Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Console bug + Usage?
Major Cooke:
One thing I found extremely annoying was opening the console, and upon trying to enter something, sometimes it would act like I requested to go fullscreen.
Also, how do we use the console? I'm trying to figure out how to use it to, say, run a script or something but I have no idea how.
Say I want to make flowers available for all trees upon entering a command or script execution for testing out a custom level. How would I do that?
In short, don't.
But there is a way of making it run a script. You can only run one-line things in the console, but to do more than that, you can (I think) use lua's dofile() function. Basically, create the script somewhere like the C: drive and then in the console type dofile(C:/myscript.lua)
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