Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Asteroid Designer

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I kind of think it should go under a seperate section for map-making tools.  Euclid and all the others could go there too.  Not to mention Aino's numerous useful functions such as GetScreenX.

alright people!!

im gettign the message that we need either a section or a totally new thread to do with Mods/ etc...

ill be honest and say it might be a while in the making if im the one to do it, which id gladly love to do, but if it is the will of the people, then sobeit  ;D

ive missed a lot of what youve been doing and designing and if youd be so kind as to PM links to each piece of code you'd like me to add to a 'mod' thread, then th job of compiling these things is made that much easier for me.
it also gives you a chance to tell me what you'd like to 'release' and what you'd prefer ti be kept more experimental until such that you feel it complete enough to have posted on a permenant thread.

same for anyone else- anniikk, pilchard, hitman etc etc....
if you want to send me links to those codes you'd like to see on a permanent thread, ill be able to make one much more easily and quickly.

just an idea anyway.
lemme know, peeps...

aws :D

The list is long AWS, and it grows :D

Dunno how I should to it, I got a tons of things out here... Like the GetMouseX() and Y... But I've forgotten alot since I'm working on Adventure... Maybe you find them in the long list of topics :/


--- Quote from: Aino on July 09, 2011, 12:00:13 AM ---The list is long AWS, and it grows :D

Dunno how I should to it, I got a tons of things out here... Like the GetMouseX() and Y... But I've forgotten alot since I'm working on Adventure... Maybe you find them in the long list of topics :/

--- End quote ---

yeah , i was praying i wouldnt have to go through the ever lengthening list of topics!! :(
sobeit...but it will take a long time, with my lack of regular internet.

as a side note - annikk's roidforge is AMAZING!! it will save SO much time and energy.... thanks dude. this is excellent development...

::) ooo yes a perm. thread for levels would rule ...  :P

minecraft <3 my other addiction


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