Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Are we going to get Eufloria HD on PC?

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We need to incorporate Steam into the Humble Bundle build and also fix a few device specific issues. We also planned some game updates if time allows.

That's Ok. Hopefully time does allow for some tasty updates. Maybe some bonus content *wink* :)

All the best

Do those of us that purchased via IndieRoyale also get the HD version?


--- Quote from: ChrisWB on January 13, 2014, 07:36:56 AM ---Do those of us that purchased via IndieRoyale also get the HD version?

--- End quote ---

We intend for everyone who already owns Eufloria to get the HD version if they request it. It won't be automatic except in some form on Steam or for Humble Bundle owners.

So, Eufloria Adventures is finished. When out new version of Eufloria on PC ?


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