Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods

[Map Maker] EVE

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Great stuff, Aino, though currently I haven’t got the time to play around with it.

Seems you’re doing the Eufloria community a great favour again :)


--- Quote from: Bonobo on November 27, 2012, 07:15:47 PM ---Great stuff, Aino, though currently I haven’t got the time to play around with it.

Seems you’re doing the Eufloria community a great favour again :)

--- End quote ---

It's always a pleasure to help this fantastic community :)

On the other hand, would you mind testing it on the mac? I'm sure it's compatible, but if you could assure me, it would be great :)

On Mac the application is packaged up so I'd be interested if it can work too...

Dear Aino,

I’m terribly sorry, no time for fiddling. I’m currently being eaten up by my new job. Not even sure I can keep it, it may well be that I’m confronted with the dilemma of either keeping my health or doing this job :-\ so… sorry, not now. Perhaps between Christmas and New Year. And IF I unexpectedly should find the time to test it before then be assured that I’ll let you know here.


--- Quote from: Pilchard123 on November 27, 2012, 04:07:24 PM ---Aino: why not try putting it up on github or something?

--- End quote ---

I'll look into it, would be great if people can help adding things they want to see in this project. :)

And Bonobo: No hurries! :)


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