Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

RingDesigner - Map Editor

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However, working on a tool that (may) allow procedural circles.

Hokay... done, I think.

It works much the same as DrawPoly(), but requires a little more work to use. Whereas DrawPoly() required the points to be setup before running the level, this can calculate them at runtime, though it can only produce regular polygons.

To use it, call RegPolyTemplate(). The paramenters are fairly self-explanatory, but...

name  --> The name of the template.
numsides --> The number of sides
radius --> The distance from the center of the shape to the top corner. This should be the same for every corner, but rounding errors may creep in.

To draw a shape, call DrawRegPolyTemplate().

name  --> The name of the template.
r,g,b,a --> Colour and alpha values of the shape.
thick --> line thickness
centerX, centerY  --> The coordinates of the shape's center.

To change a template, simply call RegPolyTemplate() and supply the name of the template to edit and what you want to change it to. To delete a template run polyplates[name] = nil

I think that's it. More sides to a shape will make it seem rounder, and should only be processor-heavy when running RegPolyTemplate(), and even then if you want a massively high-sided shape.

Lost Seedling:
Something isn't right, and unfortunately I think the problem is between my ears. Can you attach a working example file?

I wouldn't be too sure about the location of the problem. I only put this together quickly and barely tested it. I'll have look at it tomorrow and tell you the results.

Pilchard, whats between the ears?

If a problem is "between someone's ears", it means that the problem is caused by the person, rather than the object/program. They may be being stupid (eg expecting a black-and-white printer to print colours) or they may really not have understood (I think this may happened here, if at all).

It is sometimes known as a PEBKAC error or an ID-10-T error, sometimes nastily, sometimes not.


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