Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Unable to upgrade dyson tree
Hello and Help!
Been playing this a while on a few different machines with no issues until now. Somewhat fresh install of XP pro, I did uninstall Eufloria when this problem surfaced, and follow with a fresh install & patch from site.
When I attempt to plant a flower to "upgrade" a dyson tree, the button to select it does not appear. It does appear for a defense tree (if one is present on the same asteroid).
However, a space for this missing button does emerge when the asteroid is selected. I try in vain to click the non-existent solution for the need of glowy stronger units.
So i am left with only the option to have half a dozen laser mines and no elites in my swarm..
Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?
Thanks =D
Maybe, which map is it? Sometimes it is possible to block the buttons, but I belive the button space still emerge...
It may be that you haven't unlocked that yet. IIRC, you get defense upgrades first.
I can't remember that you get mines before super seedlings...
--- Quote from: Aino on April 02, 2011, 05:29:50 PM ---Maybe, which map is it? Sometimes it is possible to block the buttons, but I belive the button space still emerge...
--- End quote ---
Any and all maps, this is the case.
I select an asteroid that has a dyson tree, a defense tree, and any number of unrooted flowers. I should be able to upgrade either, or both. I can only upgrade the defense trees, not the super seedling spawning dyson trees. So all my games on any map I can only make laser mines.
The status bar at the bottom DOES elongate horizontally to accommodate the space needed for the missing button. I know this because I compare against other asteroids status bars that have no trees or flowers.
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