Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
Notes for HD modders
I just need to get this out of the way...
(click to show/hide)I'm an idiot
I've been speculating and wondering what is wrong with my level for at least 4 days now, and the whole error was that I didn't put in CheckConditions(), now WaitReal() works, flipping heck. I'm glad im the first IsiOS coder (if i am, havn't seen anyone else do it) to be making all these mistakes, when theres others to help i'll have flipping experience in mistakes -.- haha!
--- Quote from: sillytuna on May 25, 2012, 05:13:12 PM ---It's worth giving me a prod on Twitter (alex_amsel) if you have queries as I'm still across the other side of the world and will be travelling over the next few days.
--- End quote ---
I follow you, you follow me? :P (@ThomasBiggin)
I've had loads of those moments.. :>
Mine were a lot more stupid though.
One time I spent a whole morning - 4 hours or so - trying to fix a bug with the 3D Starfield Engine.
I checked it and checked it, trying different stuff, and it all looked correct - I just couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Eventually I realised I was working on the wrong .lua file. :P
Haha Annikk, you make me laugh! I'm so gutted, now though, I can edit everything on my iPad now, since I've jailbroken it, so no more annoying PC to iPad transfers.
Yeah CheckConditions always needs to be there. That determines if the game has finished or not. You nee to roll your own CheckConditions though, unless working in DM mode.
If you have any game loops they should also always have this check in (as you'll see if I look through the code). This prevents the game ending in theory but not actually happening for the player.
Error and debug messages from LUA - these are sent to standard output. With XCode connected during dev we see messages in the console. I'm not sure if it can be done another way but I'm sure it can, although maybe only for jailbroken devices.
If your script breaks it's likely to be a typo, a missing 'then', or a command not recognised (also usually due to a typo, but the same happens if e.g. CheckConditions is missing).
Well I have CheckConditions() in every while loop just before coroutine.yield(), I realised I needed them in when I purposely killed my seedlings and because the while loop kept repeating, it couldn't carry on.
As for error messages I basically wing it, I usually figure out what's wrong though, as long as you know how to write stuff it can be a breeze :D make updates! Haha, would love to see more stuff for this game :P
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