Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Asteroid Designer

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EDIT:  This was an early version!

Click here for the latest version.

This level file is designed to help you visually design asteroid fields.

Download the level file and place in the appropriate folder.
Load the level in Eufloria.

Left-click and drag to move asteroids around.
Right-click an asteroid to select it without moving it.
Use the two small buttons in the top left to increase and decrease the size of the selected asteroid.
Use the larger button in the top left to output the code that would create this asteroid field to a folder on your C drive.

By default there are 20 asteroids.  To change this, open Asteroid Designer.lua and change the "roidnumber" variable at the top.

With huge thanks to Aino for showing us all the way with regard to IO, and for use of his GetMouseX() and GetMouseY() functions.
Enjoy :>

Yay, testing it out now :)

Edit - Looked at the code, may add some kinda possibility to add asteroid in-game... It's not gonna crash ro anything aslong as you use it in OnMouseLeftDown or something :)

Feel free :>  I just wanted to make a basic one as this is a means to an end for me.  I couldn't be bothered manually figuring out what values looked best and typing them in by hand, so I made this..

Yeah, but it would be very sad to jsut end up with no more avail. roids :)

I'll add it soon, I might also add a hold for the size configuration :)

Thanks for making it though, helps alot :)

Edit: now I got very inventful, I suddenly wanna make it a possibility to change the senddistance, it would be neat to jsut click on the senddistance ring and just drag it out? :D

Edit 2: And I changed it to directly save it to lua and make it a directly playable map :)

Hope all this is ok for you :)

Left-clicking on the send-distance ring causes you to deselect the asteroid, which makes the ring disappear!
I suspect you'd have to do it with more buttons.  :>
Ultimately you'd probably want to have text labels on buttons as well.

A really really nice addition would be that if you click and hold one of the size increase or decrease buttons, after a moment the size goes up or down fast.  :>  Just like if you hold down the space bar on your keyboard, after a moment it starts adding lots of spaces.


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