'm terribly busy right now but will try to find some of my old files (I've backed up) to send you. They will help describe my ideas.

--- End quote ---

I'm not really mad about it. This means I get a new chance at doing the AI, and doing it with a fresh begining. I still have all the experience, even more than last time I made the AI, and this means I might be able to make it even better :)

If you could send the files/ideas during or before saturday, that'd be great. I don't think I'll have that much time after the weekend, I've got a lot of exams coming up and I'll be busier than ever :)

Ok, I've been sitting in front of the computer coding for some hours now... I've managed to get a nice culling effect! It's far from perfect, it flickers a little, because... it can?

This is currently exploiting the pre drawing, but post projecting gap. In this gap, we have the 2d screen coordinates for all the points, which means also all the faces and lines too(since they need points). Here I made it go through each line and check for collision with edges of faces. If there is a collision, create a pseudo verticle at that point, then after checking each face(very poor performance for huge models!) it orders the pseudovertices according to how close they are to the original point(which in the code is often referred to as "a").

I'll have to turn it into a  3D check though, just exploiting this 2D mode to check if it's possible during this mode :)

Sorry, this lua file has close to zero comments, as I keep most of my plans, diagrams and ...comments?... inside of my head...

Lost Seedling:
Wow! That's incredible. I'm not sure, but I think that is what Annikk was trying to create. I wish he was around to see it. Remember his incredibly ambitious idea to create a program for constructing such objects? After seeing this, I almost believe he could have done it. Will this work for more than one cube, where one is eclipsing the other?


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