Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Addict Wants More !!
TBH, the scripting isn't that hard to do. Simple levels are very...simple. Just a few descriptions of the asteroids and a win condition that you can find for copypasta somewhere around. Annikk's beginner's guide, I think. Its only when you want to do fancy stuff that it gets more complex, but not complicated.
Remember that basic, simple maps are good. We always could do with some more simple maps -- they provide more game time, and also a stepping stone for the next coder.
And if you really want to make those bad ass hard coded and eye candy-full map that some of the "pros" make... You can ask us all for help and well try help you as good as we can :)
That too, yeah.
Good to know , i dont think the community is in anyway short of some of the huge ones , yous help each other out and thats what makes a good community wether its massive or relativly small , this game rocks really does, i play Terraria atm too and even got one of the Mods there playing and he felt the same i think the convo went , *mod*-*dude is that worth getting* *me*-*im really enjoying it try the demo* 5 min pause or so *mod*-*DUDEEEEE THIS ROCKS !!!!!*
--- Quote from: Pilchard123 on July 27, 2011, 01:53:52 AM ---IIRC, there is a big-ish update coming once the PSN and iStuff release is done. Don't quote me though.
--- End quote ---
I AM quoting you on this literally.
(Because it is true)
Check out the various PSN announcements to see what kind of features are also coming to pc. :-)
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