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Hero achievement situation

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Ive been struggling with this achievement since i redownloaded the game a few weeks ago so i did abit
of research. I figured out through a fluke how to open the debug windows in the game and saw my statics
for this achievement, the (ctrl + F6 window) here they are:

Level 1: 9 hidden discovered
Level 6: 57 hidden discovered
Level 9: 160 hidden discovered
Level 12: 60 hidden discovered
Level 14: 100 hidden discovered
Level 17: 48 hidden discovered
Level 18: 81 hidden discovered
Level 20: 145 hidden discovered

The total is for me 660, the other 17 missions i could not find any hidden seedlings. So i went through the level.lua's in notepad
to have a look if there is meant to be more or if its bugged.

These are the hidden seedlings i found written in each level.lua

Level 1: 9 hidden discovered
Level 6: 57 hidden discovered
Level 9: 160 hidden discovered
Level 12: 60 hidden discovered
Level 14: 100 hidden discovered
Level 17: 49 hidden discovered
Level 18: 72 hidden discovered
Level 20: 148 hidden discovered

Now if im reading this right, the hidden seedlings only ammount to 655? now that cant be possible as many people im sure have this achievement otherwise there would be more complaints about this in the bug forum. So am i misreading something or doing something wrong? ive played through the main campaign several times and ive re-done these 8 levels more times than i can remember, and ive done them quite quickly too so i dont believe ive lost seedlings to enemys, can someone help me with this, where are the other missing seedlings? or if its bugged can someone let me kno how to rectify it? any help or guidance would be appreciated.


I am getting the same thing, and it really bugs me.

It also looks like the lua files in the in the Maps directory and the resources directory (located in the subfolder also called maps) differ a lot in terms of number of hidden seedling. For example level_12.lua in the Maps directory has 60 seedlings while the one in the resource directory has 100 seedling.

On the Steam forums -

Alex noted in Oct 2010 that the level and number of hidden seedlings in those levels were the following:

1 - 9
6 - 57
9 - 160
12 - 100
14 - 100
17 - 49
18 - 110
20 - 223

total = 808

Compared to the number in the in Resources directory

1 - 9
6 - 57
9 - 160
12 - 60
14 - 100
17 - 49
18 - 72
20 - 123

Compared to the number in the in Maps directory

1 - 9
6 - 57
9 - 160
12 - 100
14 - 100
17 - 49
18 - 110
20 - 223

I think it is something in the lua coding of the levels since the last patch, which according to Steam was in Nov 2010, that changed the values of the hidden seedling in the main game to be less than 700.

The numbers have apparently changed, but the achievement hasn't. Looks like we need to address that in a patch ASAP. Sorry about that.

Currently the hidden seedling numbers are:

1   9
6   57
9   160
12   60
14   100
17   49
18   72
20   123
Total   630

So, way short of what is necessary. Some of the hidden asteroids have Dyson trees (level 18 for example), so if you wait a while then they may end up with 40 seedlings on each, but it's probably not enough to make up the deficit.

We will do a patch for this but it will have to come in a couple of weeks' time. Sorry about that.



Any news on the update? that one achievement is so frustrating!!!!!

Nope, I have not had an update since that post. He said was going to be a couple of weeks, instead they went and built PSN and iOS versions and forgot about us.  >:(


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