Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

iOS Updates

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--- Quote from: sillytuna on December 03, 2012, 06:51:37 PM ---Looks like the iPhone 4 is also being recognised incorrectly on the new build and is picking up the wrong graphic settings.

--- End quote ---

Actually this looks like a faulty bug report - we can't spot a difference here. It may be that certain modes of iPhone 4 weren't being recognised correctly before and were running at a higher graphics setting than intended, meaning the game looks a bit better but runs too slow on busy levels.

Ah the old "Fixing a bug causes unforseen complaints" chestnut.

I fondly remember Alex M fixing a number of issues with Eufloria for PSN, totally breaking the game as a result ;-)

We've submitted an iPad Mini 'fix' to revert to the older, smaller UI. I guess it'll go through mid-late next week although it's xmas so you never quite know.

Out now. If anyone sees a problem let us know as we don't have an iPad Mini.


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