Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Terraforming Queue Bug

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More system info:
Video Card: Radeon HD 6950
    Driver: Catalyst version 12.10 (latest according to AMD)

Monitor: LG E2350 (LCD)
    RES: 1920X1080
    Refresh: 75hz

Game Options:
    RES: 640x480 (I'm not running full screen, this option is "greyed out" but this is the value being shown)
    Detail: High
    Render Quality: High

Here's some more info.

Attached is JethroRayne's image that' I've modified.
The Blue circle represents the top most "orbit" I've seen a seedling enter the leaf.
    IE: if a seedling is traveling around the asteroid to enter the terraform leaf ABOVE this line it will:
        1) Slow down as it approaches the "line" of the tree
        2) Point "beak" towards the asteroid
        3) Stop moving when it's beak is perpendicular with the asteroid surface and aligned with the leaf

The Red circle/lines represent paths that I have seen seedlings enter the Terraform leaf.
IF a seedling is traveling in an orbit around the asteroid (below the blue circle) towards the terraform leaf it MAY:
    1) When close to the leaf turn slightly towards the Leaf and "enter" it (This seems to happen @ full speed, seedling does NOT appear to slowdown)
    2) It may also turn sharply and join the other seedlings in the line "waiting" to enter the leaf

Some times if a seedling is headed toward the asteroid AND it hits asteroid close to the terraform leaf it will "bounce" into the leaf.
     ^This situation is described by the red line.

**IF enough seedlings do enter the terraform leaf the attribute changes take effect and any "queued" seedlings are released.

I have tried using various combinations of Fullscreen/Windowed as well as Quality/Detail settings.

I have ONLY seen a handful (12 or so) seedlings successfully enter a terraform leaf out of hundreds seedlings being "queued" up at the leaf, and roughly 60 tests.

I have contacted sillyTuna.
This post is more of way to track the issue, and provide a visual as to what I'm seeing.

After reading sillytuna's post here:
I tried a few things:
    1) The Terraform tree seems to "grow"
         * First "Health" pops out on top
         * Then "Speed" pops out on top (TerraformGrow1.png)
         * When "Strength" pops the tree displays 3 branches (TerraformGrow2.png)
    2) The seedlings still queue up (TerraformGrow-Queue.png)

Thank you Afro for helping me track this done down!


Both the terraforming issues and the asteroid panel counts have been fixed internally. Both bugs could cause or indicate other issues so we'll update as soon as possible. The first bug does not affect Android and can possibly be mitigated by running at triple speed. Possibly.

We need to tidy the code up and test a bit, so hopefully there will be an official update on Wednesday. I'll post up when done.

(Taken all day and all night, doh! Not had dinner yet. And breakfast was lunch!)

You're welcome, just glad I could help :)
It's the least I could do for the awesome game you all have/are making!

Nice work. :) Was gone on a two day trip and just got back, I had posted my screenshot 15 seconds before racing out the door. ;)

Looking forward to the update, thanks for getting on this quickly!


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