Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Level fixes/improvements for the PSN version - Suggestions?

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I am soon going to do a final quality sweep of all the levels in the game. So I wanted to ask if people find any of the levels, or aspects of levels problematic in one way or another?

So for example is a level:

* Too hard/Easy
Too slow
* Or whatever else you find is an impediment to enjoyment. If you have suggestions in this regard, please explain in detail what the exact problem is :-) I may be able to do something!

What may become annoying is dragging seedlings to an asteroid x 10k... It would seem ok in the start where most stuff is peaceful and everything, but when you control 40 roids it would get a little annoying, I don't know how PSN version is though, only a suggestion... I've made a system for huge empire controlling, I don't know if it would be useful though...

That is already sorted, news on that when we are closer to release.  8)

Just to be clear, I am not asking for feedback on game mechanics, but on the levels themselves. :-)

Okay... I got no complaints... The game is perfect :P

Hah! Flattery will get you... Well, it will serve you well in life.  ;)


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