Would it be possible to have an addition to the devmode (CTRL+D) stuff?
Things I was thinking of (in no particular order, although the top one I really would find useful.):
A popup (on F6?) that allows you to enter a few lines of code, and then when a button is clicked, runs it? I know this could be used to cheat, but it would make level development simpler. Rather than having to close the level to make a change to the code, make the change and reload, you could just pop it in, and see the effect straightaway. (I was thinking of small things, like changing the gravitational constant in a gravity map, but I suppose anytihng could be done, really. It's just another On<Something>(), isn't it.)
Also, while devmode is on, a little readout in the corner of the map and screen co-ordinates? Maybe basic level stats, too; fps, number of seedlings (total and onscreen), and other stuff.
There was more, but I forgot it.
Anyway, that's stuff that would be useful to me, what about everybody else? And is there any chance of these coming in the future?
EDIT : Changed thread title because it seemed misleading to me.