I have not do any practice, but I do have some simple ideas.
I am just a programming enthusiast, so you may ignore my words if they are ridiculous

My conception is that:
Let the player 2 control one of the AI empires.
So the muilt-player engine may go like that:
1.Listen to what player 1 is doing now, save this information to a variable like Inf
2.Send Inf to player 2's device.
To take this step, player 1's device have to be connected with player 2s' first.
So the library 'lua socket' is required.
(LuaSocket is the most comprehensive networking support library for the Lua language.)
3.On player 2 's device, the engine reads Inf and controls one of the AI empires, simulating that player 1 is controlling this empire.(So the same on player 1's device...)
It sounds very easy, isn't it?
However,now I have met a problem already...

When loading the luasocket.dll in function LevelSetup, an error occured...
I guess maybe I have to install lua 5.2 on my pc first?
And actually I don't know how to know what the player is doing through some simple way, I mean, how do the Eufloria engine know what the player is doing?