Author Topic: Just a few questions I've had...  (Read 4494 times)


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Just a few questions I've had...
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:05:18 PM »
Hey guys, I've been lovin eufloria and dyson ( I picked up the alpha link from the site :) ) anyway I was wondering if there are more types of trees then just the tree and defense tree, also I read something about flowers? anyway some help would be appreciated. BTW admin, you did some great pictures with those animals on the main site XD they look like they should be in-game


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Re: Just a few questions I've had...
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 10:03:24 AM »
No, only simple tree and defence tree.

Flowers do grow more or less randomly, can be moved between asteroids, and when planted on a tree, they enhance it:
- a simple tree with a flower grows super seedlings (with roughly double stats).
- a defence tree with a flower grows one laser mine (if it gets destroyed, tree immediately grows a new one). Mines are slow, very powerful, devastating against 10-20 seedlings, butchered by 70-100 seedlings (think of tanks and infantry).

Good luck!